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Full text of "Wyandottes in colors and how to judge them ... A full and complete description of scoring is given by Theo. Hewes and illustrated by I.W. Burgess; forming a most valuable guide to all those interested in this the greatest of all American varieties"

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Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection. 


And How to Judge Them—A Thorough Description of Color and Shape—Defects 
of All Varieties, With the Correct Valuation of Same—How and hen 
the Several Varieties Originated. 



HEN by accident the blood of several breeds 
of fowls was mingled, each adding a lit- 
tle and losing much of its own strength 
in the offspring, there was none to pre- 
dict that these crosses, brought together 
no doubt by merest accident, would give 
to the poultry fanciers a foundation for 
one of the most popular breeds of fowls 
the world has ever known. But such is 
true, and there is not today, nor never 

has been at any time, a single person that could give 

an absolutely correct account of the crosses that produced 
the first Wyandottes. 

Hundreds, yes, thousands, of pages have been written 
concerning the origin of this breed, but they contain nothing 
that can be taken as positive facts. It was the general 
make-up of the original Silvers and the peculiar shape and 
color as found in them years ago that gave a sort of solu- 
tion to the puzzle. 

Certain breeds entered into them; this we know, be- 
cause crossing of these breeds has given us something that 
very much resembles the original birds. We say resem- 
‘bles, but not exact counterparts, and we know that one or 
more outside crosses was bred into them, but what these 
‘crosses were no one can tell. It might have been one 
breed, or it might have been another, as several outside 
crosses have brought about practically the same result; 
but the chances are that the cross that brought them 
nearest to perfection was none other than some common 
ibarnyard fowl that years before may have had some full- 
iblood crosses in its ancestors. 

We have read theories by the hour—in fact, until we 
have had the headache, but in nine cases out of ten the 
writers were not heard of until ten years after the breed 
‘was established, and in the majority of cases they are from 
‘men who have never bred a good Silver Wyandotte in their 
lives and are only guessing or trying to make others be- 
lieve something they do not believe themselves, or tell us 
as fact something that was told to them as theory. 

Doubleday, Page & Co. made the strongest effort of 
any publishing house to get at the facts of the breed’s 
origin, but after reading their book and weighing all the 
evidence submitted we must agree that it is all guess work 
after all and the writers are simply stalling or willfully 

It is now more than a quarter of a century since the 
writer first became interested in this breed of fowls. They 
were then known as the American Sebrights, and their 
origin then, as now, was surrounded by darkness. It was 
clearly evident at that time that the blood of the Dark 
Brahmas and the Silver Spangled Hamburgs was in a great 
measure responsible for the color. Whether the Hamburg 
eross was from a full-blooded fowl or from a fowl that had 
been formerly crossed with a Hamburg, we could only 
guess. And it is well to mention a fact here that many 
writers seem to have overlooked, i. e., the color of Ham- 
burgs as bred twenty-five or thirty years ago. We did not 
find the elegant spangles on them that we do today, but 
many—in fact, nearly all—of the females were decidedly 
laced or crescentic in marking, especially in breast, back 
and wing bows. A cross of this variety with a com- 
mon white fowl would no doubt have given us a fowl that 
again crossed with the Dark Brahmas would produce off- 

spring that would show a number of laced females and 
dark-breasted males, and the early Silvers gave us many 
birds of this kind, the male running nearly solid black 
in breasts, with very small diamond-shaped centers, while 
the female, no matter how well laced in other sections, was 
invariably crescentic on breast. 

The top color of both sexes shows undisputed traces of 
Dark Brahma blood—the silver surface of male with dark 
stripe in neck and saddle and the natural tendency to 
double or triple lacing in the female, and this defect, or 
characteristic, is not entirely bred out of the females yet, 
as two careless matings will demonstrate to the satisfac- 
tion of any one who wants to experiment. 

First to See Their Merits. 

No one man did more to create and maintain an inter- 
est in this valuable breed of fowls when they were first 
introduced than the late B. N. Pierce, who, by the way, was 
one of the first judges to recognize the merits of the fowl, 
and did much to shape its future, both as to color and 

When the writer was but a boy he had many conversa- 
tions with Mr. Pierce in regard to the Silvers. The color 
fad in those days was a very dark bird with small, narrow 
centers. Mr. Pierce always argued against this. His idea 
twenty years ago was that the bird should have clean, 
Open centers, with narrow lacing of black, but the breeders 
who tried to produce them were disappointed in finding an 
outside lacing of white, making a sort of triple-laced feather. 

When I explained this to Mr. Pierce his remark was: 
“Keep on trying; some one will get it right, and you might 
just as well be that breeder as not. It’s coming to it in 
time, and if we can’t do it our English cousins will.” And 
they did. 

While the breed is American in origin, it was the Eng- 
lish breeders who first got the open centers fixed, but what 
they did to shape in getting this color was awful. The 
open-center birds imported from HWngland resembled a 
cross between a crane and an ostrich, and the males haa a 
brassy, copper surface that we had been discarding as 
worthless, but they did possess the clear, open centers, and 
from the cross of the long-backed, long-legged males on our 
best American-bred females we were able to produce a fair 
per cent. of good-shaped specimens, with grand open cen- 
ters on both sexes. 

While we will not concede anything to our English 
cousins in the way of origin, we will have to admit that we 
took them into partnership to fix the color, and, so long as 
we are in the dark as to how the breed was first produced, 
the less we boast about the origin the better. 

But as a final shot on the breed’s origin, we will refer to 
a few statements made by men who tried to learn years 
ago where and how the breed did originate. 

In June, 1886, the Rev. Charles L. Ayers, then a promi- 
nent breeder of Silver Wyandottes and a close student, had 
this to say of their origin: 

“Tt is somewhat singular that the origin of so popular 
and meritorious a fowl as the Wyandotte should be so 

“After a diligent inquiry I can find no witness ready to 
testify relative to Cochin, Bantam or Hamburg-Brahma 


While anyone not a novice can see characteris- 

e above named breeds, no reliable witness appears 

tisfy that great interested jury composed of American 
nciers and poultrymen. 

“It is unreasonable to conclude that any combination 
of blood exists in Wyandottes. Some persons who worked 
1e cross could be found. Where are they? 

“I give the result of some of my investigations: In the 
January American Poultry Journal Mr. J. Y. Bicknell as- 
2rts that ‘Wyandottes were bred in Oneida county, New 
rk, under another name twenty years ago. At that time 
yne knew how, where or when they were originated. 
We have no facts to show that they were produced by a 
Hamburg or any other cross.’ Mr. George F. Hull testifies: 
‘I got my first Wyandottes in 1872 from an aunt of mine 
living in Nassau, N. Y. She got them from Sand Lake, 
N. Y., but no one seems to know who took them there. 
They probably came from the western part of the State, 
where the first ones were, so far as I have been able to 
trace them. They were an accidental cross, and no one 
has so far been bold enough to claim having originated 
them. In 1880 I wrote, inclosing stamp, to every one whose 
address I could obtain who was then breeding them or had 
ever bred them. I tried to find out from them what they 
knew as to their ori- 
gin, and all who an- 
swered were frank 
enough to say that 
they knew no more 
than I did. I believe 
so far as absolute cer- 
tainty as to the origin 
of the Wyandottes is 
concerned, it must al- 
Ways remain a specu- 
lation. Mr. L. Whit- 
aker writes: ‘“Wyan- 
dottes in 1872 were 
known as Sebright Co- 
chins. I first found 
them at Honeoye, N. 
Y. I thought at that 
time I could see all of 
their future popularity |g 
and the result has 
proved my prediction 
true. In January, 1877, 
I gave them the name 
of American Sebrights. 
Mr. F. A. Houdlette 
was the first to sug- 
gest Wyandotte. As 
to their origin I made 
strict search in the 
years °72, ’73 and ’74, 
brought a different the- 
ory, and on following 
up the matter I would 
find them all to be 
mere guesses.’ Mr. D. 
W. Hooker writes: ‘I 
think no man living 
knows when or how 
Wyandottes originat- 
ed. Some ten years 
ago, when Kidder, of 
Northampton, and my- 
self were breeding 
them, then known as 
Sebright Cochins, 1 
wrote wherever I could 
hear of them in order 
to trace them back, 
but the lines diverged 
instead of converging and I at last gave it up as hopeless. 

These testimonies from the early and prominent breed- 
ers carry weight. If they had no light to give, where shall 
we look for it? We may reason on probabilities, as Mr. 
Felch does, trying to answer Mr. Bicknell. But one fact 
would give us more aid and comfort than several assertions 
or repeated sayings that this characteristic must have come 
from this or that breed or mixing of breeds. 

If men who were directly interested in this breed 
twenty-five or thirty years ago were unable to learn posi- 
tively how they originated, it looks rather presumptuous 
for some of our present-day theorists to try to make one 
believe they have held the key to this important secret all 

. A 

ango5 City Maids 
I* and 29 Pallets ot 
Mid-Coptipente! Ohow 96 

Owned by Theo Hewes 
Treplonh Mo 

long backs and narrow bodies. 

ing pens. 



Winners of first and second prize as pullets, Kansas City, Mo. 

Shape was sacrificed for color at this period. It 
is only within the past eight years that our Wyandotte breeders got down to 
business and discarded the long-backed, narrow-bodied birds from their breed- 
Since then the improvement has been little short of marvelous.—Ed. 

these years. So let us take all this late moonshine with 
a grain of salt, giving the writers credit for nicely spun 
stories, and get down to present-day facts—to one of Amer- 
ica’s greatest commercial and fancy fowls. 

The name Wyandotte seems to have been an accidental 
one, as the breed when first recognized by the poultrymen 
was known as American Sebrights, Sebright Cochins, Moon-. 
ees and by several other names, each section of the coun- 
try where they were bred having a different name for them 
—American Sebrights being the most common. This name 
they derived from their American origin and peculiar Se- 
bright lacing, as up to the time the Wyandottes were dis- 
covered there was no large breed of fowls having the pecu- 
liar lacing of the Sebright Bantams. 

There was some discussion as to what name they 
should have when they were first talked of as a Standard 
fowl and we are in doubt as to who first suggested the 
name of Wyandottes, but our oldest writers on the sub- 
ject give the credit to Mr. Fred A. Houdlette, who was for 
years one of our best breeders of this variety. 

The name Wyandotte was given, as we understand it, 
in honor of a powerful tribe of American Indians that had, 
in many instances, shown their friendship for the white 
race. Some of the remnants of this tribe are still living, 
§ but whether they are 
aware of the fact that 
this fowl was chris- 
tened in their honor 
we are not able to say. 

The Early Silvers as I 
Knew Them. 

In my first acquaint- 
ance with Silver Wy- 
andottes I knew them 
as a breed nearly, if 
not quite, as long in 
back and body as our 
Plymouth Rocks of to- 
day. They were some- 
what deeper in body 
and the females car- 
ried their breasts low- 
er down, but the males 
had a decidedly erect 
carriage, many of 
them equal to the In- 
dian Games of today. 

In color they were 
much darker than now, 
the winning specimens. 
at our best shows hay- 
-ing very small dia- 
mond shaped centers 
that were nearly coy- 
ered by the dark lac- 
ing. There was no lac- 
ing on body of either 
males or females, and 
this marking did not 
appear for several 
years after they were 
admitted to the Stand- 
ard. There was also 
a constant fading out 
of color and the mixed 
white and brown pen- 
ciling in back of fe- 
males was common, 
even among the win- 
ning birds, for more 
than fifteen years aft- 
er they were consid- 
ered a Standard fowl. 
In fact, there were but few American fanciers able to 
eliminate this defect until the English cross referred to 
was used. 

While the English cross on American-bred birds im- 
proved the clear white in centers of feathers, it lightened 
the under-color of both sexes, and quite a few of the 
chicks came pure white in plumage. While the Albinos 
showed up in nearly every strain of Silvers we have any 
record of they were by no means common until the Eng- 
lish cross was used. Then we had them in great numbers. 
From one mating of strictly choice birds there were nine 
white chicks hatched in a litter of twenty-four, showing 
nearly 33 per cent. 



The second cross—i. e., the cross of half-English on 
American birds—reduced this percentage very materially, 
but even now we get a few white spots from nearly every 
strain that has English blood in it. 

In Figs. 1a and 2a we show a type of Silver Wyandottes 
that was winning the prizes in the mid-West shows as late 
as 1885, and this shape and color were considered by many 

Fig. la. 

as about the proper thing for Silvers. You will note the 
long back and body, the small diamond-shaped white cen- 
ters in both sexes and the peculiar spike to comb. At this 
time the comb of each sex showed a distinct spike and 
in our best specimens this was carried nearly on a straight 
line with the comb, not so erect as that of the Hamburgs, 
but very nearly so. Gradually we have bred away from 
this, until today the comb proper terminates in a spike and 
the entire comb follows the shape of the skull. 

By careful selecting we have bred a comb onto our 
best birds that is broad and full in front and gradually 
grows smaller as it approaches the rear, as shown in the 
two color-plates presented here. 

In color we find a number of both sexes that carry the 
clean white oval centers with distinct narrow lacings of 

When we look back to our old Silvers and consider the 
way they were mated, we often wonder how we made as 
good progress in breeding them as we did. We were dis- 
carding as worthless the only male birds that were 
really of value and were setting a task for our females that 
in the light of present-day breeding it is really a wonder 
that we did not destroy them completely. We were using 
males with solid black stripes in saddle, with only a small 
margin of white on surface, and we were then discarding 
the males with laced secondaries and wing bars, the most 
important color sections from a breeding standpoint that 
are possessed by the males. 

Look at the saddle feathers of male birds (as shown 
in color plate of male) with nice diamond-shaped centers 
of white, and you can see how a male with this color 
assists the female in perfecting the large open centers so 
much admired by breeders of this variety. 

Study the Drawing. 
In the color illustrations Mr. Burgess has given to us 

as nearly true to life pictures as we find it possible to pro- 
duce. The outlines conform to Standard descriptions and 

are in no way overdrawn when ideals are considered. The 
feathers that are reproduced on the plates were selected 
for us by the best informed breeders and represent the 
true surface and undercolor as described in the Standard. 

If the shape and color as found in our illustrations 
are carefully studied and the two sexes mated as shown 
in these plates, then the breeder of Silver Wyandottes 
need have no fear of going backward in his effort to reach 
the top. 

We believe that Mr. Burgess as a Wyandotte delineator 
surpasses any other artist now before the public. We have 
watched his work closely from the first crude sketch he 
made up to the finished work in the color plates that will 
illustrate all the popular varieties of the Wyandotte family, 
and we feel that in less than five years since this boy 
left the farm he has done more to portray Standard poultry 
than any one artist in America in twice the time. His work 
from the first has been done with the Standard as his 
guide; he has not allowed the hobbies of specialty breeders 
to influence his judgment and he has made a fad of no one 
breed that in after life might influence his work, as it has 
others. He has aimed at all times to keep up with the 
Standard-makers in their word description and assist them 
to put before the American fanciers the correct types of 
Standard fowls. 

No one breed of fowls has so many popular varieties 
as the Wyandottes; no one breed that has given a better 
account of itself in all parts of the world; no one breed 
that can come nearer filling the wants for egg, broiler, 
roaster and of the fancier at the same time; no one breed 
that will do better under all conditions. In fact, as an all- 
round fowl the Wyandotte in its several varieties stands. 
today, and has for years, in the front row, no matter from 
what position you view them—medium in size, between 
the two extremes; quick to mature; early to lay; good all- 
year-round egg producer and the fancier’s fowl par ex- 

With these facts before us, we offer no apology for 
giving them the prominence we do in this book. They have 


earned it by their own merits; they have proved their 
worth. Now let’s prove we are worthy of them by a closer 
study of the several varieties and the defects we find in 
them today. 

It is not to set ourselves up as teachers, but if pos- 
sible to harmonize the opinions of all lovers of fowls, that 
we are putting out this work. Let us understand just what 
constitutes defects, and we have made one step in the 
right direction; then let us learn how to value the defects, 
and we have made still another; and when we learn how 
to mate to avoid these defects, we have reached the goal 
which is sought. 


The Standard description of Wyandottes in shape is 

one of the best in the American Standard of Perfection— 
fact, there is but one better in the book, the one re- 

to being Cochins, this being decidedly the best word 
‘ription ever framed for any breed or variety of fowls, 
re fact that it was framed by men who knew what 
uted perfection in this breed and had no selfish ax 
to srind. 

The present Wyandotte Standard was framed by three 
of the best posted Wyandotte judges in this country—J. H. 
Drevenstedt, the late T. E. Orr and W. C. Pierce. But this 
committee was handicapped in a way by being compelled 
to report to a general committee, and some changes were 
made by this general committee, but nothing that in any 
great measure affected the general text of the book. 

No one thing has been so detrimental to the American 
Standard of Perfection as the persistent efforts of some 
members of the American Poultry Association to constantly 
tinker with the work that from a fancier’s standpoint they 
know absolutely nothing about. No one not thoroughly 



es <BE Mer 



posted on the breeding and judging of fowls has any busi- 
ness on the Revision Board. 

The text of the experts should have careful proof- 
reading by some one who has given this line of work years 
of study and sufficient time should be allowed them to see 
that every change in the description of a section, in order 
to make it grammatically correct, does not in any way alter 
the meaning of the original description. 

A Standard for the popular breeds, gotten out in this 
way, will need general revision not oftener than once in 
ten years. 

In this work of describing and valuing defects it is 
our aim to go far enough to make it plain to the beginner, 
and if some descriptions seem to the fancier to be too long- 
drawn out, please bear in mind that there was a time in 
your own life when this same description might have saved 
you many days of worry and some money as well. 

In the outlines it will not be necessary to illustrate all 


varieties with shape charts, as the shape description is the 
same in all of them and the discounts in Silver Wyandottes 
would fall equally as heavy on any other variety. 

In color the Silvers and Goldens can be handled under 
one head, adding only a few separate illustrations to cover 
some few defects found in the one that are not prevalent 
in the other. 

Symmetry and shape will be discounted in the Silver 
Wyandottes only as the same cuts will answer for all other 

We shall now take up the breed, beginning with the 
Silvers, and follow it through in the order they were ad- 
mitted to the Standard. 

It is well to remember that absolute perfection will 
never be attained in the breeding or illustrating of standard 
poultry. There will always be something lacking in our 
choicest specimens, and no picture, no matter how well it 
fills the eye, is within itself perfection. A line there, a 
touch here and a little more harmony in the forming of the 
several sections could be added to the best illustrations 


that have been made or will be made. Constant study of 
the best photos we have in our office of the winning speci- 
mens that we have found in America’s leading shows, in 
order to harmonize nature’s best in all of them still leaves 
room for improvement. A line no thicker than a pencil 
mark makes a radical difference in an outline. Only those 
who live day in and day out in an artist’s studio have the 
faintest idea of the hard, patient work that is required to 
furnish the readers with the illustrations that are found 
in this book. For years the writer and the artist have 
worked together, each in his own way trying to help the 
other. In submitting his work here we do so believ- 
ing that the outlines and color plates are the best that 
ever appeared or are likely to appear for years to come, 
and in this work Mr. Burgess and the writer have strivento 
give to the poultrymen of America a book that will live 
after we are gone, and if we have succeeded in this we will 
feel weil repaid for the work we have tried to do right. 



This one word means more than all else when the 
awarding of prizes is under consideration, and when a judge 
ignores it he ignores the most important eight points in the 
entire scale of points. No matter how much he may know 
about the awarding of prizes, if he doesn’t know the full 
meaning of symmetry he has not yet learned the A B C 
part of poultry judging, and is not qualified to award prizes 
at any exhibition where the American Standard of Perfec- 
tion is used as a guide. This one section, properly under- 
stood, is the keystone of the poultry judging structure. 
Without it the scoring of fowls is a farce, and when we see 
judges cutting every bird alike on symmetry, no matter how 
good or how inferior the specimen may be, we cannot help 
but think the judges should go to school a while and learn 
something about the work they are accepting money for and 
doing wrong. Our Standard describes symmetry as ‘“Per- 
fection of proportions; the harmony in all the parts or sec- 
tions of a fowl, viewed as a whole, with regard to the stand- 
ard type of the breed it represents.” 

“The harmony in all the sections, valued as a whole, 
with regard to the breed it represents”—that’s the whole 
thing in a nutshell. No two breeds have the same shape, 
and perfect symmetry in one is defective in the other. A 
perfect outline is perfectly symmetrical. One single part 
of that outline out of place destroys the symmetry to what- 
ever extent the part is defective. A bird may be good in 
neck, back, breast and body, with a tail entirely too long 
for the breed it represents or carried at such an angle 
that the entire symmetry of the specimen is destroyed. 

The framers of the Standard realized fully the impor- 

tance of symmetry, and in their general description of Wy- - 

andotte shape they have given a text that is not surpassed 
in the general description of any breed. 

“The Wyandotte has a shape peculiarly its own; it is 
emphatically a bird of curyes. Fanciers should strive to 
maintain this short, broad back and deep, round body. 
These characteristics exceed in value the color considera- 
tions and are found in the typical Wyandotte at all ages, 
whether alive or dressed. Its curved, close-fitting comb 
adds to the symmetry of the breed.” 

In scoring Wyandottes, always remember this one im- 
portant point—that it is a bird of curves; that it is short 
in neck, back, body and tail. The breast is broad, deep, 
round with a low set keel. These are Wyandotte charac- 
teristics that are found in no other breed, and it is only 
within the past few years that we have found specimens 
that conform closély to this Standard description. 

Where neck is long, or too straight, the out is from 
% to 1; when scantily feathered 14 out; where back is too 
long or too narrow 1% to 1 out; where back is roached 1 
to 1% out; tail too long or too high 14 to 11% out; breast 
flat and narrow 14 to 1 out; body too long or too narrow % 
to 1 out. If legs fail to join properly onto body, or are too 
long, making the specimen look stilty, 1% to 1 out; knock- 
knees % to 114, as in degree. 


This section in all the American varieties is vastly im- 
portant, due to the fact that the framers of the American 
Standard have decided that the best type of specimens are 
those nearest to the standard weight in both males and 

The standard weight for all varieties of Wyandottes is: 
Pullets, 5144; hens, 6%4; cockerels, 714; cocks, 814, and in 
instructions to judges the Standard says: “In all varie- 
ties of fowls, old and young, except Bantams, also in all 
varieties of turkeys, ducks and geese (except ducks prized 
for their small size), when specimens are equal in score, 
the prizes shall be awarded to the specimen approaching 
nearest to standard weight. If both pecimens are over- 
weight, yet have an equal score, the one nearest standard 
weight shall be awarded the prize. All American varieties 
shall be cut for excess of standard weight at the same rate 
per pound, or fraction thereof, as underweight; provided, 
however, that one pound of excess shall be allowed.” 

This last clause in the Standard was brought about by 
some breeders striving to breed the Wyandottes and Plym- 
outh Rocks beyond their natural size, and in that way spoil- 
ing the type of the breed. One pound leeway, we have 
found in the three years’ time the Standard has been in ef- 
fect, is enough, and overweight, or overfat, birds should be 
discounted if we expect to maintain the symmetrical out- 
lines so much desired in the Wyandottes, as well as other 
varieties of the American breeds, 


In scoring this section the Standard instructions are 
to cut two points per pound for any deficit from Standard 
weight, or in that proportion. As an illustration, should a. 
bird be one pound under weight, it would be discounted 2 
points, while if one pound over weight, no discount will be 
allowed; but if two pounds over weight, then it would be: 
discounted 2 points, but if one pound over weight and 
another specimen with the same score, correctly at weight, 
the latter would win over the heavier bird. A bird being 
three-quarters of a pound under weight would be dis- 
counted 14% points; one-half pound under weight, 1 point; 
one-fourth pound under weight, 14 point. 


This section is valued by the Standard at six 
points, and refers to the health of the specimen, condition 
of plumage, shape of comb, wattles, ear lobes and legs. 
Should a bird be sick to the extent of endangering other 
specimens, it should be debarred from the exhibition room. 
If symptoms of roup, or swelled head, appear, the bird 
should be cut from % to 2 points, as in degree. If bird 
shows signs of injury, caused from fighting or frost, the 
out is from 1% to 1 point. If plumage is soiled or broken, 
showing clearly that the owner has been careless in pre- 
paring the bird for exhibition, the cut is from ¥% to 1. 
Scaly legs should be discounted from 1% to 1; torn wattles 
¥% toil. Dirty plumage does not add to the attraction of an 
exhibition and should be punished, to whatever extent the 
judge considers the bird is lacking in proper finish for ex- 
hibition purposes, ranging from 1% to 2 points, as in degree. 


This section, while having a valuation of six points, is. 
not often discounted. However, there are defects that show 
up in quite a few specimens, especially in the varieties. 
where foreign blood has been introduced in order to secure 
correct color. 

We present here a number of defective heads which 
will enable the reader to gain a good general idea as to 
what: defects might be met with in the several varieties. 
of the Wyandotte family. 

In Fig. 1 is shown what we consider a well proportioned 
head for this breed, and 

one that fills the Stand- 
ard requirements. The 
description of this sec- 

tion is: ‘“Head—Short, 
strong and rather 
In Fig. 2 is shown 

a head that is too long 
and narrow; the beak 
is straight, more after 
the style of the game. 
There is not enough 
room above the eyes— 
in fact, it is wrong in 
every way and should 
be discounted 2 points. 
too long, both in head 
also too narrow and shallow over the eyes. 
2 A head like this should 
be discounted 1 poiut. 

The eyes are also in- 
cluded in head section, 
and it is well to consid- 
er them in connection 
with other defects. If 
the eye is blind, % out; 
if eye is entirely miss- 
ing, leaving a hollow 
socket, the cut is 1. 
In color, the Standard 
calls for “rich red or 
bay.” If eye is light, 
failing in the bright 
color so much admired 
by breeders of this va- 
riety, the out is %; if showing a white watery color— 
often termed by poultry judges “fish eye’—the out is % 
to 2, as in degree. 

Fig. 3 shows a head that is 
and beak; 


This section in all varieties of the Wyandottes is one 
of the most important from an exhibition or breeding 


There is no better example of what painstaking breeding will do with this popular variety of the Wyandotte 
family. The birds illustrated here represent one of the best show strains of Silvers in this or any other country. 
They are bred in line from a show strain that for fifteen years has been in the money in the best Silver Wyan- 
dotte Shows in America, The cockerel is a grandson of the first prize pullet at the great Wyandotte Show held 
The hen and pullet are daughters of the first prize hen at Chicago in January, 1907. The trio 

in Chicago in 14. c 
50) birds to be found on the farm of A. and EH. Tarbox. This firm sells no eggs and the 

is a sample of more than : ( 
cream of the breeding is represented in this stock. He can show an egg record of nearly 200 eggs in ten months. 


standpoint. Possibly no one section is given more consid- 
eration or more thought by the breeders than comb, al- 
though there is a valuation of only eight points at- 
tached to it. 

We again refer our readers to Fig. 1, where we have 
illustrated what we believe to be the ideal comb for Wy- 
andottes of all varieties. It is well balanced, follows the 
‘curve of the head nicely, and is just such a comb as our 
Wyandotte breeders have been striving for for years, and, 
let it be said to their credit that quite a few of them in the 
past few years have pretty nearly, if not quite, filled the 

It is pretty hard to harmonize the opinions of all breed- 
ers on this one section, as the comb in some instances 
really marks the several strains of Wyandottes that are 
prominent winners in America today, and of course when 
‘a breeder has established something that is characteristic 
of his strain he naturally insists that it is the proper out- 
line, regardless of whether it fits the Standard or not. And 
we caution judges, and especially the young judges, that 
in awarding prizes they are to follow the instructions of the 
American Poultry Association and not the whims or fads 
-of some individual breeder. 

Another point we wish to emphasize to amateur judges 
is that the eight points allowed for comb are for shape 
‘alone, and when you cut a comb 1 point, you are only 
cutting %; when you cut it 2, you are cutting it only 4%; 
‘when you cut it 4, you are cutting only 50 per cent. It is 
‘well to consider this carefully, because the comb, accord- 
ing to the other sections of the bird, should be cut harder 
than any other section. Remember there is no valuation 
to color, and when you cut 1 you are figuring on the 
basis that % of the comb is perfect; and when you cut 
but %, you are leaving 15-16 as perfect. 

The Standard says, in describing the comb of the Wy- 
‘andotte: “Rose, low, firm on head; top oval and surface 
covered with small, rounded points or corrugations, the for- 
mer preferred, terminating in a small but well-defined 
spike at rear, the entire comb and spike curving to con- 
form to shape of skull.” Note the words “terminating in 
a spike at the rear.” In other breeds having rose combs 
the spike is independent of the comb, joining to the same 
‘at the rear. In the Wyandotte the spike is a part of the 
comb proper, the comb growing gradually narrower as it 
‘approaches the rear and finishes in a spike, which should 
‘be set straight and evenly on the rear of that section, the 
spike as well as comb to conform to the shape of skull. 

We will now take up the sections, using several illus- 
trations, many of them rather exaggerated, but there is 
no comb illustration in this article that will not be found 
in the course of a year’s judging on some of the speci- 
imens that are entered in competition for the prizes. 

In Fig. 2 is shown a comb very much after the Ham- 
burg style. It is too high in the center, the spike runs 
‘straight without conforming to the shape of the head. It 
is too shallow in front and has a sort of a feminine look. 
Such a comb should be discounted 3 points. 

In Fig. 3 is shown a comb that is not all bad. 
In fact, there are many worse ones on exhibition every 
year during the show season. The comb is too shal- 
low in front and the corrugated points are uneven and 
the comb is a trifle nar- 
row behind. For gen- 
eral conformation, start- 
ing and winding up, itis 
fairly well proportioned 
but the uneven surface 
would give it a discount 
of 2 points. 

In Fig. 4 is shown a 
comb that is too long 
and follows the neck too 
far down and the corru- 
gations are loose and un- 
even. A comb like this 
should be cut 2 points— 
1 for uneven corruga- 
tions in front and 1 for 
the extra length of 
spike at rear. 

Fig. 5 is again too much on the Hamburg style. In- 
stead of comb finishing in a spike, this spike is set on 
like that of the Hamburg and is nearly free from corrugations 


or points. The comb 
is too narrow and too 
thin in front. Such a 
comb should be _ dis- 
counted 2% points. 

Figure 6 is similar 
to Fig. 5, but is higher 
in center, forming a 
sort of a ridge over the 
head; spike fails to run 
down and is scantily 
covered with points and 
should be discounted 3 

In Fig. 7 is shown 
\a comb that in many 
\respects conforms close- 
ly to the Standard de- 
scription, but still it is defective, as it is too high in 
the center and corrugations are not even. A comb like 
this should be discounted 1 point. 

Fig. 8 is one of the 
old-style combs, quite 
a popular a few years ago, 
e&,and the corrugated 
P points are invariably 
deep. Many of the spec- 
imens at that time had 
no spike at all, or if a 
spike, simply a corru- 
gated point extended at 
the rear. We seldom 
see a comb of this kind 
now, and when we do 
we cut 4 points—1 for 
uneven surface, 1144 for 
deep corrugations and 
1% for poor spike in rear, 

In Fig. 9 is shown a comb something after the 
style of Fig. 8, but this one is wide in front, runs 
down over the eyes and beak, too wide in front and too 

: ay high in center. A comb 
Ds like this is bad from a 
i beeder’s standpoint and 
will be severely dis- 
counted as a show bird. 
The sight is more or 
less obstructed and the 
spike in rear is slightly 
to one side. This comb 
should be discounted 3 

In Fig. 10 is shown 
a comb which is badly 
defective—one that the 
average breeder would 
\ Say is imaginary and ex- 
NAY ists only in the eye of 
\ ‘the artist. But such is 
not the case. Combs 
as bad, and sometimes 
worse are found in the show room. It is too big, ex- 
tends down over the eyes almost to the tip of the beak, 
is hollow in the center and all the rear portion is smooth on 
top. This comb would 
disqualify the specimen, 
as it projects over the 
eye far enough to ob- 
struct the sight, and 
should a cut be allowed 
this comb would be dis- 
counted 6 points. 

In Fig. 11 is shown 
a comb that, aside from 
smooth surface, is a 
very good one and & 
comb that will repro- 
duce well in the breed- 
ing yards. This comb 
was a popular one with 
the White Wyandotte 
breeders several years 
ago, especially in females, many first prize specimens 
showing this smooth surface. However, as they are being 
bred today this should be discounted 1 point. 

In Fig. 12 is shown a comb quite common in ald varie- 
ties of the Wyandotte. It is hollow in the center, and that 
part showing depression is smooth on the surface. The comb 


fairly good one 
aside from the hollow 
center. The spike in 
the rear is a little bit 
too pronounced, ending 
like an independent 
rather than the 
gradual narrowing of 
the comb, and should 
be discounted 2 points. 
We have gone to 
considerable length in 
illustrating the defects 
S in this section, due to 
\ the fact that the comb 
will not be taken up 

\ \again in the other va- 


is a 


Wattles and Ear Lobes. 

In some respects this section is not a very important 

one, as the present Standard has been very lenient with 
Wyandottes in all varie- 
ties in color of lobes, re- 
quiring a lobe to be half 
positive white before 
the specimen is disqual- 
ified. There is a Senti- 
ment, however, to cor- 
rect this, and the next 
revision committee has 
been asked to make 
permanent white in 
lobes in all varieties of 
Wyandottes a disqualifi- 
cation, the same as in 
White Rocks. This, 
however, will probably 
never come about—in 
. fact, it is quite likely 
that the next revision 
of the American Standard of Perfection will eliminate all 
disqualifications except for natural defects, and the writer 
is thoroughly convinced 
that it is to the interest 
of better poultry that 
this be done. 

The Standard says 
in describing shape of 
wattles and ear lobes: 
“Wattles — Of medium 
length, fine in texture, 
well rounded. Ear lobes 
—Oblong in shape, well 
developed and smooth.” 
This is perhaps as good 
a description as could 
be given and fits nicely 
the best head points 
that we find in our Wy- 
J andotte males. 

The ear lobes must be reasonably large in proportion 
to the wattles to make the entire section symmetrical. 

Z Where wattles are fold- 
ed or wrinkled, the out 
is from % to 1. Where 
they have been torn in 
fighting or by accident, 
the out is from % to ¥%, 
as in degree. Ear lobes 
showing any sign of 
white should be dis- 
counted from % to 2, as 
in degree, and where 
lobes look suspicious, as 
though they might have 
been tampered with, 
with hot iron or acids 

>of some kind to change 
the color, the limit of 
the section should be 
discounted and the 

score card so noted. In our illustration (Fig. 1) we show 
what we believe to be the correct outline for wattles and 
ear lobes on the males of all varieties of the Wyandottes. 

In our illustrations of defective combs we will call atten- 


tion to some of the defective wattles and lobes as illus- 
trated, as it may assist the reader in forming a good gen- 
eral idea of value of such defects. 

In Fig. 2 are illustrated a wattle and ear lobe that should 
be discounted 1% for wattles and at least %4 of a point 
for lobes. 

In Fig. 3 is shown a wattle somewhat drawn, failing in 
the nicely rounded edge, and should be discounted 1% point. 

In Fig. 4 wattles are too long, poorly folded and one is 




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longer than the other and should be discounted % point. 

Fig. 5 shows same defect as in Fig. 4—one longer than 
the other. While the wattles are not so long as those in 
Fig. 4, they are a little drawn or shriveled, and should be 
cut 1% points. 

In Fig. 6 the lobes are thin, flat and nearly straight; 
wattles folded and not properly developed. A wattle and 
lobe like these should be discounted % of a point. — 

Fig. 7 joins poorly onto the head. It is a trifle long for 
the wattle and is poorly rounded at the bottom. Such a 
wattle should be discounted 1% point. 

In Fig. 8 we find a long, flabby piece of meat that i 
joined poorly onto the head, is too wide and badly folded 
up. This wattle is wrong in every way and should be dis- 
counted 2 points. 

Fig. 9 is very much after the style of Fig. 7 and would 
be cut accordingly. 

Fig. 10 is too long, loose and badly folded and should 
be discounted 1 point. 


Fig. 12 shows a wattle that fits badly onto the head, is 
a trifle long, lobes are not well proportioned and run down 
into small wrinkles at the bottom. A lobe like this should 
be discounted %4 of a point. 


This is one of the most important sections in our parti- 
color breeds, and especially so in the color of males. Many 
breeders will discard a male with poor colored neck, no 
matter how strong he may be in other sections, claiming 
that without this section good it is only guesswork as to 
his power to reproduce. 

The Standard is quite plain on this section, both as 
regards shape and color, and especially so in shape. The 
neck should be “short, arched; hackle, abundant.” In 
color, “surface silvery white, with a narrow black stripe 
through each feather, tapering to a point near extremity of 
feather. The white, free from black or brown edging; shaft 
of feathers may be white.” 

This last clause is something of a puzzle, and we are at 
a loss to understand it, for, as it now reads, either the solid 



SOP Fao > 




reproduced here for the information of the breeders and 
judges several feathers taken from the neck of birds that 
have been placed on exhibition within the past few years. 
These are found in Figs. 13 and 14. 

Feather No. 1 is our ideal of a hackle feather. It is 
strong in undercolor, has good black center, the white runs 
entirely around the outside, lacing the end of teather as it 
should be, and the white shaft shows in proportion as we be- 
lieve the Standard makers intended it should, and where 
you find a neck so good as this then it cannot be dis- 

Feather No. 2 is good except at the point where the 
white lacing fails to run around the end, giving the bird 
a smutty appearance at the end of hackle. A neck like 
this should be discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 3 is faulty in the center, the white shaft- 
ing being entirely too wide, and, while valuable as a pul- 
let breeder, should be discounted in the show room % point. 

Feather No. 4 shows two serious defects. It is entirely 
too light underneath and fails in the white lacing at the 
end. It should be discounted 1 for the light undercolor 
and 1 for black at lower end of feather. 

Fig. 15. 

black center or the feather with the white shafting should 
be passed without discount, provided the remainder of the 
feather is perfect. 

I have the original typewritten report of the commit- 
tee and I find the Standard wording correct, but I am 
positive that there was a change ordered in this wording 
by the general committee which the stenographer undoubt- 
edly failed to put in. My recollection of this is that the 
latter part of this description was made to read: “Shaft 
of feather white from near the center to end.”’* But since 
we have only the Standard for our guide, I would take it 
as it reads, but would suggest to old and young judges 
alike that in case of ties in scores where only one of the 
specimens has a white shaft to give it preference over the 
other, as we have found this white shafting of great value 
in producing the silver surface, as well as the clear open 
centers in both sexes. 

It is seldom that we find a male bird of the Wyandotte 
family that is decidedly faulty in shape of neck. The 
most common defect is scanty feathering when the birds 
are in moult. For such defect, the specimen should be dis- 
counted from % to 1%, as in degree. Where neck is too 
long, the out is 1; when too straight, from % to 1. 

The correct color being hard to understand, we have 

*The writer was a member of the Revision Committee. 

Feather No. 5 has a serious defect and one that is 
quite often found in the neck of Silver Wyandotte males. 
The black and white are fairly well proportioned, but there 
is a smutty, brassy end to the white, giving the neck a sort 
of a coppery surface color that is very objectionable and 
should be discounted 1% points. 

Feather No. 6 is entirely too light, both surface and 
under. There is no black in it; what little that does ap- 
pear shows more of a bronze tinge and then runs to the 
surface on one side. The undercolor is-decidedly too light 
—in fact, both the white and black are defective, and it 
should be discounted 3% points. 

The Standard valuation for color in this section is 6 
points, and where the defect is only in the one color, then 
3 would be the limit to be cut, but in this feather you 
can discount both the white and black and can exceed the 
50 per cent. limit allowed in the scale. 


No section in any variety is of so much importance 
as the back, both in shape and color. This the Revision 
Committee fully realized when they made a change in the 
seale of points, allowing 6 for shape and 6 for color in each 
of the American varieties. This gives more prominence to 
back than any other section of a fowl and it is as it 
should be. 

In shape the Standard describes the back as “short, 
broad, flat at shoulders; saddle, broad, full, rising with 
e sweep to tail.” In color: “Back, silvery white; 
saddle, silvery white with a black stripe through each 
having a tapering, diamond-shaped center of white; 
‘olor, dark slate.” 

the group of feathers (Fig. 15) will be found a num- 

as Well as several of the defective ones that will be 
1d in the breeders’ yards or in the exhibition room. 
The short feathers composing the back of the male— 
t is, the feathers between wing bows, below the cape— 
< With white lacing. From the center to rear of 
they gradually lengthen out until in the saddle we 
ind a feather long and tapering, dark in undercolor, nicely 
laced on the outside with white, with black center, showing 
a diamond-shape of white in center of black. 

This is illustrated in feather No. 1, and is our idea 
of the correct color in Silver Wyandotte males. 

In feather No. 2 we find the same feather, only the 
diamond-shaped center is not long enough, showing en- 
tirely too much black, covering up one of the most impor- 
tant as well as one of the handsomest features on the back 
of male. Feather No. 2 should be discounted % point. 

In feather No. 3 we find a defect quite common with 
the Wyandotte, and especially those that show nice sur- 
face color. Quite often the undercolor runs light and the 
black is broken up, white running through, the two colors 
mingling. A back showing feathers like No. 3 should be 
discounted 1144 points. 

Feather No. 4 has much the same defect, but is even 
worse, as the outside, or end of feather, shows a black, 
smutty surface, giving the .-back a rusty appearance, and 
should be discounted 2 points. 

Feather No. 5, while more or less exaggerated, is one 
that will be found in some specimens. There is no sound 
color in any part. It is too light underneath, is muddy on 
the surface, the black and white are mixed. Both colors 
being defective, the section should be discounted 4 points. 

Feather No. 6 is one that is lacking in the diamond- 
shaped center, is too white underneath, and, from a breed- 
er’s standpoint, would be absolutely worthless. This bird 
should be cut 1 for light undercolor, 1 for absence of dia- 
mond-shaped center of white in black and 1 for width of 
black, running too much to a point and showing too narrow 
an edging. 

The shape of back is just as important as the color— 
in fact, it is the keystone to the shape structure, and un- 
less this section is good we cannot expect any large per 
cent. of good-shaped specimens, no matter how well the 
bird may be mated; and it is well to note here that females 
give you the size, but males give you the shape, not alone 
in males, but in females as well, 

In Fig. 16 is shown a back that is entirely too long 
and too narrow. It is more like the Plymouth Rock type in 
length, but not wide enough for this variety. A Wyandotte 
of any variety showing a back like this should be dis- 
counted 2 points. 

17 shows another defect common in this breed 
—back is too straight, failing in the concave sweep so much 


desired in back of both sexes. It is broad enough, and 



about the right length, but is entirely too straight, and 
should be discounted 1 point. 

Fig 18 shows one of the most serious defects to 
be found in any breed of fowls. The back is what we call 

“roached’’—higher in the center than it is in the front or 
rear—a serious objection from a breeding standpoint and 
an eyesore in the show room, and should be discounted 
3 points. 


This section is valued at 10 points in each of the Ameri- 
can varieties, and subdivided—4 for shape and 6 for color, 
color being decidedly the most important and a section in 
many of the American breeds that has first consideration 
by breeders and judges alike. 

The wing of a Wyandotte male is a very important 
section from a color standpoint, owing to the fact that 
for a number of years the Standard has called for a laced 
bird with a spangled wing bar, and a great deal of trouble 
is yet experienced by breeders in correcting this error. 

The Standard, in describing the color of Silver Wyan- 
dotte male, says: “Primaries, black, lower edge white; 
secondaries, black, lower half of outer web white, with a 
narrow black edging, wider at tip; wing coverts, upper web 
black, lower web white, with a narrow black stripe along 
the edge that widens as it approaches the tip, forming a 
double bar of laced feathers across wing; wingbows, sil- 
very white; undercolor, dark slate.” 

While on this subject we wish to call attention to the 
feathers shown in color plate of male. In the feather illus- 
trating the laced wing bar, shown separately at rear of 
bird, the white should cross more over the shaft, showing 
about one-fourth more white than is illustrated in the 
feather. This error was not noticed until plates had been 
made. The black lacing on feather is wider on one side 
than the other, but not quite in proportion to the illus- 

We call attention to this so that breeders and judges 
may understand that more white will show in the laced 
bar than is shown in this plate. 

Straight American-bred. Bred and owned by Mr. Henry Steinmesch, 309 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. 
we doubt if the hen shown in this picture has ever been equaled in ths country or Hurope. 

She has the right amount of black and white, both colors 
absolutely pure within themselves, and that snappy black so seldom found in adult birds. Her neck at base is a trifle too dark, but this is the only color 
section that will stand for a cut of more than one-half point. 


For good shape, with proper shade of color, 

The pullet is almost a counterpart of the hen in color, and will, we believe, equal her in 
shape when fully matured. We have here a living example of 

what skill and patience can do in the breeding of domestic poultry, and in doing this we 
have not injured the commercial side of the poultry business, but have added to it, 


In some of the best specimens that we have found the 
~ondaries as well as the other feathers directly under- 
the wing show a lacing of black on outer edge of 
lilar to the Sebright Bantam, and this lacing is 
} correct, as the more lacing we can get on 
wing the easier it is to obtain it on other sections. 

In Fig. 19 shown a wing that conforms to our, 
idea of perfection. Perhaps the black lacing is a little 



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nig. 19; 
wide, but if we could get wings as well laced as this we 
would be satisfied that we were making a step in the right 
direction, and such a wing should not be discounted. 

Fig. 20. 
is shown one of our 

In Fig. 20 old-style Silver 
Wyandotte wings spangled bar, no lacing on secondaries 
and just such wings as we considered ideal some fifteen 
years ago. A male with a wing like this today would not 
have a look in the show room and the breeders would dis- 
card it as worth only its value on the market. It should 
be discounted 2 points. 

In studying the many males exhibited at the different 
shows the past few years we find that the Golden Wyan- 
dotte breeders have surpassed the Silvers in correct lacing. 
This is especially true in wings, and in Fig. 21 is shown a 
Golden Wyandotte male wing that is laced like that of a 


Be / A, 
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Fig. 21, 


pullet, and this is not an overdrawn picture, as we have 
found specimens showing as good lacing on wing bow as the: 
one illustrated, and in one case a Silver cock bird was shown 
at Lansing, Mich., equally as good—in fact, a hen-feathered 
male from comb to end of tail, very much after the style of 
our Silver Sebrights. , 

In Fig. 22 is shown a group of feathers illustrating 
some of the defects common in hundreds of our Silver 

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Fig. 2y. Y 

Feather No. 1 would fill our Standard description of 
flight feathers. 

Feather No. 2 shows tracing of white near the shaft: 
and should be discounted % point. 

Feather No. 3 is too white at tips and should be dis-. 
counted % point. 

Feather No. 4 is very defective, showing only a trace: 
of black along the shafts, and should be discounted 2 

Feather No. 5 shows muddy color, the black and white: 
intermixing, more black than white, and in both Wyan- 
dottes and Brahmas would be considered by the breeders. 
a serious defect, and should be discounted 2 points. 

Feather No. 6 shows a secondary with the same de- 
fect and one that is sometimes found on males of this va- 
riety, and should be discounted 1% points. 

In making these deductions it is well for the readers. 
to bear in mind that these discounts would be made if all 
other parts of the wing were perfect in color, and it is sel-- 
dom that two or more of these defects appear on the same: 
wing, but in this, as in other sections that are subdivided, 
you can only cut to the limit the number of points al- 
lowed, and in scoring either the Silver or Golden Wyan-. 
dottes the judge must remember that there are only 6 
points allowed for color, and that three of them go to 
white or gold and three to black, and when a defect shows. 
in only one of these colors the discount must be made ac-. 
cordingly. As for, illustration, should the black be all 
good and only the white defective, no matter how bad it. 
might be, it can be cut only 3 points. 


This is another section where an addition has been 
made to the points allowed for color, and instead of hay- 
ing four, as in the old Standard, five points are allowed. 
This was hardly necessary in Wyandottes, but was consid- 
ered of vast importance in Plymouth Rocks. But it is well 
at all times for the judges to remember in scoring by the 
present Standard that there are five points, and the per- 
centage must be figured accordingly. 

The color of tail of the Silver and Golden Wyandottes. 
should be glossy black; sickles, same color; tail coverts, 
black; lesser coverts, black with an edge of white, or gold 
in the Golden variety. 

In view of the fact that this section is usually good, 
we call attention only to such defects as are most com- 
monly met with. 

There are cases, especially in cock birds, where the 
base of sickles shows white; if only slightly, the discount 
would be only % point; if the white in sickles shows be- 
yond the tail coverts, the out would be 1; if main tail shows 
white at base, the discount would be from 1% to 1%, as in 


If breeders are careful to look after the color of their 
breeding males, keeping always the slate undercolor in 
mind, there would be little trouble experienced in this 

Ape, N 

i if 
ZS : 1,8 
led War Ze 
coy Se — 
= ZT _~ 
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Fig. 23. 

To give the amateurs a better idea as to the valua- 
tion of these defects, we here illustrate four feathers se- 
lected from the main tail of a Wyandotte male. (See 
Fig. 23.) 

Feather No. 1 shows a slight tracing of white at base 
and would be discounted % point. 

Feather No. 2 shows quite a bit of white and would be 
discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 3 is nearly half white, still shows some 
black at the tip, and would be discounted 144 points. 

Feather No. 4 is nearly all white; what little black 
there is in it is only streaked through the white, making 
the section really worse than if no black at all, and should 
be discounted 214 points. 


Next to back, breast is the most important section of 
the Wyandotte, so far as shape is concerned. It is also of 
great importance as regards color, and especially is this 
true in males. 

To secure good open centers of white with a distinct 
outer lacing of black, without having the white flecked with 
black or without a lacing of white on outside of black, is 
the aim of every Wyandotte breeder; and in describing the 
color of this section they have set themselves a task that 
they have found it far from easy to accomplish. 

When we find a good silvery surface on neck, back 
and shoulders, we usually find more or less white in under- 
color; and with this white comes another defect in the form 
of a narrow white lacing on the lower edge of black on 
breast and body. On the other hand, if we breed our birds 
too dark, and fail in the silvery surface color, we find the 
white centers in breast are too small and fail badly on body 
and thighs. 

The aim of the Wyandotte breeder is to produce a: spec- 
imen with clear, open centers on breast, with a very dis- 
tinct narrow outside lacing of black that carries well down 
onto the body, the centers gradually growing smaller as 
they approach the latter. Thighs should have the same 
characteristics of markings and carried down to hock 

The Standard allows 10 points for this section, and di- 
vides them equally between color and shape. In describing 
the color of this section in the Silver Wyandottes (and it is 
well to remember that the same description will fit the 
Goldens) the Standard says: ‘Web of feather, black, with 
large, oval-shaped white center; lacing, lustrous black, 
sharply defined and free from white edging, the white cen- 
ters free from black or brown; under color, dark slate.” 

In describing body the same description is given, ex- 
cept filling in, where the description is “dark slate,” pow- 
dered with gray; under color, dark slate. It will be noted 
in the description of color all the way through that the 
Standard makers are careful to call attention to the under 


color of slate, realizing that if we get away from the dark 
in this section we will invariably run too light on surface 
and eventually lose the most beautiful characteristic of the 
breed—i. e., the well defined black lacing. 


Fig 24. 

In Fig. 24 we illustrate some feathers selected from a 
Silver Wyandotte male owned by Mr. A. C. LeDuc, Chenoa, 
Tll., who was at one time considered one of the best Silver 
breeders. These feathers show about the right proportion 
of black and white. Breast feather No. 1 comes nearer fit- 
ting the Standard description of oval-shaped centers, while 
feather No. 2 of the breast section is a little too pointed 
and black edging is not quite so even as in feather No. 1. 
While the illustration doesn’t show it, feather No. 2 has 
the most intense outer edging of black I have ever found 
on a male bird of this variety. Feather No. 3 of this group 
is taken from the thigh down near the hock and shows 
the same style of lacing that characterizes this bird 
throughout. Feather No. 4 is taken from body. This 
feather should have more white, as the overlapping of 
feathers in this section hides the greater part of the white 
center that is displayed in the picture. 

In Fig. 25 is shown a group of feathers that illustrate 
in part the defects that are met with in both the Silver 
and Golden Wyandotte male. 

Feather No. 1 of this group illustrates our idea of 
what a perfect feather should be. It has about the right 
proportion of black and white, or golden and black, as the 
case may be. 

Feather No. 2 is entirely too dark, and the overlapping 
of this kind of feathers gives the specimen the appearance 
of having almost, if not entirely, black breasts. A breast 
of this kind can be serviceable only as a breeder where 
the females run entirely too light and it is necessary to 
add what would be termed by breeders ‘black blood’ in 
building up again, but in a show room a breast like this 
would be discounted 1% points. 

Feather No. 3 is good in general color, except the lac- 
ing of white on outside of black. The new Standard al- 
lows the judge considerable leeway in color, and a compe- 
tent judge would cut a Wyandotte male showing frosted 
feathers like this over the entire breast section at least 
2 points. 

Feather No. 4 shows good open centers and about the 
right proportion of black at end of feather, but the narrow 
lacing of black on sides of feather is not sufficient and un- 
der color is entirely too light. A feather like this would 
be discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 5 is what we may expect if we do not 
watch carefully the dark under color and allow too much 
white to creep into our breeding stock. There is a cres- 
cent marking at the end of feather, but fails entirely in lac- 
ing underneath, and should be discounted at least 2% 

Feather No. 6 has the same defect as feather No. 5, 
but, in addition, the white center is flecked with black. 
Breasts like this should be discarded from the breeding 
pen, as they will invariably disappoint you in breeding, 
no matter how good your females should be, and in the 
show room should be discounted 314 points. 

In view of the heavy cut that is made on feather No. 6, 
it is well to call attention to the fact that in using more 
than 50 per cent. of all the points allowed for color that 
we have in this feather both the white and the black are 
defective. If only one of them is defective you can dis- 
count only half the value of the section. In other words, if 
the black is all right and the white is entirely to blame, 
then 2% would be the limit, as there are only five points 


owed. Feather No. 6, however, is defective both in the 

and has entirely a white under color, and 
would give the specimen a blotchy or blurred surface. In 
to be considered as a cull. 


fact, it is only 

this class. Some favored the large, open, white centers, 
others the medium in color, and others the narrow, shaft- 
like white centers on back and wing bow. (See illustration 
of old-time winners.) HEaeh breeder laid special stress on 

Fig. 25. 


There was for years such a vast difference of opinion 
among the leading Silver Wyandotte breeders as to the 
correct color of the female that amateurs were all at sea, 
not alone as to breeding, but they were not sure of the color, 
even when they were fortunate enough to produce good ones. 
The bad effect of more than one ideal was not confined 
alone to the amateur, as some of the best breeders were 
producing birds of two or more shades of color, so they 
might better cater to the varying opinions of the several 
judges that might be. called upon to award the prizes on 

the color as bred by him, and each had a good argument. 
to offer as to why his ideas were correct and best for the 

The sections most at fault in color of female were back 
and wing bows. These two sections would come bad in 
lacing, no matter whether bred light or dark. The main 
defect was the prevalence of double or triple lacing, Sim- 
ilar to that found on the back of a dark Brahma female; 
and quite often the white in these sections would be stip- 
pled or marked with black. That there was Dark Brahma 
blood in the original crosses that made the Silver Wyan- 
dotte, and that this cross is on the female side, is proven 

cs a 





Fig. 26. 


Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection. 

a ee 


Ske sen 



conclusively, even up to the present time, in the yards of 
our oldest and most careful breeders, as we are continu- 
ally confronted with this triple lacing on back of hens, and 
sometimes it shows in the pullets from our best pens, and 
quite often, indeed, on the hens in their second moult. 

There is one peculiarity in Silver Wyandottes that I 
have not found in other parti-colored birds. This is during 
the moulting season of the hens. Sometimes the defect 
will show on early hatched pullets that moult before cold 
weather sets in, but more commonly on hens in their sec- 
ond or third year. The backs may be good—in fact, the 
choicest females in the yards—but as moulting begins you 
will be surprised to see a lot of double or triple laced 
feathers begin to show up, and gradually they will cover 
nearly the entire section and sometimes creep into the 
wing bows and down the breast. From the choicest fe- 
males of early summer we find the scrub worth eleven cents 
per pound in September, and many breeders become dis- 
gusted with the variety; but if they will wait a while and 
watch developments, they are likely to find another trans- 
formation: As winter approaches you will notice a few 
nicely laced feathers on the back of this same hen, and 
gradually these good feathers push the poor ones out, and 
We again find the handsome colored specimen that we were 
so proud of when we mated our pens in the spring. 

While this change of plumage does not affect all speci- 
mens, I believe nearly, if not all, breeders have noticed 
this during their moulting season, and especially on the 
backs of hens. It seems that nature simply offers a sub- 
stitute in the form of the penciled feathers to act as a 
covering throughout moult, or until such time as the speci- 
men is in shape to produce better ones. 

In Fig 27 are shown three feathers selected from the 
back of the same bird at different seasons of the year. Fea- 
ther No. 1 was taken just before the bird began moulting, 
feather No. 2 was selected during the moulting, and feather 
No. 3 about December 15th, or after the bird had taken on 
her winter garments. These feathers do not illustrate the 

best or the worst of the plumage, but are a fair average of 
You will 

the specimen during the three stages referred to. 

Fig. 27. 

notice quite a bit of difference between feathers Nos. 1 and 
3. Feather No. 1 has a heavy lacing of black on outside 
of white; the lower edge of white is diamond-shaped, the 
white following web of feather and meeting at the shaft. 
The white of this feather is absolutely pure—not a trace 
of black—and outside edge is clearly defined. Feather No. 
3 has narrow edge of white at outer edge of feather, the 
lower edge of white is oval shaped, and there are streaks 
of black in the white center. Feather No. 2 is not only 
laced, but has nearly every bad feature found in the color 
of this variety. The top of feather is white, and the entire 
feather has that faded-out look so utterly disliked by all 
Silver breeders. 

The Standard, in describing the color of the back sec- 
tion of Silver Wyandotte females, says: ‘Web of feathers, 
lustrous black, with large, oval-shaped white centers, free 
from black or brown, the black lacing sharply defined and 
free from white edging; under color, dark slate.” 

The reader will note that the Standard describes the 
white center as large and oval-shaped, and we feel that the 
committee acted wisely in so describing it, as, from the 
oval-shaped centers, we have been able to produce our best 
shew specimens. 

‘and a better luster to surface. 

In Fig. 28 are shown two distinct types of feathers, 
and before proceeding to discuss different sections, to de- 

Fig. 28. 

scribe and illustrate the defects, it is well to study these 
two feathers and get a better understanding in regard to 

Feather No. 1 has the diamond-shaped center with only 
a small margin of black on the sides, and is somewhat lack- 
ing in under color, the white extending too far down in the 
web portion. Feather No. 1 is rather handsome when 
viewed by itself, but it will not hold during moult, and 
there does not seem to be enough black in it to reproduce 
in the hen; the white will break through in the two sides, 
leaving a crescentic finish to the tips; the black will fade 
at the end, losing the luster so much desired by the breed- 
ers of this variety. 

In feather No. 2 we find the large oval-shaped center 
described in the Standard. The black edging on surface 
shows the same width around the upper edge of feather 
and along the sides, but this white does not extend so far 
down as in feather No. 1, showing more slate in under color 
A feather like No. 2 will 
hold its color during the season and is fan more likely to 
moult in well from year to year—in fact, it is the feather 
that our Standard makers believe to be best for this va- 
riety, and one that every breeder should strive to obtain. 


In all varieties of parti-colored birds there is consider- 
able stress laid on color of neck; in fact, many breeders 
will examine this section first when considering a speci- 
men for the breeding pen, both male and female, and many 
birds otherwise good are discarded on account of defective 
color in this section. That a well laced neck on a Silver 
Wyandotte, male or female, adds much to the beauty, goes 
without saying, but it is just as true that the best laced 
females do not always make the best breeders. This the 
old-timers have learned and quite often birds that an ama- 
teur would consider just the proper ones to breed from 
are thrown out of the breeding yards. 

In Fig. 29 are shown four neck feathers, reproduced 
here to illustrate this point. 

Feather No. 3 fits the Standard description for color, 
and is described as follows: “Silvery white, with a black 
stripe through each feather, tapering to a point near ex- 
tremity of feather; white, free from black or brown edg- 
ing; shafts of feathers may be white; under color, dark 


The reader will note that the Standard says the shafts 
ors may be white. Were I instructing a class in 
1s Silver Wyandottes, I would go still further and 

feather may have a diamond-shaped white center 
so long as it showed a good dark under color, with correct 

outside lacing. 

Feather No. 4 would be my ideal for a breeding female, 
especially were I expecting good open lacing on back, 
breast and wing bows of pullets. In the Standard descrip- 
tion of color, you will note these words: “Under color, 
dark slate.” Don’t overlook this important feature if you 
wish to establish a strain of reliable breeders. Remember 
that pure black is just as essential as pure white. I would 
cut brown, or rusty color, in black just as much as I would 
brass, or straw color, in white. Always keep two things 
in mind in breeding Silver Wyandottes if you expect suc- 
cess: First, a good slate under color in all sections; sec- 
ond, a nice, clean outer lacing, free from foreign color. 

Avoid using a male or female with a hackle feather, 
like feathers Nos. 1 and 2 in Fig. 29. Feather No. 1 is too 
light, has no distinct lacing, the black and white are both 
defective, and should be discounted at least 4 points. 
Feather No. 2 has a defect that was at one time quite com- 
mon in this variety, the black running to the end of the 
feather and lacing stopping short, giving the neck a smutty, 
black ring at base of hackle. This defect is not so com- 
mon now as formerly, but we occasionally find specimens 
showing it in more or less degree, and when such defects 
do appear they should be severely punished, and I would 
advise breeders to discard them entirely where the best 
of results are expected. When an extreme mating is de- 
sired, they can be used with fairly good results—that is, 


when the opposite sex is very light in hackle. This style 
of lacing might be used for one cross in order to strengthen 
the black, but even then it is not sure of success, and, as 
a rule, the best results follow by using the colors as de- 
scribed by the Standard. A neck showing feathers like No. 
2 should be cut 1% points. 


In all parti-colored breeds back color is of vast im- 
portance, and it is rare indeed that a specimen of any of 
the varieties passes without discount in this section. 

Silver Wyandotte females are especially faulty in this, 
no matter how good they may be in the breast and wing 
bows. To find a hen or pullet that is absolutely correct in 
back lacing is so rare that it causes no end of comment 
and is talked of for months by the leading breeders of this 
variety. There are so many little defects that creep into 

this one section that one is sometimes tempted to advo- 
cate the change of the color description and see if we 
can’t decide on something that nature will assist in per- 
fecting. But to change the color, in our opinion, would ma- 
terially injure the beauty of the bird, as nice, open white 
centers, free from black penciling, with distinct outer lac- 
ing of jet black with sound under color, is the handsomest 
plumage that we could adopt. The old Dark Brahma blood 
that was in the original cross that made up our Silver Wy- 
andotte will come to the surface, and this section seems to 
have a peculiar tendency to show it more than all others. 

To arrive at perfection in this breed we must study the 
matings as carefully as an expert painter would study col- 
ors in mixing for a particular shade. We must have a suffi- 
cient amount of white to make the nice oval centers. At 
the same time we cannot overlook the dark under color 
if we expect the black to hold. 

In Fig. No. 30 is shown a group of feathers that illus- 
trate a few of the several defects that the breeders of this 
variety are constantly confronted with. 

Feather No. 1 fits the Standard description of color in 
this section and is the one breeders are trying to obtain. 

Feather No. 2 shows a defect that is quite common in 
the large open-centered varieties. The outer lacing is good, 
but breaks away at the bottom, and under color is too light. 
A feather like this should be discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 8 shows a defect common in this breed 
when too dark matings are resorted to. The outer lacing 
of black is good and shows a surface that fairly glistens 
in the sunlight, but the centers are entirely too small and 
should be discounted 1% points. 

Feather No. 4 is good in the white center, but black 
edging is irregular and runs out at the tip, making the 
black look mussy and irregular, and should be discounted 
1% points. 

Feather No. 5 shows the tracing of the Dark Brahma 
color so peculiar to this breed, and one that few, if any, 
of our females are entirely free from. A back showing 
plumage of this kind should be discounted three points. 

Feather No. 6 shows a defect that is quite common in 
Silver Wyandotte females. The white center is about the 
right proportion, but it is flecked with black and outer edge 
is not as clear and distinct as it should be. Backs like this 
have a mossy color that is an eyesore to Wyandotte breed- 
ers and should be discounted 2 points. 


The color of breast in all American varieties has a val- 
uation of five points, and on Silver Wyandottes we find 

some crescentic-marked feathers that fail to show the lac- 
ing entirely around. Another defect is sometimes found in 
this variety—a tracing of white on outside of black, mak- 
ing something in the form of a triple lacing. This is quite 
often found in females where we have not been careful 
enough to guard the dark under color. 

In Fig. No. 31 are shown three feathers illustrating the 
defects referred to. 

Feather No. 1 is taken from up near the throat, and 
shows the crescentic markings, and should be discounted 
1% points. The white in this feather is all right, but is 
lacking in black, and for this reason does not receive as 

much of a discount as it would if both colors were defective. 
Feather No. 2 shows flecking in white center, and 
should be discounted 1 point. 




oR © 


Feather No. 3 shows the outside lacing of white, and 
should be discounted 1%. 

Body and Fluff. 

The way Silver Wyandottes have been bred for the 
past five years we can find but little fault with the color in 
this section—in fact, several specimens that the writer has 
handled the past twelve months have passed without a dis- 
count—and are as near Standard as we will likely ever 
breed them. These feathers do not seem to be subjected to 
as rough usage as those on breast and back, and for this 
reason we believe they show better in the adult specimens. 
It is the constantly breaking of feathers on back and breast 
that is responsible for the many defective ones to be found 

Fig. 32. 

in these sections, especially in back; body and fluff, not be- 
ing subjected to this rough usage, present the best color. 
Sometimes on the body of a female we will find feathers 
that have failed to lace entirely around. This is on the 
upper portion in front of legs. Sometimes the black lacing 
around the thighs is too heavy and does not show the white 
‘center on the surface so much desired. 

In Fig. No. 32 are shown two feathers that illustrate 
these points. 

Feather No. 1 is taken from the body, and should be 
‘discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 2 is taken from the covering of thighs and 
is too small in white center, and should be discounted 
1 point. 


The present Standard is more severe on color in this 
Section than the old, giving 6 to color and 4 to shape, the 

old Standard allowing only 4 for color in all American va- 
rieties. The shoulder, or wing bow, should be laced similar 
to the back—nice, open, white centers, with clear, distinct 
white lacing running entirely around the point, free from 
white edging and showing dark slate under color. The 
flight should be black except on the lower web, where 
white edging appears. The secondaries on our best bred 
specimens are showing the lacing entirely around the 
feather, and this, we believe, is as it should be, both in 
male and female. A lacing of white with good solid black 
makes the handsomest wing, and when we see specimens 
showing this we know it is obtainable, and we would ad- 
vise fanciers to breed for it in our Silver and Golden Wyan- 
dottes as well as in our Sebright Bantams. 

The descriptions that we have given of defective 
feathers in back and breast will answer for wing bows, 
when allowing for the difference in the shape of feathers 
from these sections. 


Fig. 33. 

In Fig. 33 are shown some defective flight and sec- 
ondary feathers. 

Feather No. 1 is a flight feather where the white in- 
termingles with the black, and in such proportion that it is 
decidedly objectionable from an exhibition standpoint, and 
wouid fail in the breeding pen in producing good 
males or females. Where the white creeps into the black, 
or the black into the white, it should be clear and should 
show the individual color solid, and where defects of this 
kind appear, they are not considered so seriously by the 
breeders, but when it flecks up the two colors mingled, 
as in feather No. 1, it should be discounted 1% points. 

Feather No. 2 of this group shows as much white 
as feather No. 1, but it is clearly divided, and 1 point 
would be a severe discount. 

Feather No. 3 is from the secondaries and shows a de- 
fect that is sometimes found there. The ends of feathers 
wili have a tendency to show the Dark Brahma color in a 
line of tracing of brown or black, and should be discounted 
1 point. The Standard allowing 6 points for color in this 
section, it is well for the breeder to remember that not all 
of these 6 points can be applied to any one part of the 
wing, and we believe that dividing the wing into three dis. 

Something of Special Interest to Silver Wyandotte Breeders. 

In the group of feathers on the opposite page 
we have illustrated colors that under test do 
not fade, or, to make it plain to the beginner, 
the style of lacing that can be depended upon 
to stand the test of moult and still retain the 
pure white centers and clean outer lacing of 

We ask that you study this plate carefully, 
as we consider it of more value to the breed- 
ers of Silver and Golden Wyandottes than all 
other illustrations in the book combined. 

We have here the foundation to the struc- 
ture that the prominent breeders of this coun- 
try and Europe have spent a quarter of a cen- 
tury in building, and, realizing fully the impor- 
tance of these feathers as an absolutely safe 
foundation to build upon, we have taken noth- 
ing for granted in these sections. 

The editor has personally visited the yards 
of the breeders where the birds are bred. I 
know the hens they were selected from, have 
studied them carefully as pullets in their first 
adult plumage, then again as hens in their 
second year and still again as hens three years 
old. UHave also had the pleasure of handling 
two of them while in moult, right at a time 
if there is any change it would show, and at 
no time in the life of these females has the 
plumage faded or shown the black, splotchy 
appearance in white that is so prominent in 
so many Silver Wyandotte females. 

When viewing these feathers please bear in 
mind that they were selected from hens four 
years old, Bands Nos. 336 and 318. 

The feathers were furnished us by Messrs. 
A. and E. Tarbox, Yorkville, Ill., who bred the 
specimens and still own them—in fact, it is 
doubtful if one could get a price on some of 
these females, as they figure they are the re- 
sult of a life’s work and are a foundation for 
the future. 

In selecting these feathers we have made no 
effort to take the best individual feathers from 
the several sections, but we are giving our 
readers the benefit of each just as they show on 
the females, and we call special attention to 
them, both as to surface and under color, as it 
is from such feathers and no other that we can 
give reliable information as to just how much 
black and white can be depended upon to re- 
produce year after year and hold the color both 
as pullets and hens and reproduce itself in 
their offspring, and for the guidance of our 
readers we call attention to the color of the 
pullets bred from these individual hens, show- 
ing that like will produce like when properly 

mated, and a sufficient amount of the blood of 
the strain retained. 

The editor is under many obligations to 
Messrs. A. and H. Tarbox, and we know the 
Wyandotte breeders of this country will appre- 
ciate what they are doing in the right way to 
encourage the breeding of this variety and as- 
sisting in maintaining it to the highest point 
of perfection from an exhibition standpoint, and 
it is well to note that in bringing out this color 
the commercial value of the fowl has not been 
impaired in any way, as hen Band No. 318 has 
an egg record equal, in fact surpassing many of 
the contesting pens that have been so highly 
touted by breeders of other varieties. The fol- 
lowing figures explain the chart of feathers in 

In this group of feathers we have the correct 
amount of white and black, with sufficient slate 
in under color to hold the black lacing in all 
sections during the moult of the hens. 

From an educational standpoint we consider 
this plate of feathers by far the most valuable 
illustration in this book. They were selected 
for us by Messrs. A. and EH. Tarbox from their 
exhibition and breeding hens that we know 
positively have held their color through two 
or more moults. 

Figs. 1, 2 and 3 illustrate the back, breast 
and wing bow of the second hen at Scranton, 
Pa., January, 1907; 4, 5 and 6 illustrate the 
back, breast and wing bow of first hen at Chi- 
cago, January, 1908, and this same hen was 
winner of first as pullet at Chicago, December, 
1904; 7, 8 and 9 illustrate back, breast and 
wing bow of first hen at Chicago, 1907, also’ 
second hen at Chicago, 1906 (this hen was illus- 
trated in the December, 1906, Inland Poultry 
Journal, showing an egg record of 175 eggs in 
264 days); 10, 11 and 12 illustrate the back, 
breast and wing bow of fourth hen at Chicago, 
January, 1908, and daughter of first hen at Chi- 
cago, January, 1907; 13, 14 and 15 illustrate the 
back, breast and bow of a daughter of first hen 
at Chicago, January, 1907; 16, 17 and 18 illus- 
trate the back, breast and wing bow of second 
hen at Chicago, January, 1908, and daughter of 
first hen at Chicago, January, 1907. 

Please note this plate is an absolute repro- 
duction of the feathers forwarded to us by 
Messrs. A. and EH. Tarbox. There have been 
no retouching or changes. This plate of feath- 
ers is worth many dollars to breeders of Sil- 
ver Wyandottes as a chart in the mating up of. 
the breeding pens. Messrs. A. and EH. Tarbox 
have spent years in learning the very thing 
that they are practically giving you free. 








Their Origin and the Breeds That Were Used to Produce the Color—Some Ancient History From Men 
Who Were at One Time Prominent Breeders of This Popular Variety. 

HILE the origin of the Silvers must always 
remain in doubt, we seem to have what 
might be termed official records of the 
crosses that made up the first Goldens, 
or, at least, the Goldens that were first 
recognized as exhibition specimens and 
the ones whose blood lines can be traced 
to many of our prize-winning strains of 


But old as that variety is and carefully 
as they have been bred by our leading fanciers, they are 
with few exceptions further from Standard type, so far as 
shape is concerned, than any Wyandotte that is recognized 
by the American Standard. In fact, the writer has found 
but few birds of this variety that filled the shape require- 
ments, while many of our winning specimens would come 
nearer the Plymouth Rock description in back, tail and 
body, and quite a few of them even reaching the Java type, 
especially in females. 

We believe the breeders of Golden Wyandottes appre- 
ciate our efforts to harmonize the shape of their variety, 
as outlined in our color illustrations, and it is up to the 
men who have given years of thought to producing correct 
color to shorten up the backs, necks, tails and bodies of 
their Goldens and make them conform to Standard descrip- 
tion, or go to the Revision Committee of the American Poul- 
try Association and demand a Standard description for 
shape that will fit the winning specimens. If, in your opin- 
ion, backed by years of experience, you cannot shorten 
up this variety of the Wyandotte family to where the Stand- 
ard demands, it should then be insisted that a Standard 
be made for your variety that you can breed to without in- 
juring your birds. 

In looking up the early records of the Goldens, giving 
full consideration to the opinions of breeders who were 
themselves financially interested in the booming of this 
variety, we took the following from Pierce’s Wyandotte 
Culture, believing this comes nearer telling the truth about 
the origin of this breed than anything that has yet ap- 
peared in print. Knowing all the parties quoted from, we 
have no hesitancy in giving it full credence, believing that 
these men, like ourselves, are striving to give to the public 
Pani information as to how the variety was first pro- 


As to color, we will refer our readers to the colored 
illustrations and the individual feathers that appear in each 
picture, as we believe our artist has portrayed a correct 
idea of what ideal plumage should be, and please bear in 
mind that these pictures are not run to represent the birds 
of any breeder, but the artist’s idea of what the correct 
Wyandotte should be, as described by the American Stand- 
ard of Perfection. 

Following is the quotation referred to, and we believe 
our readers, and especially those interested in Golden Wy- 
andottes, will find much that will interest them. The letter 
from Mr. Commings was written in 1884, when this variety 
of the Wyandotte family was first introduced to our Amer- 
ican fanciers as a show bird. 

B. N. Pierce Notes. 

This is truly a new breed, and desiring to know more 
about it, we requested Mr, E. S. Commings, of Rockford, II1., 
who is breeding them, to furnish us a history of their origin, 
which he has kindly complied with, as will appear in his 
own words: 

“Many years ago Mr. Joseph McKeen, of Omro, Wis.,. 

by the crossing of several varieties of fowls, produced a 

brilliant black-red variety, with low rose combs and bril- 
liant yellow legs, that we called ‘Winnebagoes.’ They were 
excellent fowls, combining beauty with utility, and might 
have been properly termed fancy fowls. Mr. McKeen has 
never attempted to get them recognized by the A. P. A. or 
admitted to our Standard, but was wholly content to breed 
them in line for the sole pleasure they gave him as an evi- 
dence of how these lower forms of animated nature can be 
molded by the creative fancy of man. 

“These fowls in many respects resembled our Wyan- 
dottes. In ’79 Mr. McKeen procured several settings of 
American Sebright eggs of that veteran breeder, L. W. 
Whittaker, of North Adams, Mich. He was more than 
pleased with the appearance of the beautiful fowls that ma- 
tured from the eggs that hatched. Being thoroughly posted 
in the Standard varieties and knowing that each Silver 
variety had its counterpart in a Golden variety, the idea 
naturally occurred to him that if he could only color the 
snowy white to a beautiful gold that he would have a Golden 

-Sebright, or, as time has determined, a Golden Wyandotte. 

Selecting some of the very best of his American Sebright 
pullets, he bred them to a fine cockerel of his Winnebago 
variety. From the first the result was, although not wholly 
satisfactory, enough so to persuade him to continue the work 
of building up this Golden variety. By proper selection the 
work went on, sometimes discouraging in the extreme, but 
with the determination of a true fancier, the good results 
that have continued to grow, until now he has them almost 
thoroughbred. I became interested in them almost three 
years ago and am doing my mite to help the good work 
along. But it seems that Mr. McKeen was not the only 
one that conceived the idea of producing a Golden Wyan- 
dotte. The same spring he was commencing this work G. 
L. Buskirk, of Odell, Ill., by crossing with Black Red Stand- 
ard varieties, produced some very good results in cockerels, 
but not as good pullets. Procuring some foreign blood of 
Mr. McKeen, this year will determine the value of the cross. 

“But fully a thousand miles from either of these gen- 
tlemen, in Waynesboro, Pa., nearer by far the home of our 
Standard variety, curious as it may seem, the same idea was 
born in the mind of Jacob Ryder. He, too, has shown 
himself to be a skillful breeder in producing another 
family of the Golden Wyandottes, related in no way 
to either of the other families. Strange as it may seem, 
the type is very nearly the same in these three matings; 
in each we find the same golden color in pullets, the same 
rich golden bay color in cockerels, the lacing is of a bril- 
liant blue-black, such as we find in the wing coverts of the 
peacock. Speaking as a fancier,.setting aside all pecuniary 
interest, I honestly believe here is a breed that will create 
a greater boom among our fraternity than any fowl that has 
ever appeared. ‘They have not only their beauty to recom- 
mend them, but they have good sterling qualities, are bet- 
ter layers than their Silver cousins and are larger fowls.” 

Mr. W. E. Shedd, of Waltham, Mass., a breeder of an- 
other strain of Golden Wyandottes, writes us that his stock 
originated with a farmer, who asserts that they came by 
crossing two strains of Silver Wyandottes. Mr. Shedd fur- 
ther says they are very handsome and breed true to feather. 


(From “The New England Farmer,” August 2, 1890. By 
A. F. Hunter.) 

We gave a short account of this comparatively new 
breed in our general article on the Wyandottes in the De- 
cember number, in which we stated that they were enjoy- 

Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 

Standard of Perfection. 


: Be 

iy et 

Saar us 


ing one of the most remarkable “booms” ever known to the 
poultry fraternity, and quoted some strong expressions of 
opinion as to their great merits. We were, at that time, 
hardly prepared to adopt all the enthusiastic plaudits of 
Mr. Kuenne and other writers, who claimed for them that 
they were unrivaled as both summer and winter layers. We 
had not then “summered them and wintered them,” and, be- 
sides, it is usually wise to discount the encomiums of a 
poultry enthusiast. Under these circumstances we feel that 
we Owe it to this breed to say more in their favor, and, in 
fact, we cannot speak in too strong terms of praise of their 
remarkable qualities. 

They are all their lovers claim for them. Their fine 
shape, beautiful markings, rich plumage and generally high- 
bred carriage assure them the admiration of every beholder, 
and long since enthroned them in the position of prime fa- 
vorites of our yards. They are remarkably beautiful, and 
are unrivaled for attractiveness. Mr. Kuenne says “they 
are perfectly docile, may be handled at pleasure when sit- 
ting, and for rearing chicks are unequaled.” Their docility 
and gentleness attest the truth of this statement, although 
we did not verify it by allowing any of ours to sit; their 
eggs were too much in demand for that. Their laying quali- 
ties are remarkable, and it is within the bounds of truth to 
say that they closely rival, if they do not equal, the Leg- 
. horns in this. . Our pen of seven pullets has laid twenty- 
seven eggs in four consecutive days—two days of seven 
each, one day of six, and the next day seven again—which 
is a great yield. And not only have they been great layers, 
but their eggs have been remarkably fertile, hatching out 
a very large percentage of fine, healthy chicks. Of three 
hens sitting on their own eggs only, two hatched every 
egg, and the other eleven chicks out of twelve eggs, and 
it has been rare indeed that we have found an infertile 
Golden Wyandotte egg. The chicks when hatched were no 
less remarkable, evidencing a high degree of vigor and 
“gimp,” were quickly on their feet, were foraging for food 
in the liveliest manner, and showing by their prompt fledg- 
ing and rapid growth abundant evidence of thrift and early 

These remarkable qualities were so manifest my curi- 
Osity was excited to learn more of their origin, and I ad- 
dressed a note to Mr. Joseph McKeen, the originator of the 
breed, asking him about them. He says: 

“The Golden Wyandottes are more than one-half Silver 
Wyandotte blood. The Winnebagoes were the top cross, al- 
though it crossed both ways the first season. When we 
cross a Silver Wyandotte male on a Black-Red, or Buff 
female, the chicks of both sexes, according to my experience, 
will be all, or nearly all, silver color and black combined. If 
we cross the Winnebago, or other black-red male, on Silver 
Wyandotte females, the progeny will be, males, silver; fe- 
males, bay or buff. Strange, is it not, how males take the 
color of the dam and females the color of the sire? So, you 
see, it was necessary to use the Winnebago male on the 
Silver Wyandotte females to produce Golden Wyandottes; 
at least, this is the shortest road to the desired end. The 
Winnebagoes were, when I bred them, a large, black-red 
fowl. Some of the males had black breasts, others (and 
these pleased methe most) were a deep reddish bay, all but 
the tail, which was a very shiny greenish black. They were 
rose combed, legs clean and yellow. Some of the chicks, 
however, came single combed, and showed slight traces of 
feathering on shanks. Soon after I started to breed Golden 
Wyandottes I dropped the Winnebagoes. 

“Why the Golden Wyandottes have so much vigor I do 
not understand, but think they must take a good deal of it 
from the Winnebagoes, as they are a remarkably strong, 
hardy and vigorous fowl. Those that have kept them praise 
them very highly. I fear you will grow weary in reading 
this long letter, which, when I commenced, I thought would 
be short. Yours truly, 


“Omro, Winnebago County, Wisconsin.” 

The last paragraph of Mr. McKeen’s letter is in answer 
to my direct question as to whether the great vigor and 
strength of the Golden Wyandotte chicks were due to that 
of the native Winnebago blood. One point which he clears 
up is that the Winnebagoes were the “top cross.” It has 
usually been stated that a Silver Wyandotte male was used 
on Winnebago females. Another point is that somewhat 
more than half the blood is of the Silver Wyandottes. 


{By Wm. L. Stroud in “The California Cackler,” April, 1890.) 

In the autmn of 1880 I was visiting my friend, Joseph 
McKeen. Not belonging to that class that “despises the 

day of small things,” we were given to a fondness for breed- 
ing fine chickens, which had led us to a mutual acquaint- 
ance and friendship. As we were going through his poultry 
houses I caught sight of a beautiful cockerel of glossy 
golden and black—the golden predominating. Mr. McKeen 
said to me: “What do you think of my undertaking to 
breed a new fowl upon the basis of that bird crossed with 
the Sebright?” We were then breeding what were called 
“American Sebrights,’ obtained from Mr. L. Whittaker, of 
Michigan. This black-red fowl he had some years previous 
produced by crossing some of the Standard varieties, among 
them Buff Cochins, and called them “Winnebagoes.” He had 
disseminated them among his neighbors, who had called 
them the “Golden Farmer.” In the spring of 1881 I was 
again with Mr. McKeen, just as the first brood of new hope- 
fuls was ready to be cooped. (A part of the brood was 
from eggs out of a laced hen of immense size, that was to 
be mine.) I carried home the whole brood, and reared it 
until about half grown, when it began to show the golden 
lacing. Mr. McKeen then took it home, expressing satis- 
faction at what seemed to promise a fulfillment of our ex- 
pectations. This is the brief little record of my hand in 
rearing the prototype of what now surpasses what I ever 
expected to see—the Golden Wyandotte. 

Upon that basis Mr. McKeen has been bringing steadily 
to perfection this breed, which, in our estimation, for all 
purposes, rivals all others. In his own words, “They com: 
bine beauty with utility in a marked degree.” No other 
fowl pleases me so well as these. I think it safe to say 
that no other variety ever met with such universal favor 
by fanciers, and all classes that are at all interested in 
poultry. What in all the poultry world could be more 
beautiful than a flock of fully matured, choice specimens of 
Golden Wyandottes, with their red rose combs, clean yel- 
low legs, large and symmetrical bodies, dressed in the most 
gaudy plumage of golden and greenish black that glistens in 
the sunlight? Dr. W. E. Scott, of Ontario, has a beautiful 
five-acre orange grove in bearing. He visited our Hermosa 
ranch a few weeks ago to see our flock of Golden Wyan- 
dottes, and thought they surpassed for beauty anything in 
the chicken line he had ever seen; that he could grace his 
orange grove with nothing so appropriate-as a flock of such 
birds, and determined to banish all other fowls and give them 
free range of his paradise. Mr. McKeen began to send out 
his annual circular in 1884, announcing his new acquisition, 
but offered no birds or eggs for sale until about 1886, which 
year he exhibited them at Chicago, where he sold a trio for 

75, and a few other birds at fancy prices. No one sees 
these golden beauties but to admire them. Enough has 
been written in their praise to fill a moderate sized volume. 

One poultry editor in May, 1886, predicted the Golden 
Wyandotte “the coming fowl for fancy,’ and it has been 
much improved since, though perfection is as yet a thing 
anticipated. To chronicle the opinions of leading fanciers 
would monopolize too much of the Cackler’s valuable space. 
Those who have seen specimens of the Silver Wyandotte 
can imagine their general appearance, with the white 
changed to a golden bay. They are a little heavier than the 
Silvers, which some think is a fault, but we think it a vir- 
tue. Their yellow skin and legs render them a desirable 
fowl for the table or market. When other fanciers learned 
what Mr. McKeen was doing they began to make experi- 
ments to the same end, but I think none of them has been 
able to produce anything to compare with his. 

At the session of the A. P. A. in January, 1888, the 
Golden Wyandoittes knocked at its door for admission to 
the Standard. Some objection was at first offered because 
several strains under this name were seeking admission, 
some of which had but recently come into existence, bred 
by crossing with the Hamburgs, and inferior in size and 
general character. These are still being disseminated as 
Golden Wyandottes. The McKeen strain of Golden Wyan- 
dottes came into existence by no accident, but with the idea 
of producing just what they are today, but with a success 
rather more than anticipated. 

One writer in 1888 says: “The Golden Wyandottes are 
unquestionably one of the most handsome varieties of the 
poultry list, and an ornament to any lawn”; that “the most 
indifferent person to the beauties of the feathered tribe 
could not pass a flock of Golden Wyandottes without a 
glance of admiration.” ‘Nor,’ says this writer, “is their 
beauty the only cause of their deserved popularity. An- 
other virtue of vast importance is their great laying quali- 
ties.’ From what we know by experience we think their 
excellent qualities have not been overstated. 

(It is clearly evident that Mr. McKeen was the origi- 
nator of the Golden Wyandottes. It is just as evident that 


their origin was no happen chance, but was due to intelli- 
gent methods in mating, with a fixed purpose in mind.—Ed.) 


In our illustrations and description of Silver Wyan- 
dottes, together with the defects of that variety, we have 
covered, we believe, every phase of the Golden Wyandotte 
that would be of general interest or information to our 

The illustrations of the two varieties, as to shape, and 
the word description of color, are the same in all sections 
except substituting “golden bay” for “white”; “powdered 
with golden bay” for “powdered with silver gray” in thighs 
and fluff, and “dark slate or dark slate powdered with 
golden bay” in under color. 

It is not our intention to eliminate any description that 
will be of general use to our readers, but repetition would 
be of no benefit and take additional space. 

There are two things in reference to shape of this 
popular variety of the Wyandotte family that we desire to 
call attention to, and they are length of body and back, 
Golden Wyandottes, with but few exceptions, have been 
faulty in this respect, due, perhaps, to the Winnebago blood 
that was first introduced to give the color. The bird is 
longer in back of males and the tail carried alittle more up- 
right. However, the breeders of this variety are gradu- 
ally bringing the lines closer together. During the last 

two seasons there have been quite a number of winners 
at the leading shows that were almost perfect in color that 
showed short backs, deep bodies, with short, well spread 

We call attention here to our color illustrations of male 
and female that fill our idea of Standard outlines, and in 
color they are as nearly correct as it is possible to reproduce 
by the three-color process, and it is well to note at this time 
that the reproduction of perfect color under this system is 
always more or less faulty. We can reproduce in oil an 
absolutely perfect color of any breed or variety, so far as 
the original oil painting is concerned, but, in trying to re- 
produce these colors under the three or four-color process, 
ink will not in every instance feed as it should, and one 
color is apt to overlap another, even when the best presses. 
and pressfeeders in-the country are doing the work, and a. 
line, no wider than a hair, of one color on another makes a. 
decided difference in the looks of a picture. However, we: 
believe that the illustrations will give to our readers as 
nearly a correct idea as it is possiele to give, and we know 
if any of you are fortunate enough to produce specimens. 
as good as the ones illustrated, in shape and color, you need. 
have no fear of competition in the best shows of America. 
We wish to call special attention to the feathers that are 
grouped around the color pictures. They represent our 
ideal, both as to shape and color, and are well proportioned 
in black and gold. 


Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection 


Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection. 

Wal Tie 


The Only Variety That Owes Its Origin to the Original Silvers—No Out Crosses Used in its Make-Up 
—Brassy Surface the Defect Hardest to Overcome. 

HILE WE are looking up the record of the 
several varieties of the Wyandottes, that 
have come prominently before the fan- 
ciers in the past twenty years, and div- 
ing into old and musty records in our 
efforts to find out just what breed or 
breeds entered into their make-up, it is a 
real pleasure to find a sub-variety that 

J is in truth a thoroughbred. 
eF The Whites can claim that distinction, 
as the most prominent strains of this variety today owe 
their origin to true white sports from the Silvers. 
: When the Whites were first introduced, a few breed- 
ers tried and did succeed in a way in producing a white 
fowl with a rose comb, but the best of these came from 
crosses of Rose Comb White Dorkings on very light col- 
ored Silver Wyandotte females and very inferior white 
birds with rose combs. But these matings, so far as the 
writer is able to learn, were never satisfactory. The shape 
Was defective, while the fifth toe, so long bred into the 
Dorking family, would insist upon reproducing itself, and 
the top color of both male and female had enough brass 
in it to make a book agent look lonesome—in fact, the 
brassy surface of both sexes, and especially of the males 
of the White Wyandottes, no matter how produced, threat- 
ened for a time to kill this now popular variety. 

; Along in the eighties, about ’85 to ’87, when the writer 

was much interested in the Silver Wyandottes, there were 

reports current in regard to Albino sports from Silvers. 

The breeders of faney fowls were not so numerous then 

as now, and fanciers that exhibited one breed or variety 

for a number of years became well acquainted with one 
another through correspondence, and when these white 
sports began to make their appearance, the Silver breed- 
ers in the Midwest kept in close touch with them. In- 
quiries developed the fact that in nearly every instance 
the white sports came from the very darkest matings of 

Silvers instead of the light matings, as one would naturally 


The first one to make an appearance in the writer’s 
yards was in the spring of ’87 or ’88 (I am not positive 
as to date, as some of the records are lost) the pen that 
produced them was a cross of the Haynes and Orr strain. 
The chick, pure white except some ticking—in fact, nearly 
if not quite as good in color as the average female of 
today, proved to be a pullet and matured into a fine 
shaped hen. 

The same season Mr. Hugh Meeks, of Bonaparte, Iowa, 
an old friend of the writer’s and for a number of years a 
prominent breeder of Silvers, had a sport from one of his 
pens that proved to be a cockerel. The following year the 
writer mated these two birds together, and from this 
cross producd several chicks that matured into well shaped 
specimens. ° 

From these birds, I mated the second year a pen of 
as good White Wyandottes as there was in the country at 
that time. In females I found but little fault with them, 
but the males were far from satisfactory—to me, at least. 
They were invariably brassy, and in saddle and hackles 
showed a number of black feathers the entire length so 
they could be noticed on the surface. 

After three years with them, and not being able to 
eliminate this defect in the males, I gave them up, be- 
lieving at that time they would never become a fancier’s 

While I was experimenting with the Whites other 
breeders took them up, some selecting birds from my 
yards, others working on strains of their own that had 
originated in their own yards, but, so far as I am able to 

learn, all having the same trouble with color of males as 
the writer. However, others were more persistent than I 
and held on to them, and finally succeeded in getting rid 
of part of the brassy surface, but it is only within the past 
ten years that any one could honestly boast of a stay-white 
male that would hold its color throughout the summer 
months. Finally they did succeed in doing this, and today 
the pure White Wyandottes are as common as pure white 
fowls of any breed, and their popularity is not equalled by 
any white fowl in this country or Europe. 

The slight ticking in plumage is still with them, and no 
doubt will be for many years, as the black blood in their 
ancestors will persist in coming to the surface and is in 
reality more of a mark of thoroughbred than otherwise; 
but time, skill and patience will eventually eliminate this 
minor defect, and the efforts of the breeders of this va- 
riety to bring about this result will be time well spent. 

No variety of the Wyandotte family can equal the 
Whites in shape. A glance at the color plates in this 
issue, aS compared to the many half-tone reproductions 
from the winners at our big Western shows, tell the story 
of perfection better than any word description we could 

One. would think there was not much of an opportunity 
to discuss color or criticise it in a breed that is described 
as pure white, and were it a fact that all specimens of this 
variety were absolutely pure in color there would be noth- 
ing to consider in the way of defects, and the scoring of the 
fowls would be a matter of shape. But no breed of fowls 
is absolutely pure in color, no matter whether white or 
black, and White Wyandottes are no exception to the rule— 
in fact, are one of the most defective white fowls in color 
that are recognized by the American Standard. It has been 
only within the last few years that we have had what might 
be classed a “stay-white” bird, one with plumage that could 
be depended upon to be free from brass or rust during the 
summer months. This defect alone has caused perhaps 
more worry on the part of White Wyandotte breeders than 
any other one thing, but it is not the only defect in color 
by any means. The fowl being a true sport from the Sil- 
vers, naturally has black blood in its origin, which we may 
expect to crop out occasionally, if not in a solid black fowl, 
in some feathers from the different sections. 

While it is the aim of the American Poultry Association 
to guard against awarding prizes to birds that show 
plumage other than white, it is a notorious fact that there 
is not one White Wyandotte out of an even thousand that 
is bred without some ticking, and when we find an exhibit 
where every bird in the class is absolutely free from this, 
we can gamble on it that somebody has looked them over 
carefully before they were put in the show. 

The Standard gives us a valuation for cutting brass in 
plumage under the head of “Cutting for Defects,’ on pages 
29 and 30, where it says: ‘“Brassiness in all varieties, in 
each section where found, one to two points. Creaminess of 
plumage or quill in white varieties, except where specified 
creamy white, in each section where found, % to 1%.” 

With these instructions before us, it is an easy matter 
to discount the surface and under color of the fowl, so far 
as brass, sunburn or cream may affect them. 

Flecking in plumage is a different proposition, and must 
be gauged differently. The Standard, under the head of 
“Disqualifications of White Wyandottes,” says: “Red, buff 
or positive black in any part of the plumage is a disqualifi- 
eation.” The description seems plain enough, but there is 
a vast amount of difference in the opinion of the judges as 
well as breeders as to what constitutes positive black, and 
we have here in Fig. 35 (feather No. 1) a defect which, 
while not common in White Wyandottes, is one that is often 

met with, and we would not disqualify a specimen with this 
amount of ticking in plumage, but would cut the limit of 
two points in any section where it is found, the same as 
we would with brass. 

Feather No. 2, in same group, has no more black than 
feather No. 1, but it is so formed in the feather that 
we believe the judge would be allowed to throw out 
the specimen where this amount was found in any section 
of the bird. However, we believe the judges should be al- 
lowed to use a little judgment in matters of this kind, and 
when a bird is discounted 2 points for this color some think 
the section has been punished severely enough. 

Feather No. 3 is clearly disqualified, the entire end of 
feather passing each side of the quill and for a half inch 
down in the feather is black. It cannot be taken for brown 
or gray, but is positively black, and should disqualify 
the bird. 

In Fig. 36 feather No. 1 is a sample taken from 
the saddle of an exhibition cockerel. This bird won a prize 
and quite a bit of criticism was called forth on account of 
it. The judge claimed that it was not positive black and the 
other good sections of the bird overbalanced this serious 
defect, and we believe, according to the Standard descrip- 
tion, the judge sustained himself in his decision. Feathers 
like this are quite often found in the saddle, hackle and 
tail coverts—in fact, we quite often find them much worse 
than feather No. 1. 




ure, was selected from a 
cockerel that had passed 
muster in the breeder’s 
yards and was being pre- 
pared for exhibition. The 
birds had been carefully 
handled and this feather 
did not show on the sur- 
face, but on second han- 
dling, drawing the feathers 


but we do believe that if 

er | thy, through the hand the 

} ‘ fy . Wrong way, developed the 

Rel GZ _ feathers black nearly the 

OY b;- entire length and positive 

PANS GLA black over half the length 
QZ of feathers. 

SNe 7 We do not know what ef- 

EOE WZ fect a feather like this 

| Be PS “s would have on the breed- 

Fn | Z z= | 4% ing of White Wyandottes, 

{ 5 3b ND every specimen, male or 

ras 4 ‘ female, were discarded 

er from the breeding pens on 

account of a little ticking and occasional disquali- 

Feather No. 2 in same fig- 


fying feathers, some of the best birds that ever 
graced our American shows would be sent to market. ; 

While we do not encourage faking on the part of any 
one, it is a notorious fact that so long as the Standard 
reads as it does, and white birds breed as they do, then it 
is necessary to leave eighty-five per cent. of the best White 
Wyandottes at home or do a little faking in order to get 
them in shape to pass muster under the severe critics who 
are awarding prizes today. 

It is these little disqualifications that creep into Stand- 
ard description that make breeds and varieties suffer alike 
that has convinced the writer that all disqualifications, ex- 
cept for natural defects, should be eliminated from the 
Standard. We really believe as they read today they are 
a hindrance in breeding, and many times the best speci- 
mens do not win a prize. Neither do we believe it would 
have any serious effect on the producing of pure white 
fowls in White Wyandottes or any other variety. No mat- 
ter whether they disqualify or not, the breeder does not 
want them there and has done everything in his power to 
eliminate them, but should a choice exhibition pen, con- 
taining one male and four females that otherwise would 

win a prize in strong competition be disqualified because 
one single specimen had one black feather that had been 
overlooked, it is carrying the thing too far, because one 
feather doesn’t represent more than one ten-thousandth 
part of an individual specimen, and that one feather not 
only disqualifies that bird, but the other four in the pen 
with it, and we shall recommend to the American Poultry 
Association at its next revision meeting that all disqualifi- 
cations except natural deformities be eliminated from the 

Bred and Owned by SWANDREWS DIGHTON MAS. | 



Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection. 

f rt ; 4 ; ». . 
Wes Asibaredwlih agin? Stee ae a Ly ; 


Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection, 


One of the Solid Colored Varieties That Had More Out Crosses Than Any of the Parti-Colored 
Varieties of This Breed. 

HIS variety of the Wyandotte family has 
had many ups and downs since it was 
first introduced to the public as a Stand- 
‘ard variety. The out-crosses that en- 
tered into its makeup were perhaps as 
varied as any parti-colored variety of 
the Wyandotte, if not more—in fact, 
when they were first introduced there 
Was aS wide a difference among the fan- 
AD ‘a. ciers as to what really constituted buff 
color as there is today on the correct color in some of the 
new varieties, such as Rhode Island Reds and Buckeyes. 

The writer’s first acquaintance with the Buffs as a 
fancy fowl dates back to about 1890 to 1892. At that time 
a few birds were found in the large exhibitions that showed 
a tendency to Buff—about as near Standard color of today 
as the Bourbon Red Turkeys. 

Their tails and wings were all solid black and quite a 
bit of ticking in neck of females and occasionally some 
of it in the males. The undercolor was either white, bluish 
white or slate. It was seldom that the best show birds at 
that time showed sound undercolor, and if they did they 
were splotchy or mealy on surface. 

In conversation with some of the old breeders in ref- 
erence to the introduction of the Buff Wyandottes, we find 
that several outside crosses were used and different varie- 
ties of the Wyandotte family, or, in other words, different 
colored Wyandottes were used by different breeders to 
bring about the buff fowl, some using the Buff Cochin on 
White.Wyandottes, others using this same cross on Golden 
Wyandottes, and others using this cross on Silver Wyan- 
dottes. The fowl known as Winnebagoes was also used in 
some of the second crosses. 

Other buff fowls were introduced, and whenever a 
breeder could find a fowl of Wyandotte type with rose comb 
that showed buff plumage, regardless of its breeding, it 
Was introduced into the fiock in order to improve the color. 
By the selection of the best, gradually we could note an im- 
provement, but it is only within the past twelve years that 
we have had. Buff Wyandottes that were entitled to the 
name, and really only within the last five or six- that we 
have had real quality that would show and breed well and 
would hold its color from one season to the other. 

The fault of the early Buffs was the tendency to red in 
both sexes, and where the plumage was otherwise good we 
would often find them laced with a narrow edging of red. 
This was especially true where the old Rhode Island Reds 
had been used in the crosses that produced the strains. 
These red birds were the ones that were most persistent 
in producing black wings and tails—one of the defects that 
our American fanciers have had the greatest trouble to 

No one section of the country can claim any special 
honor in bringing out this variety, as they were bred both 
Hast and West, and we believe there were just as enthusi- 
astic fanciers in the middle and extreme West as in the 
extreme Hast. Looking back now at the early Wyan- 
dottes I believe that O. HE. Thiem, of Iowa, was one of the 
first to bring out real quality. Away back in the 790s Mr. 
Thiem showed some Buff Wyandottes at Des Moines, at 
one of the winter shows, that really had Wyandotte charac- 
teristics and were buff—that is, buff as the term would ap- 
ply at that time. Not so brilliant in color or so free from 
black as we find them today. 

This variety, like others of the Wyandotte family, 
were prolific layers, and the Cochin cross, used to produce 
the color, gave them length of feather that even to the 
present time has not been eliminated, and this covering 
during the winter months proved a benefit to them, as it 
seemed to give them an advantage over other varieties of 
the Wyandottes as a winter layer, and in the coldest sec- 
tions of the country they were shelling out eggs when 

r} ie oe 

others of the American breeds were huddled up in a cor- 
ner trying to keep warm. This fact possibly has done 
more to make Buff Wyandottes popular than any other 
one feature, for as a table fowl they are equal but not su- 
perior to other varieties of this family, but the large winter 
egg production has become the talk of not only the fanciers, 
but the market men as well, and it created a demand that 
kept the promoters busy trying to improve them. 

When the Standard for buff color was adopted at 
Fisher’s Island, bringing all breeds under the same head, 
the Buff Wyandotte breeders, of course, realized that they 
had a hard task to perform. If they were going to elimi- 
nate all the black and white from this fowl and give that 
harmonious blending of buff in all sections, it was neces- 
sary to discard eighty-five per cent. of the birds that were 
then winning prizes and confine themselves to a very few 
choice specimens in order to establish color strains, and in 
the selection of these few birds the color varied and each 
fancier believed his was the correct one. Some were 
a light lemon, others a strong orange, with a tinge of red, 
while others were quite sound on surface but inclined to 
show quite a bit of black in wings and tails. The Stand- 
ard, placing the same valuation on white as black, worked 
a hardship on these fanciers, and even at the present time 
we believe it is the opinion of the best buff breeders in 
America that white and black should not be valued alike; 
or, in other words, that black is not so objectionable in a 
buff fowl as white. But be that as it may, we have our 
Standard to go by, and must abide by it. 

In the color illustrations we have taken the color 
that has been popular for several years in the East. This 
color was never popular in the West, our best buff 
breeders claiming that it was entirely too light, and 
advocating a stronger shade; or, in other words, a rich 
golden buff. And we believe in this they are correct, and 
we know that the judges in the Eastern shows are begin- 
ning to show preference for this stronger color. The 
judges at New York and other Eastern exhibitions the past 
few years are gradually drawing the lines in this direction. 

Please understand that in issuing these color charts 
we are doing so to favor the colors as popular today and 
as representing the shade of color most popular in the 
leading shows, but the writer favors a little stronger shade 
—in fact, as Mr. Felch would term it, “About one more 
dip in the buff ink.” 

We very much doubt if any strain of Buff Wyandottes 
will ever be produced that will, year after year, produce a 
large per cent. of birds with the rich golden buff color with- 
out black or white in tails—in fact, we doubt very much 
if it will ever be possible to produce a strain of birds that 
will reproduce 100 per cent. free from foreign color. The 
tendency is to go to black if you get your rich surface 
color, and to white when you breed them light. 

The Standard says, “Under color, a lighter shade,” and 
the question comes up, How much lighter shade? The 
judges are at sea in valuing this defect. The result is that 
the exhibitors are more at seat than the judges, and be- 
tween the two there is a compromise in the breeding yards 
that leads to a disappointed exhibitor the following year. 

We believe that the rich golden buff in the Buff Rock 
winners at the Indianapolis Show (February, 1908) can be 
followed as the ideal color. If so, we can in time produce 
Buff Wyandottes, or, in fact, buff fowls of any variety, that 
will produce eighty-five per cent. pure, as there is enough 
color to feed itself without depending upon black, while the 
lighter shade would soon run our color out and we would 
have to add some other mixture in order to tone it up. 

The color charts here help as a guide to a better un. 
derstanding of a soft shade of buff and the color that is 
today and always has been popular. But we would ad- 
vise breeders, and especially amateurs, to be very cau- 
tious in bredeing so light a shade, as it is only the experts 
who can mix these colors and make them hold 


According to our present Standard, the Buff Wyandotte 
] d as a solid colored bird, and is so considered when 


sweepstakes or special prizes, but we doubt if 


there is today one-half of one per cent. of the birds pro- 
duced that are entirely free from white or black—in fact, 
we meet with but few in the entire season. Whether we 

will ever be able to eliminate these two colors by careful 
selections and breeding we are unable to say; but we can 
safely figure that it will be many years to come, and until 
it is brought about it is necessary that we have a pretty 
thorough understanding of the valuation of these two for- 
eign colors and how best to discount them in the show 

There is probably no better description of color to be 
found in the Standard than the one describing buff. The 
Standard says: ‘“Plumage—Surface throughout an even 
shade of rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy ap- 
pearance. Under color—A lighter shade, free from foreign 
color. Other things being equal, the specimen having rich- 
est under color shall be given the preference. Black or 
white appearing in wings and tail is a serious defect, and 
the one shall be considered as objectionable as the other.” 

We very much doubt if black is as objectionable to 
the Buff breeders as white, but since the Standard so de- 
seribes it, it is necessary to discount it accordingly. 

The sections most affected by white or light under 
color are back, breast, base of hackle and wing primaries 
in both sexes, and we show here some feathers selected, 
giving a fair valuation on such in the show room. (See 
Fig. 37.) 

Feather No. 1 has good surface and holds down nearly 
to the under color, losing a trifle in the knitted portion, 
and should be discounted 1% points—1 for white under 
color and 4% for the light shade extended in the knitted 

Feather No. 2 is good except in under color and should 
be discounted 1 point. 

In hackle feathers we do not have so much trouble in 
females as in the males, but occasionally we will find a 
light undgr color at the base of the neck in both sexes, but 
in males one year old or over we find quite a bit of it, 
and for that reason we belivee the valuation should be as 
we find it. 

Feather No. 3 we would cut 2 points, while feather No. 
4, showing only the white at the base of the neck, we would 
discount but 1 point. The same defect as illustrated in 
the hackle of males sometimes appears in the tail coverts 

of adult cocks—that is, at the base of the tail—and would 
be discounted as described above. 

Black being a foreign color, as the Standard calls for 
the buff, would be discounted in proportion to the amount 
of black in the plumage, for instance, the wing color 
has a valuation of 6 points, and should the color be sound 
except the black and one-third be black, the out would be 
2, but if one-half be black, the out would be 8, or fifty 
per cent. 

Tail, having a valuation of 5 points, would be grad- 
uated accordingly, and feather No. 1 (Fig. 88) would be dis- 
counted 1 point; feather No. 2, 1% points, while feather No. 
3 would be discounted 3 points. Feather No. 3 is decidedly 
defective. It is not only black, but is muddy, mixed with 
other color, in fact, is an eyesore from a fancy standpoint, 
and you can hardly discount it enough to place it in the 
rank it justly belongs. But, with these illustrations, we be- 
lieve the reader will have no trouble in arriving at the 

right discounts, and in mating this color we would recom- 
mend that good, sound under color be used when it can 
be done without bringing your red or chestnut shade to 
surface. So long as good, even surface can be maintained 
without any sign of foreign color and still retain the rich 
under color you are breeding in the right direction, but if 
either is to be sacrificed, then we would recommend that. 
you sacrifice under color rather than surface color, as a 
splotchy, uneven surface is an eyesore, and even though 
there may be some defective under color, your specimen 
shows better and is of more value with some light under 
color than it would be with a chestnut or red surface. 

In the breeding of buff fowls to produce color, no two: 
breeders seem to follow the same rule, one claiming one 
color will produce and still others going entirely opposite, 
claiming that two extremes will bring harmony, while still 
another will breed only from certain strains that have been 
bred in line for many generations to product certain shades. 
—in fact, the breeding of buff, as we find it, depends large- 
ly upon the strain of fowls that you are breeding and what 
matings have been made prior to the time they come into 
your possession. 

One thing that must be kept in mind at all times is. 
that all sections of a fowl must harmonize—that is, the 
buff in one section shall be the same shade as in another, 
as a harmonious blending of buff in all sections is most 
to be desired. 


Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection, 












Their Early History and Origin—The Breeds that Were Used to Produce the Color— 
A Fight for a Name. 

WONDER how many of our Partridge Wy- 
andotte breeders of today call to mind 
the first birds of this variety they ever 
saw and the impression the new variety 
made on them at that time—how many 
of you made any notes that you can re- 
fer to now? I would gamble on it that 
not one out of ten can recall the first 
ones or have any fixed idea as to the 
quality at the time they were first ex- 

hibited, or how they came to give them any special notice, 

providing such notice was given. I am going to remind two 
well known judges of our first introduction to this variety. 

At the Midcontinental Show, held at Kansas City in 
1894, there was a coop of these birds shown, I think by Mr. 
W. A. Doolittle, of Sabetha, Kan., who was then breeding 
Golden Wyandottes. Mr. Sloots, Secretary of the show, 
called my attention to the exhibit, saying there was a new- 
fangled Wyandotte entered by some “duck” from Kansas, 
but he had not been able to locate them. He said: “They 
are called ‘Partridge Wyandottes,’ and the only birds I can 
find are Golden Wyandottes.” 

At this time Tom Southard, of Kansas City, then a 
breeder but now well known as a poultry judge, came along, 
and he suggested that we look them up, and in going down 
the aisle we met Mr. F. W. Hitchcock, who at that time 
was one of the best known judges in the West, and invited 
him to accompany us. 

The show was held that year in the old Priests of 
Palace Hall. This building had a main floor and a large 
gallery, and in the west gallery we found the birds, and 
they had not been uncooped. They were shipped in a crate 
made of paper cardboard, with partitions between each 
bird. We had to remove them to get a line on the color, 
and there was quite a discussion in regard to them and 
how they had been produced. One of the party claimed 
that they were only runout Golden Wyandottes; that 
through careless mating had gotten a lot of lacing in 
back of females; but when, on closer examination, we found 
the same lacing on breast and body, as well as wing bows, 
we had to admit that some one was springing a new one 
on us. 

The females at that time were not nearly so well pen- 
ciled as we find them today, but they were good for a new 
breed and had size and shape superior to many of the Sil- 
vers and Whites in the same show. 

In females the penciling was quite good in wing bow 
and center of back; the cushion showed quite a bit of strip- 
pling up near the tail and the upper breast showed more 

than many Partridge Cochins in the same exhibition. 

The male was good in neck and back. He showed 
some red in breast, something after the style of our pullet 
breeders of today. 

Taking them all in all, they were of good quality and 
showed they were worthy of careful study. Later I learned 
the name “Partridge Wyandotte” had been given them by 
their originator, Mr. O. E. Thiem, of Iowa. 

About this time the same colored birds were shown by 
other breeders in different parts of the country, who named 
them “Golden Penciled Wyandottes,” the late Ezra Cor- 
nell being the one, I believe, to suggest this name. Then 
followed some long newspaper controversies as to the 
proper name and who was entitled to the honor of first pro- 
ducing and showing the new variety. This controversy 
probably did more to introduce them than any one thing, 
ag in a very short time we found good classes of Partridge 
Wyandottes in all the large shows. This controversy was 
finally ended when the American Poultry Association, at 

their Chicago meeting, adopted them as a Standard fowl 
under the name of Partridge Wyandotte, and the Standard, 
as prepared by the Western originator, Mr. Thiem, was 
adopted almost to the letter. 

As to how the variety originated, we publish here a let- 
ter from Mr. Thiem, written especially for The Inland Poul- 
try Journal, which tells the tale in his own words. The 
writer is under the impression that Mr. Doolittle showed 
the birds at Kansas City, but whether they were entered in 
his name or that of Mr. Thiem I cannot say. But be that as 
it may, the birds referred 'to were the original Thiem strain... 


I have bred fowls since 1850, and since that time I 
have seen the advantage of crossing dieffernt breeds in or- 
der to establish new breeds or varieties that would be im- 
provements on the old ones. 

I began in 1878 more scientifically and with a certain 
purpose in view. Not being satisfied with one thing long, 
I undertook to make several new crosses. It takes lots: 
of patience, labor and time to reach the desired end, and 
in order to succeed in a shorter time, and more thoroughly, 
I co-operated with the late James McKeen, of Omro, Wis.,. 
who was known the world over as the originator of the 
most beautiful fowl ever admitted to the Standard of Per- 
fection—now known as the Golden Wyandotte. 

The history of this fowl is probably known to the ma- 
jority of the breeders as a cross between the Partridge Co- 
chin, the Silver Laced Wyandotte and a Game fowl of 
a deep buff color, with black tail and wings and a clear 
yellow leg, known as the Winnebago. 

In 1880 the Golden Wyandotte was again used as a 
cross with the Partridge Cochin, and the old Partridge Co- 
chin was crossed to a Winnebago. The offspring of these 
two crosses was then recrossed with the Wyandotte shape, 
with the Partridge Cochin color. 

It was in 1893 that our efforts were crowned with suc- 
cess, and in 1894 I was able to show the first birds of our 
labor at the great Midcontinental Show in Kansas City, 
when we, to our great surprise, learned that other parties 
a thousand miles away were working in the same direction. 

The Partridge Wyandottes, as we have called them, are 
a strictly American breed. The pullets weigh 5%, hens 
614, cockerels 744, cocks 8%. , a, Sag 

In 1894 Mr. McKeen and I prepared a Standard of this 
variety, which the American Poultry Association adopted 
with very few changes. 

The Partridge Wyandotte is a very hearty fowl, and 
really the fowl for our Northern climate. The amount of 
Cochin blood in them makes it easy for breeders to get 
them up to Standard weight. The Game blood, which has 
given them life and activity, has also given them a com- 
pact form, and has produced a fowl for the table fit for 
a king. 

The vigor of three different breeds put in one has given 
us a breed of most prolific layers, which will equal any 
Minorca or Leghorn, and have outdone the greatest English 
breed—the Orpingtons—at a contest made by the English. 

Many flattering compliments have been paid me by 
large breeders in foreign countries. Birds sent by me to 
England, Japan, Africa and Australia have stood a remark- 
able test in those countries. Having made several ship- 
ments to fanciers in Australia, the birds have attracted 
such wide attention as to induce the Government to try 
them in an experimental way, and have negotiated with 
me for the purpose of furnishing fowls for their experi- 
mental stations. 


Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection. 

a | 



‘After the death of James McKeen, who so kindly re- 
membered me in his will by a nice bunch of our own crea- 
tion, I co-operated with Mr. W. A. Doolittle, of Sabetha, 
Kan., who bought the remaining flock of the widow of the 
late James McKeen. The result of this combination is the 
present standing of the noble Partridge Wyandottes, which 
have won laurels at the largest shows in this country, such 
as Boston, New York, St. Louis, Chicago and Kansas City. 
Reports coming from different parts of this and other coun- 
tries saying that they never handled such fowls in their 
lives is enough to speak well for this new breed. 

Long live the Partridge Wyandottes, and we wish the 
best of success to all breeders of this variety. 

H. O. Thiem, Originator. 

Denison, Iowa. 

With this description of the origin of the Partridge 
Wyandottes, which we believe to be the most authentic 
ever appearing in print, we will now take up this variety 
section by section, calling attention to the defects to be 
found in them as to color; in shape, the description of the 
Silvers will answer for the male in this variety. The female 
we will refer to and describe the comb and other sections 
not referred to in the Silvers. 

cherry red, and it seems that the Standard should go a lit- 
tle more into detail and say what shade of red is most de- 

Neck, while a very important section in all varieties 
of the American class, is not so well understood by the 
breeders of Partridge Wyandottes as it should be, and the 
discounts are often lighter than we believe the Standard- 
makers intended them to be. It is no small task to get cor- 
rect color on necks of parti-colored birds of any variety, 
and especially is this true where the double mating is re- 
sorted to or the color of female is different from that of 
the male. When we call for striping in the backs of males 
and penciling in the backs of females, with practically the 
same word description of color of neck, we have set na- 
ture quite a task, and it is only to be expected that the 
percentage of really fine colored specimens will be few 
and far between. 

In our illustration (Fig. 39) are shown some hackle 
feathers that illustrate a few of the defects quite often 
met with. 

Feather No. 1 is good in lacing and there is good color 
of striping on one side of shaft, but the other is broken up, 
showing more red than black, with the two colors inter- 



The Standard describes this section as “red with a 
distinct black stripe through each feather, tapering to a 
point near extremity of feather; under color, dark slate.” 

There is considerable difference of opinion among the 
breeders as to what shad of red is most desirable for sur- 
face color, some wanting a rich cherry red, others a lighter 
shade, running near to lemon, and others a dark color ap- 
proaching mahogany. In the best specimens that we have 
found the color that has shown to the best advantage is 
a red that is light enough in color to make a contrast be- 
tween the black striping and surface color. This is strong- 
er than a lemon, but hardly so strong as is classed as 

mixed. A neck showing feathers like this should be dis- 
counted 1 point. 

Feather No. 2 shows black enough at end, but does 
not extend far enough from the point, and should be dis- 
counted 1 point. 

Feather No. 3 shows a defect common in this variety, 
especially if strong colored males are used as breeders. 
The inside black stripe is good, but the color runs to the 
end of feather, making the lower edge of feather show 
black with a dark ring around the base. A neck like this 
should be discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 4 shows but very little sign of striping or 
penciling, being entirely red. Such feathers are common 
in the necks of pullet-breeding males, and should be dis- 


counted $3 points when found in competition for prizes in 
the show roow. 


In this, as in other varieties of the Wyandotte, back is 
f the most important sections from a color as well as 
1dpoint, and is one of the hardest to get right. 
ion as shown in Fig. 39, representing defective 
rs in neck, compare favorably with the defects that 
nd in the back of males, and would be discounted 
tionately. There is still another defect that is com- 
in backs of Partridge Wyandotte males, and that is 
under color. A great many specimens will show white at 
roots of feathers up near the center of back, which gradu- 
ally grows more prominent as it reaches the tail, the saddle 
and tail coverts quite often showing what is termed a “cot- 
ton under color.” This defect is valued at from % to 1% 
points, as in degree. 

The Standard description for color in this section is: 
“Back—Dark red (that is, the portion between the wings, 
forming the section from cape to where saddle feathers 
appear). Saddle—Red with black stripe through each 
feather. Under color—Dark slate, red shafts allowable.” 

We have studied the description of this section sev- 
eral times, and the words “shafting allowable” are, in 
our opinion, an error. It is either correct to have it there 
and all others should be discounted, or else it should be 
discounted for being there and other color correct. Red- 
dish shafting would, no doubt, add to the value of the 
plumage from a pullet-breeding standpoint, but we doubt 
very much if it would were the male intended to head a 
pen for producing first-class exhibition males. However, 
we can only take the Standard for what it says, but this 
is one section that Partridge Wyandotte breeders should 
make a note of and instruct your Revision Committee to 



elther eliminate this word description or insist on it being 
considered ideal. We wili leave this to the breeders of 

this popular variety te decide, but really we prefer the 
back without the red shafting. 


Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standarc of Perfection, 

Ake DD GE V7 VeAioa O Te IE Ss. a7 


In color the wing of the Partridge Wyandotte male is ° 

not, as a rule, very defective—in fact, it is sel- 
dom. that this section is cut to exceed 1% to 1 

The Standard describes it as: “Primaries, 
black, lower edge red; secondaries, black, the 
outside web red, terminating with black at the 
end of each feather; coverts, greenish black, 
forming a well defined bar of this color across 
the wing when folded; bows, red; fronts, black; 
under color, dark slate.” 

About the only serious defect we find 
in color of this section is white primaries and 
purple barring in the wing bar. This purple 
‘barring is found in all parti-colored breeds 
where there is a solid black bar across this 
‘section, and when it is found should be dis- 
counted from % to 1 point. When white ap- G2 
‘pears in primaries or secondaries, the out is 
from 4% to 1%, as in degree. 

We have here illustrated two wings that 
will materially assist the reader in forming an 
‘idea as to the valuation. A wing like Fig. 40 
should be discounted 1 point, while Fig. 41 
‘should be discounted 2 points, as it shows en- 
tirely too much white, and should this color be 
‘mingled with red or black, the defect would be 
‘even more severe, making it 3 points for the 
Same defect. 


The Standard describes the.tail of the Par- 
‘tridge Wyandotte male as: “Black; sickles and coverts, 
glossy greenish-black; lesser coverts, glossy black, but may 
.be edged with red.” 


SE CL tae 

Fig. 41. 

As a rule there is but little fault to find with the color 
‘of the male, except as referred to, but in wing bows we 
occasionally find a purple barring across the sickles or tail 
-coverts, and when this defect appears the section should 
be discounted from 4% to 1% points, as in degree. If any 
‘white shows at base of tail, out is from 1% to2, as in degree. 


The Standard describes this section as “Glossy black; 

- under color, dark slate.” In looking over the best specimens 
‘that we find in the exhibition room we doubt if the word 
“glossy” should not be eliminated from this description, 
-as the color in reality is dead black, and not glossy black, as 
described, as it is that portion of the bird protected from 
the sunlight and very seldom shows glossy sheen to 
plumage such as we find on other sections of the bird. 
However, this color is easy to understand, and any color 
aside from black would be considered a defect. It is quite 
often that’ we find specimens that have a trace of pullet- 
‘breeding blood in them that show red checks or splotches 
-on surface, and especially up along the sides. This color 
should be discounted from % to 2, as in degree, and where 
purple barring shows up the out is from % to 1. ; 
Another defect, while not common in show birds, is 
sometimes met with, is a light shade in under color, which 
‘the Standard describes as dark slate. Where the under 

color is too light, approaching white or light gray, the out 
is from % to 1%. 

Body and Fluff. 

The Standard describes these sections as 
“Black, or black slightly tinged with red; under 
color, dark slate.” : 

There will be occasionally a_ slight 
tinge of red on this color, but we do not 
fancy it. Neither do we believe the Standard- 
makers should allow it to appear without dis- 
count. Especially is this true of upper part 
of body in front of legs. This part of the 
body, in our opinion, should be solid black, the 
4, Same as in the breast. and where red or foreign 
~y color appears, it should be discounted. On the 
other hand, that part of the body known as the 
posterior portion, near vent, should, in our opin- 
ion, be slightly penciled or tinged with a red- 
dish cast. 

The legs and toes of this popular breed 
should be yellow, but it is seldom that we ever 
find a specimen that would not, according to 
this description, be discounted from % to 1% 
points. This has always been a characteristic 
of the Partridge Wyandottes—in fact, all the 
parti-colored birds with a laced plumage—and 
while it is true that we occasionally find speci- 
mens that are exceptionally good in this direc- 
tion, it is a question if we do not get better 
color where we allow a tinge of slate or willow 
to appear on the front of the legs of our males. 
However, since the Standard has described 
them as yellow, we will consider it as such, and 
any tinge of willow or slate should be discounted from 1% 
to 1%, as in degree. 

In scoring the shape of the Silver Wyandotte male, 
we omitted two defects that are sometimes met with 

that should be under- 
stood by breeders and 
judges, and we eall 
them up at this time 
and illustrate them in 
Fig. 41a. : 

The defects referred 
to are knock-knees and 
crooked toes, and are 
defects found in near- 
ly every show in the 
country. Sometimes the 
crooked toes are caused 
by an injury, but more 
7,.tlmes they are a nat- 
ural defect and should 
-be discounted from % 
Eto 1% points, as in de- 
~ gree. Knock-knees are 
an eyesore in the show 
room, as well as in the 


pens, and should be cut from 1 to 144, and where 
nen shows this defect to any great extent should 
arred from the breeding yards, as tests have proven 
it will reproduce itself on the offspring. 


Having in our cabinet a number of defective neck, 
head and comb illustrations of Partridge Wyandotte fe- 
les, we omitted these sections in shape while scoring 
silver Wyandotte female, and we will now take the 
er up, illustrating some of the common defects as 
i in the average exhibition, and placing a valuation 

same, beginning with head. 

This section will require a different description than 
he male, although the Standard description is the same. 
‘he formation of the head at its junction with the neck in 
he two sexes is so differently arranged that we have con- 
idered it wise to fully illustrate and call attention to the 
defects that are common. The Standard reads: 
medium size and carried well up.” 





ay Re 

Fig. 42. 

In Fig. 42 are illustrated a head, comb and neck that 
but little fault can be found with. We refer to head No. 
3 in the plate. This style fits well the description of the 
Standard and is the shape sought for by our best breeders. 
If any criticism could be offered it might be in depth of 
head over the eyes. This one might be a trifle deeper at 
this point, but 1%, cut is sufficient for the defect, and if 
passed without a cut no severe criticism could be made. 

Head No. 4 in Fig. 42 is too slim and narrow at rear, 
is not round enough and joins onto neck badly. Such a 
head should be discounted 1 point. 

j ) / 
Leh WH, ee 
Dey lo 

Fig. 432. 

In Fiz. 
Brahma type. 

43, heads Nos. 5 and 6 are somewhat after the 
They are broad in skull, heavy over the 

Fig. 44. 
These heads should be discounted 

eyes and very coarse. 
1 point each. 

In Fig. 44, head No. 7, while looking like a freak when 
compared with the good ones, is no worse than we some- 
times find in specimens of this breed. It is too long and 
narrow, is not deep enough through beak, is too long and 
straight, giving head too snaky or sickly appearance, and 
should be discounted 2 points. 

Head No. 8 is good in general shape and is used here 
to illustrate defect in comb that will be called up later. 


While the section of comb has not so much importance 
attached to it by breeders as that of the male, it is, how- 
ever, considered an important section even in females, as 
poor combs, no matter how well mated, are very likely to 
develop defects in the offspring of both sexes, and espe- 
cially in the comb of the male. It is, then, vastly impor- 
tant that only good combs be used in the breeding pens. 

The contb as illustrated in head No. 3 (Fig. 42) is quite 
good and very well proportioned for a female. No. 4 is a 
little high in the center, not quite flat enough on top, and 
unless carefully mated will produce what we call a 
“lumpy” comb on the heads of the cockerels. 

No. 5, in Fig. 48, is about the proper length, but is too 
wide in front, is hollow in the center, and the corrugated 
points are too large and coarse. This comb should be dis- 
counted 214 points. 

Head No. 6 (Fig. 43) has a smooth surface, spike turns 
up at the rear like a Leghorn’s; it has a narrow scar 
through the side and is poorly proportioned in every way. 
This comb should be discounted 2% points. No. 7, in Fig. 

- 44, is too long and too narrow, and, like the head it rests 

on, is too snaky for a comb of this breed, and should be 
discounted 1 point. No. 8 shows a well proportioned comb. 
It is the right length and width and ends with nice spike 
at the rear, but is too smooth on the surface, lacking in 
the corrugated points so much desired in this breed. This 
comb should be discounted 1 point. 

Wattles and Ear Lobes. 

Here are two sections in the female that have less 
value attached to them than the male. The wattles. and 
ear lobes are, as a rule, good, even though other parts of 
the head are faulty. We have found many specimens scor- 
ing away down, being defective in almost every section, 
with almost perfect wattles and lobes. However, there 
are defects met with, and in order to give the amateur the 
correct idea of valuation of such defects we have illus- 
trated a few. 

In heads 3, 4 and 8 are shown well proportioned wat- 
tles and lobes, and we would not discount them in scoring. 
In No. 5 we find the wattles straight and somewhat drawn; 
the lobes somewhat pinched and small for the size of the 
head, and should be discounted 1 point. In No. 6 we find 
the wattles and lobes are heavy and coarse, and full of. 
wrinkles, and should be discounted 2 points. In No. 7 we 
find a drawn, sickly looking face, with half developed ear 
lobes and wattles, and should be discounted 1% points. 

In studying the defects illustrated here, please bear 
in mind that they would have the same effect on all varie- 
ties of the Wyandottes and would be cut proportionately 
hard, no matter what the variety. 

Color of Female. 

There is such a difference in the color of the winning 
females in the leading shows throughout the country that 
I deem it wise to give considerable space to them, and es- 
pecially the illustrations showing plumage from different 
sections of the body. 

N\ NN 



It is seldom that we find a feather even from our best 
specumens that shows more than three distinct lacings. 
rhere are exceptions to the rule, however, and occasionally 
1 feather, or, in fact, a single specimen, with a 

f feathers with three or four distinct lacings, and 
such specimens are found they are invariably the 
somest birds in the class, and while no preference, ac- 
to the Standard description, could be given them, 
we ieve the breeders favor them, and, other things be- 
ing equal, in awarding prizes should give them preference 
over the double or triple laced, as the case may be. 

The Standard is not as plain on the point of color as 
it should be, but it is always well to lean in the direction 
of what seems to be improvement, providing it can be pro- 
duced. In giving preference to additional lacing it is nec- 
essary to take into consideration that this lacing must con- 
form to the shape of the feather, as this is vastly im- 



The ground color of the Partridge Wyandotte female 
should be mahogany-red or reddish-brown. The same 
Standard description follows in back, breast, body and wing 
bows, and to get the lacing with the correct shade of color 
is no small task. The Partridge Wyandotte females aver- 
age fairly good in this respect, especially so considering 
the short time they have been bred, and in our illustration 
of Standard Partridge Wyandotte female is shown our 
idea of surface color, together with the draping of feathers 
selected from what we believe to be the best Partridge 
Wyandotte female shown to date. 

In head the Standard describes Partridge Wyandottes 
—Plumage, “redding-brown.” This is perhaps as good de- 
scription as could be given it, and, as a rule, it is a trifle 
lighter shade—more of an orange color in this section than 
we find in neck and back. 

Neck is described as: “Red, with black stripe through 
each feather, tapering to a point near extremity of feather, 

SVT > 




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the red edging to be free from black; penciling in central 
yortion of feathers allowable; under color, dark slate.” 

In Fig. 45 is shown a group of feathers that illustrate 
some of the defects as found in the necks of this variety. 
Feather No. 5 is what we believe the Standard calls for, 


and I am satisfied the breeders of Partridge color, no mat- 
ter what the breed, are willing to accept this as ideal. 

In No. 1 we find a feather that is somewhat broken in 
color and the lacing fails at the end. A neck showing 
hackle feathers like this should be discounted % point. 

Feather No. 2 is defective on one side of shaft only, 
with the same blunt point, and should be discounted 1 

Feather No. 3 has fewer defects inside, but has more 
black at point and should be discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 4 is good in lacing, but shows entirely 
too much white in center, and this white or golden color is 
in such proportion and scattered in such manner over the 
feather as to make it a serious defect from either an ex- 

hibition or breeding standpoint, and should be discounted 
1 point. 

oe = 



In Fig. 46 is shown a collection of feathers illustrating 
several of the defects that are found in the backs of our 
Partridge Wyandctte females. 

No. 1 is a perfectly laced feather, and, aside from hay- 
ing more than the usual number of markings, could be 
classed as ideal. : 

Feather No. 2 in this collection, while good, does not 
show as distinct lacing, neither does it go deep enough 
in the web portion of the feather. A back showing feathers 
like this should be discounted ¥% point. 

In feather No. 3 we find a defect, the lacing on it be- 
ing zig-zag, or uneven, and does not meet at point of cen- 
ter, as they should, but run past the shaft, lower mark- 
ings being to one side. A back showing feathers like No. 
3 should be discounted 1% points. 



In feather No. 4 is shown a defect that is slightly 
overdrawn, but one that is often met with in poorly bred 
specimens. There is no distinct lacing, black and red 
mixed together, giving the back a smutty appearance. A 
showing feathers like this should be discounted 2% points. 

In feather No. 5 we have a defect which, while not 


common in this breed, is nevertheless met with. The 
feather is all mottled with a brownish cast, and looks like 
a feather from a poorly bred Brown Leghorn, as there is 
no lacing. The only-redeeming point is that there is about 
the right proportion of black and red. A back like this 
should be cut at least three points. 


In Fig. 47 is shown a group of feathers with defects 
similar to those in the back, and feather No. 2 would be 
discounted the same as feather No. 2 in the cther group. 
while feather No. 3 is almost entirely lacking in black. 

Feather No. 4 doesn’t show good black or red, has a faded- 
out appearance, and should be discounted at least 3 points. 

Here is one case where we take more from color than is 
allowed for either black or red, as both colors are defect- 
ive. Feather No. 5 in this group was taken from near the 
throat, has a pepper and salt appearance, has about the 
right amount of black and red, but has no sign of lacing, 
and should be discounted 2% points. 

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: pee ; ; In Fig. No. 49 we have the same defect, only magni- 
It is well at this time to call attention to some of the fied. This back is practically level, there being no rise, 

defects in shape of back, as found in the different speci- even at tail, and is quite narrow and long, doesn’t show 
broad enough, and should be discounted 2 points. 

mens that are placed on exhibition, and give the valuation 
of same. : 



In Fig. No. 48 is shown a back that is too straight and 
too long for a Wyandotte. This back resembles very much in Wie: No. S0 ane eae ee er eR Scie ee 
the general outline of a well-bred Light Brahma, except pack.” It is rather heavy in cushion, rises from shoulder 

perhaps it is a trifle too narrow, and on a Wyandotte should to center of back and then slopes down to tail. While 
be discounted 1% points. this is somewhat overdrawn, it is a fact we get in our Par- 


A Breeding Pen of J. C. Fishel & Son’s Famous White Wyan 
dottes. ; 

a ee en eee 


tridge Wyandottes quite a good many females, especially 
old hens, that show these Cochin characteristics, and some 
of them nearly as much as the drawing. This back is 
shorter than backs Nos. 48 or 49, and no doubt if used in 
the breeding pens some good short-backed, short-tailed 
males would be the result, but it is defective from an ex- 
hibition standpoint and should be discounted 2 points. 

Body and Fluff. 

There is considerable stress laid to the color of this 
section, due to the fact that many specimens otherwise 
good will fail miserably when they reach the thighs or pos- 
terior portion of the bird. It is not to be expected that we 
will ever be able to produce Partridge Wyandottes that 
are laced entirely around the body, with as good feathers 
as we find on back and breast, but it is essential that we 
get the lacing down as far as possible and have all sec- 
tions harmonize and blend, not alone in surface color, but 
in lacing as well. 

In Fig. 51 are shown five feathers about as we find 
them in our best specimens. Feathers Nos. 1 and 2 cover 
that part of the body directly following the breast and 
around the thighs. Feather No. 2 is where the penciling 
begins to fade out as it rounds the sides, but this one is 
not very well marked. There is too much black on one 



aN \ 



side of the shaft and too light on the other side, and should 
be discounted 1 point. Feather No. 4, while taken from the 
rear of bird, is too uneven—it is more stippled than pen- 
ciled, and should be cut 1 point. Feather No. 5 shows too 
light, not enough red in the feather, and it should be dis- 
counted 1 point. 


The Standard description of color in this section is 
good, and we believe is generally understood by breeders 

Fig. 52. 

and judges alike. ‘The description is: “Primaries, dull 
black, with an edging of brown on outer web; secondaries, 

inner web a dull black, outer web, mahogany-red or red- 
dish-brown; coverts, similar in color to plumage of breast; 
under color, dark slate.” 

In Fig. 52 are shown three flight feathers. Feather 
No. 1 conforms closely to the Standard—black on one side 
of shaft and red on the other. 

Feather No. 2 shows tracings of red in the black, and 
should be discounted 1% point. 

Feather No. 3 shows as much red as black, but it is 
splotched and runs together, and should be discounted 1% 

In Fig. 52a is shown a group of feathers taken from the 
wing bow, or shoulder. All the feathers here illustrated 
were plucked from the same specimen. No. 1, however, is 
a trifle overdrawn, showing more lines of lacing than the 
feather really possessed. There were three distinct lac- 
ings, besides the shaft, however, and they were about as 
evenly laced as it is possible to get them. 

Feather No. 2 is somewhat muddy, the black and red 
edging together, and many feathers like this in a section 
gives the surface a rusty appearance, and should be dis- 
counted % point. 

Feather No. 3 is uneven in lacing and was taken from 
near the point of wing, and while the surface of it does 
fairly well, when you open the feather up for close in- 

spection it all runs together, looking very much like a 
feather selected from a Brown Leghorn female, and should 
be discounted 2 points. 

Feathers Nos. 4 and 5 have the same defect, slightly 
magnified, and should be discounted 214 points. 


It is generally understood by judges and breeders that 
the tail of the Partridge Wyandotte female should be black 
—that is, the main tail except the two feathers usually 
termed the ‘deck feathers’”—but the Standard description 
does not call for black—that is, absolute. It says: “Black 
or, brownish-black, the two highest main tail feathers pen- 
ciled with reddish-brown; coverts, well penciled, similar 
in color to breast and body.” And, it should add, similar 
in lacing. 

Fig. 53. 

In Fig. 53 is shown a group of feathers taken from the 
tail, all more or less defective. However, feather No. 3 
would not make a bad ending to the deck feathers—the 
ones directly in center of tail. Feather No. 1 is too light— 
shows too much red—and should be discounted 1% points. 
Feather No. 2 shows black and red throughout the feather, 

y on one side of shaft, and should be discounted 
nt. Feather No. 3 is good except the lacing at the 
op, and should this appear on any except the deck feathers 
I discounted 1 point. Feather No. 4 was taken 
: at the side of tail—the last feather in this sec- 

ty My .) 

‘{ Vics). 


we believe, as in the male, it is next to impossible to get 
this color correct—in fact, we do not know that we have 
ever seen a single specimen that would pass without a dis- 
eount of at least a half point, and, in many cases, they 
would be discounted as much as 144. Where rich mahog- 

Fig. 52a. 

tion. It shows an edging of brown, almost to the shaft on 
one side, and should be discounted 1% points. 

Legs. and Toes. 
The Standard calls for shanks and toes yellow, and 

any color is found on the surface in all sections, you can 
bank upon it that you will find more or less off color in 
legs, but the Standard demands yellow, and when any for- 
eign color exists it is necessary to discount it, and the out. 
is from % to 2, as in degree. 

Winners of first pen at 



great Indianapolis Show, February, 1908. Bred, owned and exhibited by Charles V. Keeler, Winamac, Ind. Note depth 
of body, well developed breasts and nicely spread tails. 


Strikingly Handsome, But Never So Popular as Some of the ‘Other Varieties. 

&— WILL now take up the Silver Penciled 
variety and give to our readers a thor- 
ough description of the color defects, to- 
gether with our system of valuing them. 
Whether judging by score card or com- 
parison, the same percentage in discount- 
ing should be observed if we are to allow 
proper credit for perfection and give our 
best colored specimens preference. It is 
well to remember that a judge in apply- 

ing the Standard can give to each section no more value 

than the Standard-makers have awarded it. We should 
keep in mind at all times the fact that all sections should 
be considered and not allow some fad or hobby to mislead 
us in judging. It is the man who conforms closest to 

MM (62E L- 

Aa a es 


Standard laws in making awards that gives the best satis- 
faction as a judge, and since these articles are intended to 
assist the young judge in his work, they should study care- 
fully each variety as we take them up, as some idea may 
occur to them that had previously slipped their minds. 


The first section to be considered in color is head, 
which has a value of three points. 

The head proper should be silvery white, and to de- 
scribe silvery white I don’t know of any better description 
than to say white on a black background. The under color 
of the feathers is dark slate, and, the surface being white, 
gives the surface the silvery white sheen. It is very sel- 
dom that the head of a Silver Wyandotte male is dis- 
counted for color, so far as plumage is concerned. How- 
ever, there are some other defects that are included in 
the head that should have a valuation. The beak should 
be a dark horn color, shading to yellow at the point; eyes, 
bright bay or red; face, bright red. -These three points 


have to be considered under the one section of head. As 
a rule, the color of the beak is good, but sometimes there is 
a tendency to shade into yellow its entire length, which is 
a defect, and should be discounted % point. If eyes show 
pearl, or light, they should be discounted from % to 1%, 


as in degree. The face proper is usually good, especially 
on the males, but sometimes, owing to condition, they show 
dark or purple. But the better way to discount this is 
under the head of condition, rather than the color, as it 
is the condition of the fowl that brings about this color. 
The same would apply in comb where the Standard de- 
scription is bright red. 

Wattles and ear lobes are sometimes defective in color 
and are given a valuation of six points. These sections, 
while not divided by the Standard-makers, should be in 
applying the Standard by score card, and we would give 
three for shape and three for color. Sometimes a trace of 
white will appear in them, and in view of the fact that the 
Standard does not disqualify unless more than half of the 
section is white, some rule for cutting should be consid- 
ered. If only a trace of white is found, the discount should 
be % point; if white shows clearly in both lobes, or the 
entire section looks pale, the discount should be 1; where 
white flecks appear, showing enamel-white over one-third 

Fig. 54. 

of the surface, the discount should be 2; and when more 
than one-half of the lobe is positive white, the bird should 
be disqualified. 


Neck has a valuation of ten points—four for shape and 
six for color—and is considered one of the most important 
sections, so far as color is concerned, in a breeding male 
“Silvery white, 

The Standard description for neck is: 


with a distinct black stripe extending through each 
feather, tapering to a point near extremity of feather; each 
feather to be free from a white shaft, or a black or dark 
edge; under color, dark slate.” 


In Fig. 54, feather No. 1, we show an ideal hackle 
feather that conforms to the Standard, having the black 
center with a white outside edging and about the right 
proportion of slate under color. The white edging might 
be a trifle narrower and still pass without a discount. 

Feather No. 2 is distinct in the striping, has the dark 
under color, but the black runs to the edge on side of 
feather and runs black at the tip. A feather like this 
should be discounted 1 point—1% point for black at end 
of feather, 4%, point where black shows on edge and % for 
being too light in under color. 

Feather No. 3 is entirely too light. What little black 
there is in the feather is poorly proportioned, runs too much 
to a point, making a black, smutty edge, and is nearly 
white underneath. A neck showing feathers like this 
should be discounted 3 points—2 for white under color and 
1 point for the smutty edging of black that extends almost 
one-fourth of an inch along the surface. A neck like this 
shows black on the outside and what the breeders term 
“cotton color” underneath. 

A neck to show to best advantage on a male bird of 
this variety should be a silvery white surface from back 
of comb to where the hackle flows out into the shoulders. 
The only black showing is where the hackle parts, or on 
examination by raising the feathers. It is the silvery neck 
and back that is so much admired by breeders of this va- 
riety, and the two sections that up to the present time it 
has been so hard to get pure. 


This section is by far the most important, both in 
color and shape. The Standard-makers realized this, and 
in the valuation of points they have allowed 6 for shape 
and 6 for color, giving it more importance than any other 
one section of the bird. 

In color it should be a silvery white, free from brown; 
saddle, silvery white with a black stripe through each 
feather; under color, dark slate. We will find here very 
much the same description as in neck, and there is a simi- 
larity betwen the two feathers in color, but you will note 
by looking at Fig. 55 and comparing them with Fig. 54 that 
there is considerable difference in the shape of the feathers 
in the two sections. 

Feather No. 1 in Fig. 55 shows our ideal of a Silver 
Penciled Wyandotte back. It is good in under color, has 
clear black striping in center, with nice outside lacing of 
white. ‘ 

Feather No. 3 is too light underneath; it is very black 
at the edge, giving the bird a smutty surface color, and 
should be discounted 1% points. 

Feather No. 4 is too light on surface, has about the 
right proportion of black at the edge, but is entirely too 
light underneath, failing almost entirely in under color, 
and' should be discounted 114 points. 

Feather No. 5 is too white at the point, black stripe 
doesn’t run near enough to end of feather. The under 
color is pure white. A bird like this shows a surface that 

SS . 


is entirely too light, as well as under color, and should be 
discounted 114 points. 

Feather No. 2 is black at the point, a little smutty in 
the outside white lacing, also too light underneath. A back 


] this should be discounted for both surface and under 
color, as the amount of black or brown showing in the 
lacing gives the back a sort of a copperish tinge, 
tself should be discounted 1 point; the light 

will add an additional 44 point, making the 
C 0 2 
the back this is the most important section, 

>» is concerned, but is not considered of as 
uch value as several other sections in color. However, 
i colored breast is much to be desired on males of this 
and, in view of the fact that the Standard-makers 
ren us ten points and laid as much stress on color 
as shape, giving five points to each, it is easy to see that 
a defective breast in color can be severely discounted. 

The Standard description of color is “Black; under 
color, dark slate.” This description fits well the fancy 
cockerel-bred exhibition males that look so well in the 
yard and show room, but it is not from breasts like the 
one described that we get our-best colored birds, especially 
in females, and quite often males as well. 

Our best breeders have learned that to produce choice 
eolored specimens of either sex, it is necessary to breed 
from two or more matings. We would like to emphasize 
the point “two or more,” as many breeders, to our knowl- 
edge, have found it necessary to,breed several shades of 
color in males in order to arrive at just the right color in 
females—in fact, the splashed breast on male is not in 
every case a safe criterion to go by that the individual is 
a pullet-breeder. The choice exhibition females, when 
mated with the rich-colored exhibition male, will more than 
likely disappoint the owner in the quality of chicks. The 
females willrun unevenly and splotchy, failing in lacing in 
many sections, while the males will come in almost as 
many colors as there are chicks to count—in fact, you will 

hardly find two alike, and you can consider yourself fortu- © 

nate if you have any real good show birds from the mat: 
ing. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and the 
two exhibition colors may nick all right and breed fine ex- 
hibition males or females, and sometimes both, from the 
same pair or pen. But when results like this follow, it is 


Fig. 56. 

well to look back of the individual and learn the cause, and 
it is almost invariably the case that the breeding of the 
sires, and not the sires themselves, was responsible for 
the results. When good results follow the mating of ex- 
hibition males and females, it is safe to calculate that one 
or the other, or perhaps both, of the sires was bred on 
opposite lines from what their color would indicate; or, in 
other words, were mere accidents where the blood of one 
sex or the other in the embryo state had predominated and 
given life to a chick, with exhibition plumage, along one 
line whose parentage would lead in an entirely different 

I merely call attention to this matter here to show the 
amateur breeder the folly of trying to produce exhibition 
color from Standard matings when the color of the two 
sexes is entirely opposite, as in the case of the Silver Pen- 
ciled Wyandotte or Dark Brahmas. I do believe that 

Barred Rocks, Penciled Hamburgs and other varieties that 
haye the same color characteristics in both male and fe- 
male can and should be bred from one mating, and in my 
six years’ experimenting along these lines the result in my 
yards has thoroughly convinced me that they are right, but 
I doubt if it can be brought about with any degree of cer- 
tainty where the breast of one sex is penciled or laced and 
where the other is black or white. So in order to help the 
beginner, I would suggest the double mating system in 
Silver Penciled Wyandottes, especially while trying to es- 
tablish a strain. I would recommend the mating of black 
breasted males to dark colored females that are defective 
in triple lacing in breast and back, but as free as possible 
from the rust or mahogany color on wing bow and back. 
Remember you want bright, silvery surface color on hackle 
and saddles of males as well as wing bows, and to get this 
you must steer clear of the rusty color of either sex in se- 
lecting your breeding stock. In order to get good females, 
select your choicest colored hens or pullets—that is, the 
ones with the cleanest lacing, showing the steel-gray sur- 
face as free as possible from the mahogany shade—and 
mate to a male that shows some white in breast and body, 
and should there be a trace of lacing in the body color of 
the male, all the better. 

In order to show our readers what is meant by cock- 
erel and pullet mating, we present here two views. Fig. 
56 shows breast and body of a cockerel-breeding male that. 
would not be discounted for color, according to our Stand- 
ard description. 

Fig. 57. 

Fig. No. 57 shows the breast and body of a pullet- 
breeding male, one having considerable splashing and lac- 
ing in sections, and if placed on exhibition would be dis- 
counted 114—1 for color of breast and 144 on color of body. 




Fig. 58. 

In Fig. No. 58 are shown three feathers selected from 
the breast of a male bird that will illustrate our idea of 


Feather No. 1 is too light underneath; also shows white 
tip—in fact, there is more white than black in this feather. 
A breast like this should be cut 3 points. 

Feather No. 2 is good at the end, but entirely too light 
underneath, showing more than two-thirds white, and 
should be discounted 2 points. 

Feather No. 3 is good except at the tip, showing a small 
splash, and where many feathers of this kind appear in a 
section the discount should be 1. 

Body and Fluff. 

In describing the color of breast we might have added 
the same description for body as to color, and the dis- 
counts would fall equally as heavy upon both. 

In fluff there is a slight frosting on the end of feathers, 
not enough to make that section look white, but slightly 
streaked, and resembles at a distance of a few feet a spider 
web effect. When extreme matings are practiced, and the 
male is very dark in all sections, there will be but very lit- 
tle, if any, of this streaking appear on the surface; but 
where the males are pullet-bred quite a little of it will 
show, and sometimes be so white as to demand a discount 
of from % to 1 point. 


There is considerable importance attached to this sec- 
tion in all the American breeds—in fact, it was considered 
of such value by the Revision Committee that they have 
changed the number of points allowed from eight to ten. 
'This change was made, however, more on account of 
Barred Rocks and Silver Wyandottes than on account of 
the Silver Penciled varieties. The section is divided, giving 
six to color and four to shape, and perhaps the best way 
to apply a score card would be to allow two points for wing 
bow and bar, two for primaries and two for secondaries, 
valuing our discounts accordingly. 

The Standard in describing the wing of a Silver Pen- 
ciled Wyandotte male calls for “Primaries, black, lower edge 
white; secondaries, black, outer web white, terminating 
‘with greenish-black at end of each feather; wing coverts, 
‘glossy, greenish black, forming a weli defined bar of that 
color across wing when folded; bows, silvery white; under 
color, dark slate.” 

The Standard-makers did not tell us whether the black 
at end of secondaries should be crescentic or spangled, 
and in our drawings illustrating this section we have made 
them to conform to the best specimens we have found of 
this variety. There is a slight crescentic mark at lower 
end. This is the white running slightly into the black in 
our best specimens. 

Fig. 59. 

In Fig. 59 we show a wing folded that conforms closely 
+o the Standard description—white bow, black bar, with 
secondaries showing white on outer web. A wing like this 
‘would pass without discount in color, but is a trifle long 
for its width. 

There is one feature here that it might be well to call 
attention to, and that is in the wing bar as described by 
the Standard and as found on the different specimens we 
handle. It says: “Wing coverts, glossy, greenish-black, 
forming a well defined bar of this color across the wing 
when folded.” We note in looking at the best specimens 


that it makes what might be termed a double bar, or, in 
other words, there are two rows of feathers that bring 
out the color. There is no overlapping of the black on 
white, but both rows of feathers end with black and over- 
lap so that there is but one bar, but it is composed of more 
than one row of feathers. 

In Fig. No. 60 is shown a wing that is slightly spread. 
This wing is defective in bar, also defective in primaries 
and secondaries, there being entirely too much white. The 
lower web of feather exposed in primary should be white, 
upper web should be black. The bar should be solid black 
and not splotched with white, as in this illustration. The 
black band along the lower edge of secondaries should also 
be black, the white showing through, is a defect. A wing 
like Fig. 60 should be discounted 21%4 points—1 for 
defective primaries, 1 for defective bar and % for de- 

fective secondaries. 

\\ \ 



Fig. 61. 

In Fig. 61 we show a spread wing that is quite the 
reverse of No. 60. In this wing we have too much black— 
the bar is too wide. There are some slightly splotched 
feathers on wing bow, secondaries have too much black 
at end, and the outer flight fails in the white edging. This 
wing represents a male bred along very dark lines, and 
should be discounted 2 points—1 for cloudy surface in 
wing bow, %4 for absence of white in primaries, and % for 
too much black in secondaries. 


Tail has a value of nine points, five of which go to 
eolor. This section is usually good in Silver Penciled Wy- 
andottes. The tail proper should be black; sickles, glossy, 
greenish-black; coverts, glossy, greenish-black, or black 
edged with white. 

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up in center and is quite a bit too white in under color. 
A tail with feathers like No. 2 should be discounted 11% 
points. : 

Feather No. 3 is good except at tip end of feathers, 
where there is about one inch of white. This is not an 
uncommon defect, and especially in pullet-breeding males, 
and should be discounted 1 point. 

Legs and Toes. 

This section has a valuation of three points for color, 
and in Silver Penciled Wyandottes is of considerable im- 
portance from the fact that but very few, if any, of our 
specimens today are up to Standard in color. We refer now 
particularly to shanks and toes, of which the Standard de- 
scription is yellow. : 

The Standard-makers were easy on this section, not 
having called for a rich or a bright yellow, and in view 
of the fact that there are several shades of yellow, shad- 
ing’ from light to dark, the breed will not be handicapped 
to any great extent by this description. However, in near- 
ly all the specimens we have found in the shows, and es- 
pecially on females, there is more or less willow or slate 
color, and when such color is met with it is necessary to 
discount. As there are only three points for color, 
it is plain to see the discount is light as compared to the 
real defect. A slight tinge of slate would warrant a dis- 
count of half a point, but if all the front of shank and up- 
per part of toes show this color, the out would be 1; if 
the color runs around to back of shank, then the out would 
be 1% to 2. 

Believing this description will give to the breeders 
the information desired in regard to the defects in the 
several sections and our system of valuing them, we will 
now take up the Silver Penciled Wyandotte female. 

Fig. 62. 
In Fig. 62, feather No. 1, we illustrate what the LV ENCILED ANDOTTE FEMALE. 
Standard calls for—a black feather, with dark slate under SE VERSE ENC wy 2 
color. The Standard in describing color of female in back, 

Feather No. 2 is dark enough at the end, but breaks breast, wing bow and tail coverts, calls for gray color, with 





penciling, outlines of penciling to conform 
the feathers to be free from white 
re is no set rule as to the number of lac- 
d in the different sections, but our own expe- 
it us that the ones that give the best sur- 
usually termed by the fanciers the “steel-gray 
have three distinct pencilings, the same as our 
red Dark Brahmas. We have examined a number 
birds in different sections of the country, among 
» winners of the important prizes of the World’s 
" in St. Louis, and have had selected for us from the 
yards of Mr. E. G. Wyckoff, the big winner at the World’s 
rir, the feathers that are used to illustrate the several 
the female in this article. Remember, these 
rs are not intended to be perfect; we show ideals, 

* with defects, and we will attempt to value them 
as we would in the show room, giving to our 
a good general idea as to what specimen will score 
ith the several kinds of plumage described. 

All parti-colored birds have their peculiar characteris- 
tics that must be thoroughly understood by the breeder 
if the best results are to be secured from our matings. The 
peculiar markings of one breed, and the effect of these 
markings on the offspring, may be slightly or entirely 
nged in the offspring of some other breed, and for this 
reason no set rule can be adopted that will work alike in 
all eases. To be a successful breeder of any one variety 
of fowls means that we must have a thorough understand- 
ing, not alone of that variety, but the particular breeding 
that has brought up the strain we are striving to improve. 




While it is true that like begets like, it is well to remember 
that ideals exist only in the imagination of some_over- 
wrought amateur, and that the stern reality of longer ex- 
perience in breeding banishes them from the mind. It is 
true that the mating of Wyandottes will produce Wyan- 
dottes, but it is not true that the mating will produce a 
flock of birds all of which will equal or surpass in quality 
the parent stock. In fact, with a parti-colored fowl like 
the Silver Penciled Wyandotte we may consider ourselves 
lucky if we produce five per cent. of either sex that sur- 
pass the parent stock, and many times we may not suc- 
ceed in raising one chick that even equals the mating that 
produced them. 

I call attention to this now before taking up the color 
of the Wyandotte female and caution the readers in point- 
ing out the several defects that it will not be possible in 
every instance to make the same application with other 
breeds, as in the breeding of poultry too much depends 
upon the manner in which the strain is produced. Even 
our best informed poultrymen may go astray in their mat- 
ings until they have learned by experience which shades 
of color will nick best in producing choice males or fe- 
males; and in no one variety is there more danger of 
this than with our Silver Penciled Wyandottes. This is 
no reflection on the breed by any means—in fact, the im- 
provement on this variety is simply marvelous, consid- 
ering the short time they have been bred, but all these 




improvements have not been \aade by one breeder, or 
from one strain of fowls. Breeders in different parts of 
the country are striving for the same results and have 
made vast improvements; but the breeds which entered 
into the original makeup were not all alike, consequently 
in mixing the blood of two strains, no matter by whom 
or how well the variety be understood, may prove a com- 
plete failure from a fancier’s standpoint, and it is on this 
point that I wish to give a few words of advice to the 
amateur or inexperienced breeder. 

Should the offspring from the crossing of two differ- 
ent strains prove inferior, or not up to the parent stock, 
do not discard them as worthless, but select the best from 
the cross, both male and female, and mate them to their 
sire or dam, according to the sex you wish to produce. 
Please remember that in giving this advice I am taking it 
for granted that you are working along the lines of double 
mating. It is quite likely that the first cross of the parent 
stock will bring back the good points lost. If they do so 
only in a limited way, then mate the second offspring back 
again to the original sire or dam, and you will get the de- 
sired results and establish a strain of your own. 

Perhaps one of the best, if not the best, strains of 
Silver Penciled Wyandottes of the present day was origi- 
nated by the late Ezra Cornell, and has for the past ten 
years been bred by Mr. E. G. Wyckoff, and since Mr. Wyck- 
off has owned the birds there has been rapid improvement, 
both in color and shape, due not alone to his good judg- 
ment in mating, but to a thorough knowledge of the original 
crosses that produced the birds in Mr. Cornell’s hands. 




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The exhibit of Silver Penciled Wyandottes at the World’s 
Fair at St. Louis was of such marked quality that one 
would think the variety had been bred for a quarter of a 
century. In many instances the females surpassed the Dark 
Brahmas in correct penciling. To Mr. Wyckoff is due the 
credit for the elegant feathers, showing the ideals in the 
following illustrations, reproduced by Mr. Burgess. 


This section in parti-colored birds is of vast impor- 
tance to those not having a thorough understanding of ideal 
plumage and how much we may juggle with defective color 
and still be safe in our matings. To call for feathers on the 
back, breast, body and wing bow, with triple lacing, and 
then require nature to carry a single lacing on neck color, 
down to junction of back, is setting a hard task, and we 
have found that in order to get the proper shade of color, 
the steel gray so much desired by breeders of this variety, 
it is sometimes necessary to use females with more or 
less penciling in the hackle feathers. 

In describing color of the neck of a Silver Penciled 
Wyandotte female, the Standard says: “Silvery white, 
with a distinct black stripe extending through each feather, 
tapering to a point near extremity; black stripe may be 
slightly penciled with silvery white; each feather to be 
free from a black or dark edge; under color, dark slate.” 



In color the wing of the Partridge Wyandotte male is 
not, as a rule, very defective—in fact, it is sel- 
dom that this section is cut to exceed 1% to 1 

The Standard describes it as: ‘Primaries, 
black, lower edge red; secondaries, black, the 
outside web red, terminating with black at the 
end of each feather; coverts, greenish black, 
forming a well defined bar of this color across 
the wing when folded; bows, red; fronts, black; 
under color, dark slate.” 

About the only serious defect we find 
in color of this section is white primaries and 
purple barring in the wing bar. This purple 
barring is found in all parti-colored breeds 
where there is a solid black bar across this 
section, and when it is found should be dis- 
counted from % to 1.point. When white ap- 
pears in primaries or secondaries, the out is 
from % to 1%, as in degree. 

We have here illustrated two wings that 
will materially assist the reader in forming an 
idea as to the valuation. A wing like Fig. 40 
should be discounted 1 point, while Fig. 41 
‘should be discounted 2 points, as it shows en-@ 
tirely too much white, and should this color be 
mingled with red or black, the defect would be 
even more severe, making it 3 points for the 
same defect. 


The Standard describes the tail of the Par- 
‘tridge Wyandotte male as: 
glossy greenish-black; lesser coverts, glossy black, but may 
‘be edged with red.” 

ha Ay, 
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Fig. 41. 

As a rule there is but little fault to find with the color 
of the male, except as referred to, but in wing bows we 
occasionally find a purple barring across the sickles or tail 
coverts, and when this defect appears the section should 
be discounted from 1% to 1% points, as in degree. If any 
white shows at base of tail, out is from 1% to 2, as in degree, 


The Standard describes this section as “Glossy black; 
under color, dark slate.” In looking over the best specimens 
that we find in the exhibition room we doubt if the word 
“glossy” should not be eliminated from this description, 
as the color in reality is dead black, and not glossy black, as 
described, as it is that portion of the bird protected from 
the sunlight and very seldom shows glossy sheen to 
plumage such as we find on other sections of the bird. 
However, this color is easy to understand, and any color 
aside from black would be considered a defect. It is quite 
often that we find specimens that have a trace of pullet- 
breeding blood in them that show red checks or splotches 
-on surface, and especially up along the sides. This color 
should be discounted from 1% to 2, as in degree, and where 
purple barring shows up the out is from ¥% to 1. 

Another defect, while not common in show birds, is 
sometimes met with, is a light shade in under color, which 
the Standard describes as dark slate. Where the under 

“Black; sickles and coverts, — 

ii Ye 


color is too light, approaching white or light gray, the out 
is from % to 1%. 

Body and Fluff. 
The Standard describes these sections as 
“Black, or black slightly tinged with red; under 
color, dark slate.” 

There will be occasionally -.a_ slight 
tinge of red on this color, but we do not 
fancy it. Neither do we believe the Standard- 
makers should allow it to appear without dis- 
count. Especially is this true of upper part 
of body in front of legs. This part of the 
body, in our opinion, should be solid black, the 
wy, Same as in the breast, and where red or foreign 
yy color appears, it should be discounted. On the 
other hand, that part of the body known as the 
posterior portion, near vent, should, in our opin- 
ion, be slightly penciled or tinged with a red- 
dish cast. 

The legs and toes of this popular breed 
should be yellow, but it is seldom that we ever 
find a specimen that would not, according to 
this description, be discounted from % to 1% 
points. This has always been a characteristic 
of the Partridge Wyandottes—in fact, all the 
parti-colored birds with a laced plumage—and 
while it is true that we occasionally find speci- 
mens that are exceptionally good in this direc- 
tion, it is a question if we do not get better 
color where we allow a tinge of slate or willow 
to appear on the front of the legs of our males. 
However, since the Standard has described 
them as yellow, we will consider it as such, and 
any tinge of willow or slate should be discounted from % 
to 14%, as in degree. 

In scoring the shape of the Silver Wyandotte male, 
we omitted two defects that are sometimes met with 

ir that should be. under- 
(i AWM (ifes a 7/7 stood by breeders and 

NY \\ WH judges, and we call 

NSS eae them up at this time 

: taloheth and illustrate them in 
Mi Fig. 41a. 

The defects referred 
to are knock-knees and 
crooked toes, and are 
defects found in near- 
ly every show in the 
country. Sometimes the 
crooked toes are caused 
by an injury, but more 
.times they are a nat- 
‘-ural defect and should 


to 1144 points, as in de- 
gree. Knock-knees are 
an eyesore in the show 
room, as well as in the 

6, and where 
imen shows this defect to any great extent should 
from the breeding yards, as tests have proven 
it will reproduce itself on the offspring. 

xr pens, and should be cut from 1 to 1% 


Having in our cabinet a number of defective neck, 
head and comb illustrations of Partridge Wyandotte fe- 
we omitted these sections in shape while scoring 
r Wyandotte female, and we will now take the 
r up, illustrating some of the common defects as 
i in the average exhibition, and placing a valuation 
on same, beginning with head. 

This section will require a different description than 
the male, although the Standard description is the same. 
The formation of the head at its junction with the neck in 

the two sexes is so differently arranged that we have con- . 

sidered it wise to fully illustrate and call attention to the 
several defects that are common. The Standard reads: 

“Head, medium size and carried well up.” 


pf ui ay 

Fig. 42. 

In Fig. 42 are illustrated a head, comb and neck that 
but little fault can be found with. We refer to head No. 
3 in the plate. This style fits well the description of the 
Standard and is the shape sought for by our best breeders. 
If any criticism could be offered it might be in depth of 
head over the eyes. This one might be a trifle deeper at 
this point, but 4%, cut is sufficient for the defect, and if 
passed without a cut no severe criticism could be made. 

Head No. 4 in Fig. 42 is too slim and narrow at rear, 
is not round enough and joins onto neck badly. Such a 
head should be discounted 1 point. 

Fig. 42. 

In Fig. 
Brahma type. 

43, heads Nos. 5 and 6 are somewhat after the 
They are broad in skull, heavy over the 





Zt | 

Fig. 44. 

eyes and very coarse. These heads should be discounted 
1 point each. 

In Fig. 44, head No. 7, while looking like a freak when 
compared with the good ones, is no worse than we some- 
times find in specimens of this breed. It is too long and 
narrow, is not deep enough through beak, is too long and 
straight, giving head too snaky or sickly appearance, and 
should be discounted 2 points. 

Head No. 8 is good in general shape and is used here 
to illustrate defect in comb that will be called up later. 


While the section of comb has not so much importance 
attached to it by breeders as that of the male, it is, how- 
ever, considered an important section even in females, as 
poor combs, no matter how well mated, are very likely to 
develop defects in the offspring of both sexes, and espe- 
cially in the comb of the male. It is, then, vastly impor- 
tant that only good combs be used in the breeding pens. 

The comb as illustrated in head No. 3 (Fig. 42) is quite 
good and very well proportioned for a female. No. 4 is a 
little high in the center, not quite flat enough on top, and 
unless carefully mated will produce what we call a 
“lumpy” comb on the heads of the cockerels. 

No. 5, in Fig. 43, is about the proper length, but is too 
wide in front, is hollow in the center, and the corrugated 
points are too large and coarse. This comb should be dis- 
counted 2144 points. 

Head No. 6 (Fig. 43) has a smooth surface, spike turns 
up at the rear like a Leghorn’s; it has a narrow scar 
through the side and is poorly proportioned in every way. 
This comb should be discounted 214 points. No. 7, in Fig. 
44, is too long and too narrow, and, like the head it rests 
on, is too snaky for a comb of this breed, and should be 
discounted 1 point. No. 8 shows a well proportioned comb. 
It is the right length and width and ends with nice spike 
at the rear, but is too smooth on the surface, lacking in 
the corrugated points so much desired in this breed. This 
comb should be discounted 1 point. 

Wattles and Ear Lobes. 

Here are two sections in the female that have less 
value attached to them than the male. The wattles and 
ear lobes are, as a rule, good, even though other parts of 
the head are faulty. We have found many specimens scor- 
ing away down, being defective in almost every section, 
with almost perfect wattles and lobes. However, there 
are defects met with, and in order to give the amateur the 
correct idea of valuation of such defects we have illus- 
trated a few. 

In heads 3, 4 and 8 are shown well proportioned wat- 
tles and lobes, and we would not discount them in scoring. 
In No. 5 we find the wattles straight and somewhat drawn; 
the lobes somewhat pinched and small for the size of the 
head, and should be discounted 1 point. In No. 6 we find 
the wattles and lobes are heavy and coarse, and full of 
wrinkles, and should be discounted 2 points. In No. 7 we 
find a drawn, sickly looking face, with half developed ear 
lobes and «wattles, and should be discounted 11% points. 

In studying the defects illustrated here, please bear 
in mind that they would have the same effect on all varie- 
ties of the Wyandottes and would be cut proportionately 
hard, no matter what the variety. 

Color of Female. 

There is such a difference in the color of the winning 
females in the leading shows throughout the country that 
I deem it wise to give considerable space to them, and es- 
pecially the illustrations showing plumage from different 
sections of the body. 




It is seldom that we find a feather even from our best 
ns that shows more than three distinct lacings. 
re exceptions to the rule, however, and occasionally 
feather, or, in fact, a single specimen, with a 
r of feathers with three or four distinct lacings, and 
fen such specimens are found they are invariably the 
1dsomest birds in the class, and while no preference, ac- 
= to the Standard description, could be given them, 
believe the breeders favor them, and, other things be- 
ing equal, in awarding prizes should give them preference 
over the double or triple laced, as the case may be. 
The Standard is not as plain on the point of color as 
it should be, but it is always well to lean in the direction 
of what seems to be improvement, providing it can be pro- 
duced. In giving preference to additional lacing it is nec- 
essary to take into consideration that this lacing must con- 
form to the shape of the feather, as this is vastly im- 




The ground color of the Partridge Wyandotte female 
should be mahogany-red or reddish-brown. The same 
Standard description follows in back, breast, body and wing 
bows, and to get the lacing with the correct shade of color 
is no small task. The Partridge Wyandotte females aver- 
age fairly good in this respect, especially so considering 
the short time they have been bred, and in our illustration 
of Standard Partridge Wyandotte female is shown our 
idea of surface color, together with the draping of feathers 
selected from what we believe to be the best Partridge 
Wyandotte female shown to date. 

In head the Standard describes Partridge Wyandottes 
—Plumage, “redding-brown.” This is perhaps as good de- 
scription as could be given it, and, as a rule, it is a trifle 
lighter shade—more of an orange color in this section than 
we find in neck and back. 

Neck is described as: “Red, with black stripe through 
each feather, tapering to a point near extremity of feather, 

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the red edging to be free from black; penciling in central 
portion of feathers allowable; under color, dark slate.” 

In Fig. 45 is shown a group of feathers that illustrate 
some of the defects as found in the necks of this variety. 
Feather No. 5 is what we believe the Standard calls for, 


and I am satisfied the breeders of Partridge color, no mat- 
ter what the breed, are willing to accept this as ideal. 

In No. 1 we find a feather that is somewhat broken in 
color and the lacing fails at the end. A neck showing 
hackle feathers like this should be discounted % point. 

Feather No. 2 is defective on one side of shaft only, 
with the same blunt point, and should be discounted 1 


Feather No. 3 has fewer defects inside, but has more 
black at point and should be discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 4 is good in lacing, but shows entirely 
too much white in center, and this white or golden color is 
in such proportion and scattered in such manner over the 
feather as to make it a serious defect from either an ex- 
hibition or breeding standpoint, and should be discounted 
1 point. ‘ 


In Fig. 46 is shown a collection of feathers illustrating 
several of the defects that are found in the backs of our 

Partridge Wyandctte females. 
No. 1 is a perfectly laced feather, and, aside from hav- 
ing more than the usual number of markings, could be 

classed as ideal. 

Feather No. 2 in this collection, while good, does not 
show as distinct lacing, neither does it go deep enough 
in the web portion of the feather. A back showing feathers 
like this should be discounted 1% point. 

In feather No. 3 we find a defect, the lacing on it be- 
ing zig-zag, or uneven, and does not meet at point of cen- 
ter, as they should, but run past the shaft, lower mark- 
ings being to one side. A back showing feathers like No. 
3 should be discounted 14% points. 


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In feather No. 4 is shown a defect that is slightly 
overdrawn, but one that is often met with in poorly bred 
specimens. There is no distinct lacing, black and red 
mixed together, giving the back a smutty appearance. A 
showing feathers like this should be discounted 2% points. 

In feather No. 5 we have a defect which, while not 


common in this breed, is nevertheless met with. The 
. feather is all mottled with a brownish cast, and looks like 
: a feather from a poorly bred Brown Leghorn, as there is 
: no lacing. The only redeeming point is that there is about 
the right proportion of black and red. A back like this 
should be cut at least three points. . 


In Fig. 47 is shown a group of feathers with defects 
similar to those in the back, and feather No. 2 would be 
discounted the same as feather No. 2 in the other group. 
while feather No. 3 is almost entirely lacking in black. 

Feather No. 4 doesn’t show good black or red, has a faded- 
out appearance, and should be discounted at least 3 points. 

Here is one case where we take more from color than is 
allowed for either black or red, as both colors are defect- 
ive. Feather No. 5 in this group was taken from near the 
throat, has a pepper and salt appearance, has about the 
right amount of black and red, but has no sign of lacing, 
and should be discounted 2% points. 


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In Fig. No. 49 we have the same defect, only magni- 

It is well at this time to call attention to some of the fied. ‘This back is practically level, there being no rise,. 
defects in shape of back, as found in the different speci- even at tail, and is quite narrow and long, doesn’t show 
mens that are placed on exhibition, and give the valuation broad enough, and should be discounted 2 points. 

of same. 


> Ys get aS 


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In Fig. No. 48 is shown a back that is too straight and 

: i 1 ch i ue 
too long for a Wyandotte. This back resembles very mu imawie. (Now ROcwes haveuwhatidscknow2e dapauc@nonin 

. the general outline of a well-bred Light Brahma, except back.” It is rather heavy in cushion, rises from shoulder 
perhaps it is a trifle too narrow, and on a Wyandotte should to center of back and then slopes down to tail. While 
be discounted i114 points. this is somewhat overdrawn, it is a fact we get in our Par- 



A Breeding Pen of J. C. Fishel & Son’s Famous White Wyan 


tridge Wyandottes quite a good many females, especially 
old hens, that show these Cochin characteristics, and some 
of them nearly as much as the drawing. This back is 
shorter than backs Nos. 48 or 49, and no doubt if used in 
the breeding pens some good short-backed, short-tailed 
males would be the result, but it is defective from an ex- 
hibition standpoint and should be discounted 2 points. 

Body and Fluff. 

There is considerable stress laid to the color of this 
section, due to the fact that many specimens otherwise 
good will fail miserably when they reach the thighs or pos- 
terior portion of the bird. It is not to be expected that we 
will ever be able to produce Partridge Wyandottes that 
are laced entirely around the body, with as good feathers 
as we find on back and breast, but it is essential that we 
get the lacing down as far as possible and have all sec- 
tions harmonize and blend, not alone in surface color, but 
in lacing as well. 

_. In Fig. 51 are shown five feathers about as we find 
them in our best specimens. Feathers Nos. 1 and 2 cover 
that part of the body directly following the breast and 
around the thighs. Feather No. 2 is where the penciling 
begins to fade out as it rounds the sides, but this one is 
not very well marked. There is too much black on one 

inner web a dull black, outer web, mahogany-red or red- 
dish-brown; coverts, similar in color to plumage of breast; 
under color, dark slate.” 

In Fig. 52 are shown three flight feathers. Feather 
No. 1 conforms closely to the Standard—black on one side 
of shaft and red on the other. 

Feather No. 2 shows tracings of red in the black, and 
should be discounted 1% point. 

Feather No. 3 shows as much red as black, but it is 
splotched and runs together, and should be discounted 1% 

In Fig. 52a is shown a group of feathers taken from the 
wing bow, or shoulder. All the feathers here illustrated 
were plucked from the same specimen. No. 1, however, is 
a trifle overdrawn, showing more lines of lacing than the 
feather really possessed. There were three distinct lac- 
ings, besides the shaft, however, and they were about as 
evenly laced as it is possible to get them. 

Feather No. 2 is somewhat muddy, the black and red 
edging together, and many feathers like this in a section 
gives the surface a rusty appearance, and should be dis- 
counted 4% point. 

Feather No. 3 is uneven in lacing and was taken from 
near the point of wing, and while the surface of it does 
fairly well, when you open the feather up for close in- 

side of the shaft and too light on the other side, and should 
be discounted 1 point. Feather No. 4, while taken from the 
rear of bird, is too uneyen—it is more stippled than pen- 
ciled, and should be cut 1 point. Feather No. 5 shows too 
light, not enough red in the feather, and it should be dis- 
counted 1 point. 


The Standard description of color in this section is 
good, and we believe is generally understood by breeders 

Fig. 52. 

“Primaries, dull 
black, with an edging of brown on outer web; secondaries, 

and judges alike. ‘The description is: 

spection it all runs together, looking very much like a 
feather selected from a Brown Leghorn female, and should 
be discounted 2 points. 

Feathers Nos. 4 and 5 have the same defect, slightly 
magnified, and should be discounted 21% points. 


It is generally understood by judges and breeders that 
the tail of the Partridge Wyandotte female should be black 
—that is, the main tail except the two feathers usually 
termed the “deck feathers’—hbut the Standard description 
does not call for black—that is, absolute. It says: “Black 
or brownish-black, the two highest main tail feathers pen- 
ciled with reddish-brown; coverts, well penciled, similar 
in color to breast and body.” And, it should add, similar 
in lacing. 

Fig. 53. 

In Fig. 53 is shown a group of feathers taken from the 
tail, all more or less defective. However, feather No. 3 
would not make a bad ending to the deck feathers—the 
ones directly in center of tail. Feather No. 1 is too light— 
shows too much red—and should be discounted 1% points. 
Feather No. 2 shows black and red throughout the feather, 

lly on one side of shaft, and should be discounted 

Feather No. 3 is good except the lacing at the 
and should this appear on any except the deck feathers 
should be discounted 1 point. Feather No. 4 was taken 
from down at the side of tail—the last feather in this sec- 

0 he 




we believe, as in the male, it is next to impossible to get 
this color correct—in fact, we do not know that we have 
ever seen a single specimen that would pass without a dis- 
count of at least a half point, and, in many cases, they 
would be discounted as much as 14%. Where rich mahog- 

Fig. 52a. 

tion. It shows an edging of brown, almost to the shaft on 
one side, and should be discounted 1% points. 

Legs and Toes. 
The Standard calls for shanks and toes yellow, and 

any color is found on the surface in all sections, you can 
bank upon it that you will find more or less off color in. 
legs, but the Standard demands yellow, and when any for- 
eign color exists it is necessary to discount it, and the out. 
is from % to 2, as in degree. 


Winners of first pen at the great Indianapolis Show, February, 1908. Bred, owned and exhibited by Charles V. Keeler, Winamac, Ind. Note depth 
of body, well developed breasts and nicely spread tails. x 


Strikingly Handsome, But Never So Popular as Some of the ‘Other Varieties. 

E WILL now take up the Silver Penciled 
variety and give to our readers a thor- 
ough description of the color defects, to- 
gether with our system of valuing them. 
Whether, judging by score card or com- 
parison, the same percentage in discount- 
ing should be observed if we are to allow 
proper credit for perfection and give our 
best colored specimens preference. It is 
well to remember that a judge in apply- 

ing the Standard can give to each section no more value 

than the Standard-makers have awarded it. We should 
keep in mind at all times the fact that all sections should 
be considered and not allow some fad or hobby to mislead 
us in judging. It is the man who conforms closest to 

nM (442 





It is very sel- 
dom that the head of a Silver Wyandotte male is dis- 
counted for color, so far as plumage is concerned. How- 
that are included in 
the head that should have a valuation. The beak should 
be a dark horn color, shading to yellow at the point; eyes, 
bright bay or red; face, bright red. These three points 


Standard laws in making awards that gives the best satis- 
faction as a judge, and since these articles are intended to 
assist the young judge in his work, they should study care- 
fully each variety as we take them up, as some idea may 
occur to them that had previously slipped their minds. 

have to be considered under the one section of head. As 

a rule, the color of the beak is good, but sometimes there is 
a tendency to shade into yellow its entire length, which is 
a defect, and should be discounted % point. If eyes show 
pearl, or light, they should be discounted from % to 1%, 


as in degree. The face proper is usually good, especially 
on the males, but sometimes, owing to condition, they show 
dark or purple. But the better way to discount this is 
under the head of condition, rather than the color, as it 
is the condition of the fowl that brings about this color. 
The same would apply in comb where the Standard de- 
scription is bright red. 

Wattles and ear lobes are sometimes defective in color 
and are given a valuation of six points. These sections, 
while not divided by the Standard-makers, should be in 
applying the Standard by score card, and we would give 
three for shape and three for color. Sometimes a trace of 
white will appear in them, and in view of the fact that the 
Standard does not disqualify unless more than half of the 
section is white, some rule for cutting should be consid- 
ered. If only a trace of white is found, the discount should 
-be % point; if white shows clearly in both lobes, or the 
entire section looks pale, the discount should be 1; where 
white flecks appear, showing enamel-white over one-third 





Fig. 54. 

of the surface, the discount should be 2; and when more 
than one-half of the lobe is positive white, the bird should 
be disqualified. 


Neck has a valuation of ten points—four for shape and 
six for color—and is considered one of the most important 
sections, so far as color is concerned, in a breeding male 
The Standard description for neck is: “Silvery white, 


with a distinct black stripe extending through each 
feather, tapering to a point near extremity of feather; each 
feather to be free from a white shaft, or a black or dark 
edge; under color, dark slate.” 


In Fig. 54, feather No. 1, we show an ideal hackle 
feather that conforms to the. Standard, having the black 
center with a white outside edging and about the right 
proportion of slate under color. The white edging might 
be a trifle narrower and still pass without a discount. 

Feather No. 2 is distinct in the striping, has the dark 
under color, but the black runs to the edge on side of 
feather and runs black at the tip. A feather like this 
should be discounted 1 point—% point for black at end 
of feather, 4% point where black shows on edge and 4% for 
being too light in under color. ; 

Feather No. 3 is entirely too light. What little black 
there is in the feather is poorly proportioned, runs too much 
to a point, making a black, smutty edge, and is nearly 
white underneath. A neck showing feathers like this 
should be discounted 3 points—2 for white under color and 
1 point for the smutty edging of black that extends almost 
one-fourth of an inch along the surface. A neck like this 
shows black on the outside and what the breeders term 
“cotton color’ underneath. : 

A neck to show to best advantage on a male bird of 
this variety should be a silvery white surface from back 
of comb to where the hackle flows out into the shoulders. 
The only black showing is where the hackle parts, or on 
examination by raising the feathers. It is the silvery neck 
and back that is so much admired by breeders of this va- 
riety, and the two sections that up to the present time it 
has been so hard to get pure. 


This section is by far the most important, both in 
color and shape. The Standard-makers realized this, and 
in the valuation of points they have allowed 6 for shape 
and 6 for color, giving it more importance than any other 
one section of the bird. 

In color it should be a silvery white, free from brown; 
saddle, silvery white with a black stripe through each 
feather; under color, dark slate. We will find here very 
much the same description as in neck, and there is a simi- 
larity betwen the two feathers in color, but you will note 
by looking at Fig. 55 and comparing them with Fig. 54 that 
there is considerable difference in the shape of the feathers 
in the two sections. 

Feather No. 1 in Fig. 55 shows our ideal of a Silver 
Penciled Wyandotte back. It is good in under color, has 
clear black striping in center, with nice outside lacing of 

Feather No. 3 is too light underneath; it is very black 
at the edge, giving the bird a smutty surface color, and 
should be discounted 1% points. 

Feather No. 4 is too light on surface, has about the 
right proportion of black at the edge, but is entirely too 
light underneath, failing almost entirely in under color, 
and' should be discounted 114 points. 

Feather No. 5 is too white at the point, black stripe 
doesn’t run near enough to end of feather. The under 
color is pure white. A bird like this shows a surface that 


is entirely too light, as well as under color, and should be 
discounted 1% points. 

Feather No. 2 is black at the point, a little smutty in 
the outside white lacing, also too light underneath. A back 


uld be discounted for both surface and under 
amount of black or brown showing in the 
ng sives the back a sort of a copperish tinge, 
. of itself should be discounted 1 point; the light 

color will add an additional % point, making the 

total out 14 


Next to the back this is the most important section, 
so far as shape is concerned, but is not considered of as 
2uch value as several other sections in color. However, 
21 good colored breast is much to be desired on males of this 
iety, and, in view of the fact that the Standard-makers 
e given us ten points and laid as much stress on color 
~ >, giving five points to each, it is easy to see that 
a defective breast in color can be severely discounted. 

The Standard description of color is “Black; under 
color, dark slate.” This description fits well the fancy 
cockerel-bred exhibition males that look so well in the 
yard and show room, but it is not from breasts like the 
one described that we get our best colored birds, especially 
in females, and quite often males as well. 

Our best breeders have learned that to produce choice 
colored specimens of either sex, it is necessary to breed 
from two or more matings. We would like to emphasize 
the point “two or more,” as many breeders, to our knowl- 
edge, have found it necessary to breed several shades of 
color in males in order to arrive at just the right color in 
females—in fact, the splashed breast on male is not in 
every case a safe criterion to go by that the individual is 
a pullet-breeder. The choice exhibition females, when 
mated with the rich-colored exhibition male, will more than 
likely disappoint the owner in the quality of chicks. The 
females willrun unevenly and splotchy, failing in lacing in 
many sections, while the males will come in almost as 
many colors as there are chicks to count—in fact, you will 
hardly find two alike, and you can consider yourself fortu- 
nate if you have any real good show birds from the mat: 
ing. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and the 
two exhibition colors may nick all right and breed fine ex- 
hibition males or females, and sometimes both, from the 
same pair or pen. But when results like this follow, it is 



Fig. 56. 

well to look back of the individual and learn the cause, and 
it is almost invariably the case that the breeding of the 
sires, and not the sires themselves, was responsible for 
the results. When good results follow the mating of ex- 
hibition males and females, it is safe to calculate that one 
or the other, or perhaps both, of the sires was bred on 
opposite lines from what their color would indicate; or, in 
other words, were mere accidents where the blood of one 
sex or the other in the embryo state had predominated and 
given life to a chick, with exhibition plumage, along one 
line whose parentage would lead in an entirely different 

I merely call attention to this matter here to show the 
amateur breeder the folly of trying to produce exhibition 
color from Standard matings when the color of the two 
sexes is entirely opposite, as in the case of the Silver Pen- 
ciled Wyandotte or Dark Brahmas. I do believe that 

Barred Rocks, Penciled Hamburgs and other varieties that 
have the same color characteristics in both male and fe- 
male can and should be bred from one mating, and in my 
six years’ experimenting along these lines the result in my 
yards has thoroughly convinced me that they are right, but 
I doubt if it can be brought about with any degree of cer- 
tainty where the breast of one sex is penciled or laced and 
where the other is black or white. So in order to help the 
beginner, I would suggest the double mating system in 
Silver Penciled Wyandottes, especially while trying to es- 
tablish a strain. I would recommend the mating of black 
breasted males to dark colored females that are defective 
in triple lacing in breast and back, but as free as possible 
from the rust or mahogany color on wing bow and back. 
Remember you want bright, silvery surface color on hackle 
and saddles of males as well as wing bows, and to get this. 
you must steer clear of the rusty color of either sex in se- 
lecting your breeding stock. In order to get good females, 
select your choicest colored hens or pullets—that is, the 
ones with the cleanest lacing, showing the steel-gray sur- 
face as free as possible from the mahogany shade—and 
mate to a male that shows some white in breast and body, 
and should there be a trace of lacing in the body color of 
the male, all the better. 

In order to show our readers what is meant by cock- 
erel and pullet mating, we present here two views. Fig. 
56 shows breast and body of a cockerel-breeding male that. 
would not be discounted for color, according to our Stand- 
ard description. 

Fig. 57. 

Fig. No. 57 shows the breast and body of a pullet- 
breeding male, one having considerable splashing and lac- 
ing in sections, and if placed on exhibition would be dis- 
counted 114,—1 for color of breast and % on color of body. 

oo Dey, 

f al 

Fig. 58. 

In Fig. No. 58 are shown three feathers selected from 
the breast of a male bird that will illustrate our idea of 


Feather No. 1 is too light underneath; also shows white 
tip—in fact, there is more white than black in this feather. 
A breast like this-should be cut 3 points. 

Feather No. 2 is good at the end, but entirely too light 
underneath, showing more than two-thirds white, and 
should be discounted 2 points. 

Feather No. 3 is good except at the tip, showing a small 
splash, and where many feathers of this kind appear in a 
Section the discount should be 1. 

Body and Fluff. 

In describing the color of breast we might have added 
the same description for body as to color, and the dis- 
counts would fall equally as heavy upon both. 

In fluff there is a slight frosting on the end of feathers, 
not enough to make that section look white, but slightly 
streaked, and resembles at a distance of a few feet a spider 
web effect. When extreme matings are practiced, and the 
male is very dark in all sections, there will be but very lit- 
tle, if any, of this streaking appear on the surface; but 
where the males are pullet-bred quite a little of it will 
show, and sometimes be so white as to demand a discount 
of from % to 1 point. 


There is considerable importance attached to this sec- 
tion in all the American breeds—in fact, it was considered 
of such value by the Revision Committee that they have 
changed the number of points allowed from eight to ten. 
‘This change was made, however, more on account of 
Barred Rocks and Silver Wyandottes than on account of 
the Silver Penciled varieties. The section is divided, giving 
six to color and four to shape, and perhaps the best way 
to apply a score card would be to allow two points for wing 
bow and bar, two for primaries and two for secondaries, 
valuing our discounts accordingly. 

The Standard in describing the wing of a Silver Pen- 
ciled Wyandotte male calls for “Primaries, black, lower edge 
white; secondaries, black, outer web white, terminating 
with greenish-black at end of each feather; wing coverts, 
glossy, greenish black, forming a weli defined bar of that 
color across wing when folded; bows, silvery white; under 
color, dark slate.” . 

The Standard-makers did not tell us whether the black 
at end of secondaries should be crescentic or spangled, 
and in our drawings illustrating this section we have made 
them to conform to the best specimens we have found of 
this variety. There is a slight crescentic mark at lower 
end. This is the white running slightly into the black in 
our best specimens. 

Fiz. 59. 

In Fig. 59 we show a wing folded that conforms closely 
to the Standard description—white bow, black bar, with 
secondaries showing white on outer web. A wing like this 
-would pass without discount in color, but is a trifle long 
for its width. 

There is one feature here that it might be well to call 
attention to, and that is in the wing bar as described by 
the Standard and as found on the different specimens we 
handle. It says: “Wing coverts, glossy, greenish-black, 
forming a well defined bar of this color across the wing 
‘when. folded.” We note in looking at the best specimens 


that it makes what might be termed a double bar, or, in 
other words, there are two rows of feathers that bring 
out the color. There is no overlapping of the black on 
white, but both rows. of feathers end with black and over: 
lap so that there is but one bar, but it is composed of more 
than one row of feathers. 



In Fig. No. 60 is shown a wing that is slightly spread. 
This wing is defective in bar, also defective in primaries 
and secondaries, there being entirely too much white. The 
lower web of feather exposed in primary should be white, 
upper web should be black. The bar should be solid black 
and not splotched with white, as in this illustration. The 
black band along the lower edge of secondaries should also 
be black, the white showing through, is a defect. A wing 
like Fig. 60 should be discounted 2%, points—1 for 
defective primaries, 1 for defective bar and % for de 
fective secondaries. 

Fig. 61. 

In Fig. 61 we show a spread wing that is quite the 
reverse of No. 60. In this wing we have too much black— 
the bar is too wide. There are some slightly splotched 
feathers on wing bow, secondaries have too much black 
at end, and the outer flight fails in the white edging. This 
wing represents a male bred along very dark lines, and 
should be discounted 2 points—1 for cloudy surface -in 
wing bow, 1% for absence of white in primaries, and 4% for 
too much black in secondaries. 


Tail has a value of nine points, five of which go to 
color. This section is usually good in Silver Penciled Wy- 
andottes. The tail proper should be black; sickles, glossy, 
greenish-black; coverts, glossy, greenish-black, or black 
edged with white. 

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up in center and is quite a bit too white in under color. 
A tail with feathers like No. 2 should be discounted 1% 

Feather No. 3 is good except at tip end of feathers, 
where there is about one inch of white. This is not an 
uncommon defect, and especially in pullet-breeding males, 
and should be discounted 1 point. 

Legs and Toes. 

This section has a valuation of three points for color, 
and in Silver Penciled Wyandottes is of considerable im- 
portance from the fact that but very few, if any, of our 
specimens today are up to Standard in color. We refer now 
particularly to shanks and toes, of which the Standard de- 
scription is yellow. 

The Standard-makers were easy on this section, not 
having called for a rich or a bright yellow, and in view 
of the fact that there are several shades of yellow, shad- 
ing’ from light to dark, the breed will not be handicapped 
to any great extent by this description. However, in near- 
ly all the specimens we have found in the shows, and es- 
pecially on females, there is more or less willow or slate 
color, and when such color is met with it is necessary to 
discount. As there are only three points for color, 
it is plain to see the discount is light as compared to the 
real defect. A slight tinge of slate would warrant a dis- 
count of half a point, but if all the front of shank and up- 
per part of toes show this color, the out would be 1; if 
the color runs around to back of shank, then the out would 
be 1% to 2. 

Believing this description will give to the breeders 
the information desired in regard to the defects in the 
several sections and our system of valuing them, we will 
now take up the Silver Penciled Wyandotte female. 

Fig. 62: 
In Fig. 62, feather No. 1, we illustrate what the ALE. 
Standard calls for—a black feather, with dark slate under SHIVER ENCHLIED) WAN BION US eEWAAS 
color. The Standard in describing color of female in back, 

Feather No. 2 is dark enough at the end, but breaks breast, wing bow and tail coverts, calls for gray color, with 


dark penciling, outlines of penciling to conform 
of feather, the feathers to be free from white 
gs. There is no set rule as to the number of lac- 
be found in the different sections, but our own expe- 
I has taught us that the ones that give the best sur- 
face color, usually termed by the fanciers the ‘“steel-gray 
surface,” have three distinct pencilings, the same as our 
best colored Dark Brahmas. We have examined a number 
ff prize birds in different sections of the country, among 
ythers the winners of the important prizes of the World’s 
“air in St. Louis, and have had selected for us from the 
Mr. E. G@. Wyckoff, the big winner at the World’s 
. the feathers that are used to illustrate the several 
sections of the female in this article. Remember, these 
feathers are not intended to be perfect; we show ideals, 
together with defects, and we will attempt to value them 
on paper as we would in the show room, giving to our 
readers a good general idea as to what specimen will score 
with the several kinds of plumage described. 

All parti-colored birds have their peculiar characteris- 
tics that must be thoroughly understood by the breeder 
if the best results are to be secured from our matings. The 
peculiar markings of one breed, and the effect of these 
markings on the offspring, may be slightly or entirely 
changed in the offspring of some other breed, and for this 
reason no set rule can be adopted that will work alike in 
all cases. To be a successful breeder of any one variety 
of fowls means that we must have a thorough understand- 
ing, not alone of that variety, but the particular breeding 
that has brought up the strain we are striving to improve. 

yards of 

a = 






improvements have not been inade by one breeder, or 
from one strain of fowls. Breeders in different parts of 
the country are striving for the same results and have 
made vast improvements; but the breeds which entered 
into the original makeup were not all alike, consequently 
in mixing the blood of two strains, no matter by whom 
or how well the variety be understood, may prove a com- 
plete failure from a fancier’s standpoint, and it is on this 
point that I wish to give a few words of advice to the 
amateur or inexperienced breeder. 

Should the offspring from the crossing of two differ- 
ent strains prove inferior, or not up to the parent stock, 
do not discard them as worthless, but select the best from 
the cross, both male and female, and mate them to their 
sire or dam, according to the sex you wish to produce. 
Please remember that in giving this advice I am taking it 
for granted that you are working along the lines of double 
mating. It is quite likely that the first cross of the parent 
stock will bring back the good points lost. If they do so 
only in a limited way, then mate the second offspring back 
again to the original sire or dam, and you will get the de- 
sired results and establish a strain of your own. 

Perhaps one of the best, if not the best, strains of 
Silver Penciled Wyandottes of the present day was origi- 
nated by the late Ezra Cornell, and has for the past ten 
years been bred by Mr. EH. G. Wyckoff, and since Mr. Wyck- 
off has owned the birds there has been rapid improvement, 
both in color and shape, due not alone to his good judg- 
ment in mating, but to a thorough knowledge of the original 
crosses that produced the birds in Mr. Cornell’s hands. 



Fig. 68. 

While it is true that like begets like, it is well to remember 
that ideals exist only in the imagination of some over- 
wrought amateur, and that the stern reality of longer ex- 
perience in breeding banishes them from the mind. It is 
true that the mating of Wyandottes will produce Wyan- 
dotites, but it is not true that the mating will produce a 
flock of birds all of which will equal or surpass in quality 
the parent stock. In fact, with a parti-colored fowl like 
the Silver Penciled Wyandotte we may consider ourselves 
lucky if we produce five per cent. of either sex that sur- 
pass the parent stock, and many times we may not suc- 
ceed in raising one chick that even equals the mating that 
produced them. 

I call attention to this now before taking up the color 
of the Wyandotte female and caution the readers in point- 
ing out the several defects that it will not be possible in 
every instance to make the same application with other 
breeds, as in the breeding of poultry too much depends 
upon the manner in which the strain is produced. Hven 
our best informed poultrymen may go astray in their mat- 
ings until they have learned by experience which shades 
of color will nick best in producing choice males or fe- 
males; and in no one variety is there more danger of 
this than with our Silver Penciled Wyandottes. This is 
no reflection on the breed by any means—in fact, the im- 
provement on this variety is simply marvelous, consid- 
ering the short time they have been bred, but all these 

The exhibit of Silver Penciled Wyandottes at the World’s 
Fair at St. Louis was of such marked quality that one 
would think the variety had been bred for a quarter of a 
century. In many instances the females surpassed the Dark 
Brahmas in correct penciling. To Mr. Wyckoff is due the 
credit for the elegant feathers, showing the ideals in the 
following illustrations, reproduced by Mr. Burgess. 


This section in parti-colored birds is of vast impor- 
tance to those not having a thorough understanding of ideal 
plumage and how much we may juggle with defective color 
and still be safe in our matings. To call for feathers on the 
back, breast, body and wing bow, with triple lacing, and 
then require nature to carry a single lacing on neck color, 
down to junction of back, is setting a hard task, and we 
have found that in order to get the proper shade of color, 
the steel gray so much desired by breeders of this variety, 
it is sometimes necessary to use females with more or 
less penciling in the hackle feathers. 

In describing color of the neck of a Silver Penciled 
Wyandotte female, the Standard says: “Silvery white, 
with a distinct black stripe extending through each feather, 
tapering to a point near extremity; black stripe may be 
slightly penciled with silvery white; each feather to be 
free from a black or dark edge; under color, dark slate.” 


It will be noticed in this description that slight pen- 
‘ciling is allowed in the black of the hackle feathers. We 
think, however, that the committee in framing this descrip- 
‘tion should have designated that only the lower part of 
Hackle should have this penciling, as the best specimens 
‘that we have found show the correct color until the cape 
‘or lower part of hackle is reached, then the penciling be- 
gins to show, and the last feathers, or the ones at junction 
-of back, show very nearly as much lacing as the back itself. 

Fig. 63, feather No. 1, illustrates the ideal hackle 

feather as selected from about the center of neck of one 
of the hens referred to in the St. Louis exhibit. 
Feather No. 2 was taken about half way from the 

tion we can never expect great things as a breeder. The 
Standard describes it as “Gray with distinct dark penciling, 
outlines of which conform to shape of feather; feathers 
free from white shafting; under color, dark slate.” 

Weather No. 1, Fig. 64, shows our ideal of a perfect 
feather, showing the triple lacing with about the right 
amount of black and silvery white. A back showing color 
like this should pass without discount. 

Feather No. 2 has the right number of lines, but they 
are poorly divided—zigzag in shape—and should be dis- 
counted 1 point. 

Feather No. 3 is uneven in lacing, one side showing 
fairly well in the black, while the white is quite defective, 

junction of the head and shows a slight tracing of white in 
‘the black center. This lacing is somewhat indistinct—the 
black and white mingle together and should be discounted 
point. : 

Feather No. 3 was taken from near the junction of 
back and shows too much white in under color and tracing 
of penciling not distinct enough. This feather should be 
discounted 1 point—% for light under color and % for the 

black intermingling, and very defective on the other side 
of shaft. A back like this should be discounted 114 points. 

Feather No. 4 fails entirely in lacing. It is simply a 
mixed-up color of black and white, and in view of the fact 
that both the black and white ar defective should be dis- 
counted 3 points. 

Feather No. 5 is better in lacing than No. 4, but is en- 
tirely too dark at the points, making a dark surface that 


\ atl ~—— 

‘Mingling of black and white, failing in the distinct lines. 

Feather No. 4 is fairly good on one side, but breaks 
up too much on the other, and should be discounted 2 

Feather No. 5 is entirely too dark. The outside lacing 
-is almost entirely lacking, the black running to the surface, 
making a dark ring around the neck. A neck showing 
plumage like this should be discounted 3 points. 


This is a very important section from a color as well 
as a shape standpoint—in fact, it is the keynote of the 
‘structure. Without good color and good shape in this sec- 

is objectionable from the fancier’s standpoint, and color 
that would be discarded by an experienced breeder from 
either a cockerel or pullet-mated pen. A feather like this 
should be discounted 2% points. 


This section has a valuation of ten points, and is 
equally divided—five for shape and five for color. In color, 
it should be the same as that of the back—gray, with dis- 
tinct dark penciling, outline of which conforms to shape 
of feather—and this color should be carried well up under 
throat; under color, dark slate. 

Feather No. 1, Fig. 65, conforms to our idea of a 

xr, While No. 2 is uneven in lacing, black and 
together, and should be discounted 2 points. 

or No. 3 is a little better in outer lacing than 
more after the double than the triple-laced style. 
irk in center, and should be cut 14% points. 

No. 4 is too light, lacing is only partially 
I being distinct enough; inside of feather too 
and should be discounted 2 points. A breast with 
like this shows an ashy-gray color and is con- 
defective by the experienced breeder. 

d very 


from an ideal standpoint, and would be ‘so considered by 
an expert breeder. A feather like this should be discounted 
1 point. 

Feather No. 8 fails almost entirely in lacing. It is 
simply a mixed-up color of white and black, with entirely 
too much white, and should be discounted 2 points. 

Feather No. 4 shows the dark barring something after 
the style of feather No. 2, only it is too dark at the outer 
edge, and should be discounted 1 point. 

Wig. 66. 

Feather No. 5 is broken up—too light in under color, 
lacing does not run entirely around the feather, but runs 
across web, and should be discounted 1% points. 

Body and Fluff. 

In Fig. 66 are shown several feathers which illustrate 
quite fully the defects found in this section. 

Feather No. 5 was taken from the rear of fluff and 
shows fairly good for this section, as it is next to impossible 
to get feathers to lace well so far back. However, it is 
too light in the center, also too light in color, and should 
be discounted 1 point. 

Body and fluff have a valuation of only three points in 
color, and the discounts are not as heavy as they would 
be on back or breast, where more points are allowed. 

Fig. 67. 

Feather No. 1 is our ideal and would pass without dis- 
count. However, we would prefer the under color a trifle 
darker than is shown in this feather. 

Feather No. 2 has much the same defect as is shown 
in Fig. 5 in breast. This penciling runs more in the form 
of bars, running across the web of feather, and while it 
shows fairly good from the surface, it is quite defective 


In Figs. 67 and 68 are shown some defective feathers, 
and while they may look exaggerated in the illustrations, 
they were selected from this section. 

In Fig. 67, illustrating the shoulder, or wing bow, in 
feather No. 1 we have our ideal again, while in feather 


No. 2 we have the barring referred to in breast and body. 
At the same time the feather does not look bad from the 

Hig. 68. 

surface, but under the Standard rules will be cut severely 
for it. Six of the points allowed for wings in the Ameri- 
can class are assigned to color, so that in cutting this 
feather 1144 points we are not cutting it any too severely, 
considering the defects. 

Feather No. 3 is entirely too light underneath and 
on the specimen showed a mossy surface, almost entirely 

lacking in the silvery-gray so much admired in this variety. 
Feather is quite well penciled on one side of shaft, but 
almost entirely lacking on the other, and should be dis- 
counted 2 points. 

Feather No. 4 is smutty and uneven, having some 
black splotches in outer white lacing, and although the 
wing shows better on surface than No. 3, it is quite de- 
fective, and should be discounted 1% points. 

Feather No. 5 is too dark in penciling, lacing uneven, 
more after the form of barring, and is quite dark on sur- 
face. This feather should be discounted 11% points. 

The Standard, in describing the color of this section, 
says: “Primaries, black, lower edge penciled with gray; 
secondaries, upper web dull black, lower web gray, with 
distinct dark penciling; shoulders and wing coverts, same 
color as breast and body, well and distinctly penciled; 
under color, dark slate.” = 

In Fig. 68, feather No. 1 I would consider correct— 
black, lower edge penciled with gray. 

In No. 2 we have a feather that shows too much white, 
the outer edging being more white than gray, and opposite 
side of shaft showing quite a bit of white. A wing show- 
ing feathers like this should be discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 3 has the same defect, only magnified, 
having more white than feather No. 2, and should be dis- 
counted 1% points. 

Feather No. 4 is a secondary feather, and while it 
is a little bit light down towards the lower end, the feather 
is about as nearly correct as you will find them, and answers 
well the Standard description—upper web dull black, lower 
web gray, with distinct dark penciling. 


This section is valued at five points for color, and 
should be black, except two highest main tail feathers, 
usually termed the “deck feathers,’ which are penciled on 
upper edge. We sometimes find white or gray running 
into the main tail feathers, which should be black, and our 
description of defects in primaries and secondaries of wing 
will answer for this section, as the cuts there would fall 
equally as heavy on this section. 


Bred and owned by George H, Rudy, Mattoon, Ill. This bird has a record of ten 
first prizes as cockerel and cock at such shows as Indianapolis, Illinois State and 
Illinois State Fair. For size, shape, comb and color he seems to fill the eye of our 
Western breeders. At the Indianapolis Show (1908) this bird headed a pen that won 
second, owing to a mismatched pullet. This bird has been studied closer by the White 
Wyandotte experts than any one male that has been shown in Indianapolis for years. 


An Old Variety But Never Bred in Great Numbers—Good Specimens Scarce. 

HIS variety of the Wyandotte family was 
admitted to the Standard in 1903, but 
was never so popular with the fanciers 
as the promoters had hoped for. Whether 
this was due to the prejudice against 
the color, or the lack of push on the 
part of the originators it is hard to say, 
but one thing we do know—there is not 
one American show in ten that has a 
single entry in this variety, and where 

a show does have an exhibit the class is seldom filled—in 

fact, we cannot recall a show where there have been to 

exceed twenty Black Wyandottes on exhibition. 
During the past few years, or since the Black Orping- 

and winter of 1907, we found several strictly Al birds of 
this variety—hbirds of both sexes that were good in shape, 
size and color. That they will ever be as popular as other 
varieties of the Wyandotte family we very much doubt, 
unless there should be some wideawake American fancier 
fall in love with them, take them up, exhibit and advertise: 
them and make them as prominent as they should be. 
One thing that can be said in favor of the Blacks— 
there is no better middleweight breed in existence from 
a commercial standpoint. They are quick to mature, good 
winter layers, and, regardless of their black plumage, they 
dress a yellow carcass when prepared for the table. They 
have one decided advantage over the parti-colored varieties 
in the number of good specimens that can be bred from one: 


ton has become so justly popular, there has been a slight 
increase in the demand for Black Wyandottes, and the 
quality that has been shown since 1905 has been decidedly 
better than prior to that time. In some shows in the fall 

mating or from one yard—the percentage of exhibition 
stock almost invariably surpassing even the whites when 
properly mated—in fact, an eighty-five per cent. average 
from a well mated pen is no exaggeration. 



No breed of standard poultry is free from defects; . 

neither will it make a name or record for its owner unless 
careful attention is accorded it. The Black Wyandottes 
ire no exception to this rule. The Standard shape is the 
Same for all varieties of this breed, and to a novice it 
would seem that any one could® breed a black fowl, as 
the color is solid, and sound colored breeding specimens 
should surely reproduce themselves, and if we could per- 
Suade the Standard-makers and judges than any color, so 
long as it is black, will do, we would have easy sailing; 
but we cannot do this. They demand that you breed a 
black bird that shows a beetle green in hackle, saddle and 


in calling attention to this defect, only quoting here the 
clause so that it may be understood by all. Under the 
heading of “Cutting for Defects” the Standard says: ‘Pur- 
ple barring appearing in plumage in all varieties in each 
section when found should be discounted % to 2 points.” 
Under the head of “Disqualifications” the Standard says: 
“White or red in any part of the plumage, covering more 
than one-half inch,” and while this description is up for 
consideration it is well to call attention to a peculiar de- 
fect quite often met with in many of the black fowls— 
that is, red feathers. These most often appear in the 
hackle and saddle of males, but are sometimes found in 
the neck and wing bows of females. While this defect is 
not common in any of our standard black fowls, it will 
come occasionally in all black breeds, showing how hard it 



wing bows of male, with same color in neck of females, and 
this color must be produced without allowing the purple 
or peacock color to creep into it—in fact, they demand that 
you mix your color just as carefully as an expert artist, 
and to do this requires skill as well as experience, and in 
addition to both skill and experience you must keep your 
birds in the proper condition from weaning time until the 
feathers of the adult plumage are complete. The fancier 
has many anxious minutes in handling his choicest young 
birds as they are maturing to see whether or not he has 
his colors too strong or too light. Purple barring is the 
curse of his life; he despises its very looks, and he knows 
the judge who awards the prizes at the shows where he 
must exhibit will have the same view of it, and when he 
sees his best cockerels coming through their adult plumage 
free from this defect, he is very careful to keep them in 
perfect condition, as upon the health of the specimen now 
depends the success. Let your best colored birds go off on 
condition and you can bank on it that three times out of 
four the sound color will be affected in just the same pro- 
portion as the health of the specimen. A severe case of 
roup will practically ruin four out of five, and even a se- 
vere cold will taint their plumage to a greater or less 

Since the Standard is so plain in its description of 
cutting purple barring, we will not take up much space 

is to eliminate the original color, or the color of the 
feathers which covered the fowl to which all breeds and 
varieties owe their origin—the Jungle fowl—with its black- 
breasted males with red hackles and saddles. No matter 

how well your birds are mated, or how long your strain 
has been bred pure in color, it is wise to look over very 
carefully for these disqualifications before putting them 
on exhibition. ; 

Another point in Black Wyandottes, and a very im- 
portant one, is the color of bottom ef feet of both sexes. 
The Standard disqualifies all specimens unless the bottoms 
of feet are yellow. White in plumage, while not often met 
with, will disqualify the specimen if more than one-half 
inch in length in any feather, and where they are tipped 
with white the specimens will receive a cut from ¥% to 2 in 
each section where this defect appears. 

We believe this general description of the Black Wyan- 
dottes, with the illustrations of the ideal male and female, 
will give our readers sufficient®information on this variety. 
They are worthy a place in the yard of all fanciers, and 
with the small number being bred today, we believe it 
would be well for some individual, or perhaps several indi- 
viduals, to take them up and make them popular like the 
breeders of Black Orpingtons have done in the past few 



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Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection. 


The Latest Variety of this Popular Breed to be Recognized by the Standard— 
One ofthe Most Popular Varieties Ever Perfected. 

HEN, by accident, the blood of our royal 
Light Brahmas was mingled with that of 
America’s greatest middleweight fowl— 
the Wyandotte—there was little thought 
that this cross was the foundation for 
one of the best as well as one of the 
handsomest of the Wyandotte tribe. The 
commercial breeder saw and admired 
this middleweight breed with its Brahma 
markings without giving a thought to its 

future as a fancy fowl. Its true worth to them was its 

market value as a broiler or roaster, and its wonderful 
winter egg yield, and in these particulars the Columbian 

Wyandotte of today is not excelled by any middleweight 


From these experiments, made by some of the best 
breeders of Brahmas and Wyandottes, and assisted by the 
blood of the truest thoroughbred fowl in our American 
Standard—Light Brahma—such improvement was made 
that in three years a large per cent. were breeding free 
from disqualifications, and the color of neck, wing and tail 
was so close a resemblance to the Brahmas that a class 
was made for them in our large exhibitions. When these 
birds first made their appearance in the shows the poultry 
editors from all sections of the country began to make 
notes of them, and the result was that more fanciers took 
them up, and the improvement that has been made in the 
past two years is something marvelous. 

I have watched the rapid advancement of the Colum- 
bians and noted with interest the class of fanciers that is 



But the fanciers saw more in them than their com- 
Mercial value. Crude as the first cross showed them, due 
largely to inferior birds of both breeds being used, a foun- 
dation was laid to build upon, and the best of these crosses 
were selected for an experiment. 

breeding them. This list is composed of the best informed 
poultrymen in America—men who are not led astray by 
every passing fad, but who have been first to see the merits 
in every good breed that has become prominent in the last 
twenty-five years. 


No one breeder can claim all the honor of this variety’s 
I > many with the same object in view have used 
crosses in their efforts to produce a breed with 
tte shape and Brahma markings. Several varieties 

Silvers and Whites being the ones most favored, 
e Light Brahmas have in almost every instance 
been used as one of the crosses in order to better establish 
Several other breeds have been tried in order to 
‘ correct color, among them Plymouth Rocks and Dork- 
ings, but the majority have used Brahmas and Wyandottes. 

So far as the writer is concerned, he claims nothing 
for his own part in the originating of the variety, but he 
has used outside crosses to better establish both shape and 
eolor on this variety. These experiments were made after 
the Columbians were introduced and had been shown at 
a number of exhibitions. At this time the birds were de- 


the color. 

Fig. 70. 

cidedly faulty in both shape and color. They were too 
long in back and body and too high on legs, so I tried a 
top cross of Columbian Wyandotte male on a finely colored 
Light Brahma female, and a common barn yard female 
with Brahma markings and rose comb. From this cross 
I had some very good females with good combs and clean 
legs, the males being only fair in color and decidedly off 
in shape—long necks, bodies and legs. I then crossed the 
best of the females back to their own sire—a Columbian 
male—and from this cross secured my first perfect flights 
in females, with good neck and tail lacing. The males 
from this second cross were not so good as the females 
either in shape or color, but a decided improvement over 
the ones I had been able to purchase. 

From this foundation and careful selection I estab- 
lished a strain that is breeding satisfactorily and has pro- 
duced some really fine specimens. But the quality is still 

Big. vl. 

in the females; the males will insist on brassy surface as 
s00n as hot weather comes on, providing they have good, 
sound color points, the ones showing the poorest wings 
and necks being decidedly superior in surface color. 

It was not until the matings of 1907 had matured that 
I could really claim a white surface-colored male, with 
other good color points. I have finally produced two that 
up to this writing—May 1—have held their top color, with 

good Brahma markings in neck, wings and tail. The 
worst fault I have found in the females is the persistent. 
dark feathers in backs of otherwise fine colored specimens. 
I believe the white surface-colored, males will eliminate: 
this in part, and perhaps entirely, and I am anxiously 

watching the young birds from this year’s mating to see 
what the results will be. 
I give here the experience of Mr. Thiem, of Iowa, with 

he has done more perhaps than any one man living to 
make the several varieties of the Wyandottes that are 
today so justly popular: 


(By E. O. Thiem, Denison, lowa.) 

Every one has, or should have, a hobby. I certainly 
have mine. For the past fifty years nothing has given me 
more pleasure than to raise a nice pen of some full-blooded 
fowls. I will not mention here about the Buff Laced off- 
spring, as I saved three of each cross of the Buff and White 

Wyandotte, but when spring came the Buff cross had so 
much cream undercolor that I gave them away and mated 
the third White Wyandotte cross to a full-blooded Light 
Brahma male to strengthen the beautiful black in neck, 
wing and tail. The result was very satisfactory as for 

Fig. 76. 

color, but the females had rather long backs, while the 
males were not as good in color but better in shape. 

No males were saved either year. The females now 

had one-half Wyandotte blood and one-half Brahma, some 
with rose combs, others with clean legs. Here it was 
when I read about the great winnings of Columbian Wyan- 
dottes at New York, and to get quicker results I purchased 
chickens. I usually make a specialty of one variety, but 
I have a great desire to learn and get acquainted with 
other breeds that come before the public and are boomed 
up to have their way into the new Standard. Never sat- 
isfied with what I read, I just try them myself and find 
out if the real merits of the new breed come up to the 
claims of the booming fancier. 

Fig. 77. 

So in 1898 I took up the experiment with the Silver 
Penciled Wyandottes. I found them very good layers, but 
too hard to breed by single mating system ,so disposed of 
them, retaining only one—a male of a very light color, 
white in back but remarkably strong in hackle. The idea 
struck me how a fowl like the Silver Penciled Wyandotte 
hen would look when converted into buff instead of steel 

Fig. 78. 
In 1900 I mated the cockerel to a Buff Laced Wyan- 
dotte hen, which I received from Ira C. Keller, and also 

a Buff Wyandotte hen from Mr. Crabtree. The male proved 
to be too strong for just these two hens, sol put with him 

a White Wyandotte hen. Strict account was kept of the 
offspring of each individual. My idea was to break the 
steel color of the Silver Penciled Wyandotte with the mat- 
ings of these three hens, then remate the offspring in order 
to get the buff penciling established. 


ut, to my surprise, all chicks from the Buff Wyan- 
dotte and White Wyandotte hen came with the full mark- 
s of a Light Brahma with Wyandotte shape and comb. 
t 2 purchased a full-blooded Columbian Wyandotte male, 
crossing him on my one-half blood Brahmas, which mating 
gave me back shape, comb and clean legs; but on account 
of the material I had to work with I fell short on black in 
=z, holding all other points. In 1897 I was more fortunate 
in securing the first Chicago male—very strong in shape, 
neck and wings—and his females this year are of good Wy- 
andotte shape and neck like a Light Brahma should have. 

I do not write this to claim that I am the originator of 
Columbian Wyandottes. I am led to answer the article in 
the April (1907) number of The Inland Poultry Journal, in 
which is an illustrated article on the scoring of Columbian 
Wyandottes, and I consider it the best ever given on any 
breed—short, plain and instructive. Right here I will say 
that none of the real merits of the Columbian Wyandotte 
are exaggerated. They are very good all-purpose fowls, 
are excellent layers, and, when once established, a breed 
which we Americans can be proud of. 


In taking up this, one of the most popular new 
varieties of the Wyandotte family, a few words in re- 
gard to their color and origin will not be out of place. 
In plumage they are identical with the Light Brahmas; 
at least, that is what the Stamdard calls for, and, be it 
said to the credit of the breeders of this variety, they are 
fast closing up the gap in color that has for the past 
years existed between them and the Light Brahmas. 
To get good striping in neck of males and females with cor- 
rect tail lacing on both sexes, having at all times the old 
and well established Light Brahmas as a comparison has 
been a big task. The first Columbians to attract attention 
were very defective in color. It is true they showed some 
black in neck and tail and occasionally showed fairly good 
in wing flights and secondaries, being more of a dull black 
or dirty brown, while the lacing so much admired in this 
variety was decidedly lacking. If lacing appeared in tail 
coverts with good sound black in male tail it was invari- 
ably followed with a lot of ticking in back, and quite often 
color would show in breast and body. If the black in neck 

and tail extended well down to the skin it was quite likely 
to show a black, smutty end to hackle feathers, failing in 
white lacing so much admired in this variety. When 
flights showed a sufficient amount of black the two colors 
were quite likely to mingle, giving this section a washed- 
out color that is very objectionable from a breeding stand- 
point. This was the condition of color as found on the 
original birds, and from this mixture the fanciers must 
make the breed if it was worth considering by the poultry- 
men as a thoroughbred. How well they succeeded is 
shown by the admission of this variety to the Standard, 
and the many elegant individual specimens that have 
graced the exhibition rooms at the leading shows the past 

The original cross, or at least the one we have an offi- 
cial record of, is the Light Brahmas—White Wyandottes; 
both breeds being used for the top crosses, and offspring 
of the two bred together. Later on Silver Wyandottes were 
used, crossing the Columbian, both male and female, with 


the Silvers, then using the original Columbians back to 
these crosses. Some claim that an out cross of Barred 
Rocks was used, but we are not prepared to prove this 
statement, the claim being made that another party not 
the one making the report used the Rocks in perfecting 
the color. This we very much doubt, as we. have never 
yet bred a Barred Rock on to any breed with white or parti- 
white plumage that did not give us chicks with decidedly 
more black than white. : 

In my own yards I have used two crosses, one a Light 
Brahma hen with elegant neck and tail lacing, the other 
a Silver Wyandotte female with almost a solid white breast 
and oly a trace of lacing on back and body. To these fe- 
males I have mated the best Columbian male I. could find, 
and from the cross five females were selected—three from 
the Brahma hen and two from the Silver Wyandotte. These 
females were again mated to a Columbian Wyandotte cock- 
ere], and the tail and neck color, the object sought for, 
was quite well established. This color is gradually being 
fed into the choicest matings, and, strange as it may ap- 


Drawn to Conform to Standard Shape and Color as Described by the American 
Standard of Perfection. 



pear, only two of the females from the Brahma cross 
showed signs of feathers on legs; one of them showed a 
handsome pea comb, while the others were as good in 
comb as their sire. 

In shape this breed is far from the ideal at the pres- 
ent time; with the Brahma cross we naturally got a long 
back and long body, color being the most important fea- 
ture to establish the variety has compelled the breeder to 
stay with the objectionable shape in order to get the color 
set in both males and females, but now that we have this 
color it is up to the breeders to begin to reduce the length, 
and within the next few years we may look for Columbians 
as good in this particular as any Wyandotte in the Stand- 
ard. As to their future, in our candid opinion this will be 
the most popular variety of the Wyandotte family. There 
are defects yet to breed out of them, and one that the 
breeders will have a lot of trouble with is brass or creami- 
mess in the back of males, but when the color is once 
bred white with good lacing in neck, wing and tail we 
will not only have one of the handsomest but one of the 
best breeds of fowls ever originated in this country. In 
our illustration (Fig. 69) is shown our idea of a perfect 
Columbian Wyandotte male. It fits the Standard descrip- 
tion and is the type of male that is winning the shape 
specials under our best Wyandotte judges Hast and west. 
The Wyandotte is in reality a bird of curves, and when 
this description was embodied in the Standard we should 
have gone further and said they were also a loose feath- 
ered bird, as I have never yet found a real good closely 
feathered Wyandotte. The best ones of all varieties are 
loose feathered and show certain Cochin characteristics, 

and with our Standard calling for short backs, short bodies, 
short tails and well developed breast we must expect some 
of the Cochin lines. This shape is the one amired by our 
best informed fanciers and is one that has done much to 
make this breed so justly popular. So in presenting this 
outline we do so without apology and feel it is the best 
drawing yet submitted for Wyandotte shape. 

In color the Columbian Wyandotte should be a counter- 
part of the lordly Light Brahma; neck with jet black strip- 
ing and pure white edging; this edging to run entirely 
around the lower edge of feather and holding the color 
well down into throat. The main tail should be black; 
the coverts black edeged with white; wings, primaries inner 
web pure black with a narrow white lacing on outer edge 
‘of the first five feathers. Secondaries black on upper side: 
white on lower side. Under color white, bluish white or 
slate. No preference to be given to the three colors so long 
as the visible portion of the feather is white. 

The breeder of Columbian Wyandottes that first pro- 
duces correct color on both male and female, with true 
Wyandotte shape, will reap a harvest. We doubt if there 
is a new variety of any fowl today that has as many ad- 
mirers among the old breeders and judges as the Colum- 
bian. We have yet to find the breeder, no matter how 
selfish or color-blind, that did not admire the lordly Light 
Brahmas. The fault some found with them was their 
feathered legs and slow maturity. Owing to their im- 
mense size, it requires about eight months to grow them 
to Standard weight. With the only objection that we 
have ever heard against the Brahmas entirely over- 
come and with every good feature in the breed, both fancy 
and commercial, embodied in the new variety they will in 
‘our opinion prove one of the most popular of all the mid- 
‘dleweight fowls. 

It is important that color be permanently established 
first, but in doing this keep constantly in mind the true 
Wyandotte shape and always remember that the Wyan- 
dotte, male and female, is a bird of curves. The shorter, 
broader and deeper you can breed them the better. 

In our illustrations we show you several defects in 
color that you as a breeder must strive to overcome. If 
you must give preference to either black or white in the 
sections illustrated let your preference be to black, as it 
is an easier matter to lighten any section of a breed that 
is three-fourths white than to darken the sections when 
they begin to fade. What we want is jet black and pure 
white—the two colors pure within themselves and not in- 
termixed. ? 

Fig. No. 70 shows a hackle that is entirely too light. 
‘There is only a trace of black at the ends of feather, and 
that in the form of dark ticking. The black there is in it 
is defective, being a shade of brown which gives the surface 
a faded-out, dirty appearance that is an eyesore to fan- 
ciers of pure color. A neck like this can never be used 
with any assurance of producing quality, no matter how 
strong the color may be in the females. It is true a happy 
medium is sometimes reached by breeding two extremes, 
but the per cent. of good specimens is entirely too small 

to warrant the time and expense, even though the speci- 

‘mens that come good were of rare quality as breeders. 

But such specimens have no great value only as individ- 
uals, for no matter how well you mate them they are 
quite likely to breed back to one extreme or the other, and 
this may follow for several generations. 

The Standard allows six points for color in neck of 
all American varieties, and this color is usually divided by 
our best judges in all parti-color fowls, giving three points 
to each color described, and in scoring a neck like Fig. 
No. 2 we would discount the section three points. 

In Fig. 71 we have an extreme in color—that is, one 
showing entirely too much black. The upper portion of 


Owned and Bred by S. T. Campbell, Mansfield, Ohio. 

neck is quite good in color, but the long feathers are de- 
void of lacing, and this absence of white shows too dark, 
or, more properly speaking, a black ring around the base 
of hackle. While this color from an exhibition standpoint 
is quite objectionable, and in the eye of a Light Brahma 
breeder would debar the specimen at a glance, and is far 


Winners at the Chicago Show, January, 1908, first cock and first and fourth pullet. Owned by 
Fred Styers, Greensburg, Ind. The class of Columbians in Chicago, in number and quality, has 
never been equaled at this great show. 


from ideal in a Columbian Wyandotte male, there are a 
number of breeders of this variety today who would give 
quite a good price for a male showing the amount of black 
in neck that was good in other sections. Neck being one 
section that is quite defective in color, usually being too 
light, the breeder would be quite willing to use a male of 
this kind in order to feed in the black that fanciers are 
striving to get. Necks like Fig. 70 are seldom found in the 
male specimens; they are found, however, among the fe- 
males—we might say they are quite common with this 
sex, as in the several yards I have visited I have found 
more or less of it in each of them. In scoring a neck 
like Fig. 71 it should be discounted two points. 

In Fig. 72 we find a group of feathers, showing de- 
fects qquite common in this variety. No. 1 has about the 
Tight per cent. of black and shows good lacing on outside 
except at tip of feather, where there is an extra lacing of 
black on the outside of white, giving the neck a smutty 
appearance at junction of back. A neck like this should 
be discounted one point. 

No. 2 is too light in under color, showing white about 
two-thirds the length of feather and solid black at point. 
A neck like this should be discounted two points—one 
point for light under color and one point for lack of lacing 
at tip. 

Feather No. 3 shows about the same amount of white, 
but shows good lacing on outer edge, and would be dis- 
counted one point. A neck with color like feather No. 3 
looks goods for the surface and from outside appearance 
would indicate almost perfect color, but when opened up 
the cotton under color appears, which is a serious defect 

in any variety, and especially so in a new one where we* 

are trying to establish sound color to the skin. 

Feather No. 4, while a little dark in under color, would 

Fig. 80. 

be passed without a discount. When color in this breed is 
once established we would favor a trifle lighter under color 
at base of hackle than we find in feather No. 4, but for 
the time being, or until we have all our color points prop- 
_erly stamped, I would favor this feather over one showing 
a lighter shade. 


There is a decided difference of opinion among breed- 
ers as to just what constitutes a perfect colored back. Some 
prefer considerable striping in saddle, while others want 
only a trace of it, and some insist there should be none at 
all. The Standard describes it: ‘Surface color, white; 
cape, black and white; saddle, white except where saddle 
hangers take on the character of tail coverts, which, if 
black in web and laced with white, shall not be considered 
defective; under color, either white, bluish-white or slate.” 

If we could breed a male with perfect laced coverts 
and pure white saddles we would surely add beauty to this 
section, but we doubt if this could be done except on rare 
occasions, and even then the bird’s ability to reproduce off- 

Fig. 81. 

spring that would show clear striping in neck or coverts 
would be impaired. You will not that the Standard-mak- 
ers have protected the hackle color by describing the cape 
as black and white, and for the information of our readers 
will say that the cape is the shorter feathers on the back 
underneath the hackle shaped like a cape. Now, to ask 
nature to reverse herself on the back of the same speci- 
men, which we would be doing if we were to insist on a 
pure white saddle, is setting a hard task for the breeders, 
and would, in our opinion, have a tendency to create faking, 
the very thing we wish to avoid. So long as the Standard 
describes under color as white, bluish-white or slate, giv- 
ing no preference to either, we are of the opinion that our 
best males should have a reasonable amount of striping in 
saddle, especially at junction with tail coverts. 

In Fig. 73 is shown the saddle of a male that is very 
much in demand by breeders of Columbian Wyandottes in 
order to establish color. However, there is entirely too 
much color here to fit the Standard description, and in scor- 
ing a back like this it should be discounted one point. 

In Fig. 74 we show what would be termed an ideal 
saddle—one that we believe fits the Standard description 
and one that should not be discounted for color. While 
there is a trace of black in the saddle feather or side hang- 
ers, as they are termed by the Standard, there is no more, 
in our opinion, than is necessary to produce well laced tail 

In Fig. 75 we show a bird with entirely too much 
white in back and tail coverts, just such specimens as are 
often met with in the Columbian Wyandottes today. What 
little color there is is mixed up, showing white and black 
running together, and is in fact the most objectionable color 
to be found on the back of a Light Brahma or Columbian 
Wyandotte male. A back like this should be discounted 
1% points. 

In Fig. 76 are shown three feathers that illustrate 
this section, and were taken from the back of a well laced 

Feather No. 1 is entirely too dark, not only on surface, 
but underneath as well. The black and white intermix at 
end of feather, giving a black effect on surface, and should 
be discounted 11% points. 

Feather No. 2 has the correct lacing on surface, but in 
our opinion is too white underneath, and we do not believe 
a feather like this would hold as a breeder. However, the 
Standard would not allow us to cut for it, as there is no 
preference to be given to the white or dark under color. 

In feather No. 3 we show what we believe to be the 
correct striping, as well as the under color of the tail cov- 
ert. This feather should meet with the approval of breed- 
ers and judges, and is one one we are striving to obtain. 



his section, for a time at least, will be quite defective 

n color, not alone in male, but female as well. It should 
ek except the curling feathers underneath, which are 

white and black. Sickles and coverts glossy, greenish 
lesser coverts, glossy, grenish black edged with 

] experience with this variety we have had 
les str >in getting good laced coverts than getting solid 
lack main tail feathers. There seems to be a tendency to 
un hite in about the same proportion as our Silver 
vandotte breeders experienced some twenty years ag 
this variety was in its infancy. 

In Fig. 77 are shown three defective feathers selected 
from a specimen that is a fair comparison of what we will 
find in the average male of today. 

Feather No. 1 is good except at base, there showing a 
trace of white at end of feather, and should be discounted 
14 point. : 

Feather No. 2 has the most objectionable color of the 
three, it being splotched with white the entire length, the 
black and white intermixing, being no distinct color and 
entirely too white at base. A tail showing feathers like 
No. 2 should be discounted 214 points. 

Feather No. 3, while showing entirely too much white 
at both top and bottom, is really a better feather than 
No. 2 from a breeding standpoint, as the colors are purer 
within themselves. However, the Standard calling for 
solid black tail, we would have to discount feather No. 3 
1% points. 


Here is another section that is more or less defective— 
in fact, we have never yet seen an ideal wing on a Colum- 
bian Wyandotte male. The Standard describes it as “Bows, 
white, except front, which may be partly black; primaries, 
black or nearly black, with white edging of lower edge of 
lower web; secondaries, lower portion of lower web white 
sufficient to secure a white wing bay, the white extending 
around ends of feather and lacing upper portion of web, 
this color growing wider in the shorter secondaries, the 
five next to body being white on surface when wing is 
folded; remainder of each secondary black.” A 

In Fig. No. 78 we show a wing partly spread, illus- 
trating what we believe to be the correct eolor for this 
variety, while in Fig. 11 is shown a wing with entirely 
too much white in primaries—in fact, very much such 
feathers as we find in our exhibition males of today, and 
should be discounted 1% points. : 

In Fig. 79 we find a wing showing the most serious 

defect that Light Brahma and Columbian Wyandotte breed- 
ers have to contend with—an intermixing of white and 
black, both being defective and both running together. 
This wing is defective in both primaries and secondaries 
and should be discounted 2 points. 

With the illustration and our description of defects 
we believe the breeders will arrive at a fair conclusion 
as to the quality of the specimens that they may have in 
their yards and will materially assist them not only in se- 
lecting their best exhibition specimens, but will give them 
a fair idea as to how to mate to improve their flock. We 
will now take up the female and describe in detail the 
color defects found in this sex. 



The similarity of color in the two sexes makes a 
lengthy description of the female unnecessary, as I believe 
we have covered the color defects quite thoroughly in my 
description of the male. In our Standard female is shown 
our ideal, both as to shape and color. We believe this pic- 
ture represents the true Columbian female as described in 
our Standard, and we know it is the type most admired by 
our competent judges. They are a loosely feathered bird as. 
compared to our Games and Leghorns. The long feathers on 
back and body are quite fluffy and stand out from these 
sections more than other breeds, surpassing any of the 
Rock family in this particular. This is no doubt due in a 
great measure to the Brahma blood, as we note the females 
from the Brahma cross, referred to in former pages, are 
quite pronounced in this respect. 

In my cross of Brahmas and Columbians I have been 
surprised at the shape of the females. They are especially 
good—in fact, surpas sanything I have found among the 
thoroughbreds at the time I began breeding this variety, 
but the males from the cross were quite the reverse, be- 
ing long and narrow in body with decidedly long necks 





Fig. 83. 
and legs, reminding one of a young unmatured Brahma 
cockerel in his most awkward stage of development. 

It is well to know that the cross that produced these 
birds was a Columbian male bred on Light Brahma fe- 
males. Whether the reverse in shape would have shown 
had top crosses of Brahmas been made I am not prepared 
to say. 

If some of our readers have used the Brahma males 
on Columbian females we would be glad to hear from 
them as to what success they met with in getting correct. 
shape of the two sexes. It is my desire to find at this 
time the positive origin of the best strains of this variety, 
and in order to do so I desire the co-operation of Columbian 
breeders from all sections of the country. We want facts, 
not guesswork. There are no doubt many breeders who 
have never attempted to write for publication who could 
give us such information, and we urge them to do so, for 
if you have in any way assisted in the making of this va- 
riety you are entitled to the credit, and we wish you to 
have it. A work of this kind will no doubt outlive the 
author many years, and the facts now will be valuable to 
those who come afterward. 

The points in color of females most desired, and the 
ones we must have to make this variety popular with the 
masses, is clean-cut lacing on neck, the black pure within 
itself and the white running entirely around the lower edge 
of feather; this lacing to extend not only at back of neck, 
but down under the throat as well. Tail coverts with two 
rows of clean white lacing, with jet black centers; main 
tail to show two highest feathers laced with white. 

When we have accomplished this we may feel that we 
have started at least to breed Columbian Wyandottes. 
While wing color is important, it is not so essential as neck 
and tail, and if preference must be given to any section 
let good tail lacing be favored over all else, and in order 

to get this and hold it after it is once secured we must © 

look close to our under color and see that we have here a 
sufficient amount of black to feed the three sections 
named. Remember, the Standard-makers have protected 
this new variety in this particular by eliminating one of 
the disqualifications in the Brahma Standard in reference 
to color of back. Our Standard reads: “Black preva- 
lent in the web of feather or back not a disqualification 
but a serious defect.” 'The writer was largely responsible 
for this change in Standard, and my reason in asking for 
it was to establish color in the most important sections 
and allow for a time, at least, birds that were good in other 
sections to compete for and win prizes even though they 
should show some color in web feather of back. 



By referring again to Standard Columbian female we 
find what I believe to be the correct color of Columbian 
Wyandotte. I also recommend this shape to the breeders 
of this variety and ask for honest criticism from those who 
know what correct shape should be, and especially those 
who have an individual interest in this variety. 

In Fig. 83 is shown a plate of feathers illustrating 
some of the defects found in the color of this variety, to- 
gether with our valuation of the defective ones. * 

Feather No. 1 is our ideal tail covert, showing’ what we 
believe to be the proper amount of black and white. The 
black is pure within itself, with a nice clear edging of 
white that shows off this section of the bird to the very 
best advantage. ; ay 

Feather No. 2 is defective, both in white and black. 
The white is too wide on one side and too narrow on the 
- other and fails entirely at end of feather. The black has 
a tendency to creep into the white around the edge, making 
an uneven border. Tail coverts like this should be dis- 
counted 1 point. 

Feather No. 3 is one commonly found in this variety, 
especially in the second or lower row of coverts. The 
white edging is too wide and is more or less flecked with 
black on one side and the black runs entirely to the edge 
on the other, and should be discounted 1 point. 

Feather No. 4 will be found more often on-sides rather 
than directly in center of tail. It is only laced on one side 
with black, and that black fails in the white edging. Should 
all the feathers in the section compare with these, then it 
. should be discounted 2 points. 

Feather No. 5 is too black at end—fails entirely in lac- 
ing at the point where lacing is most desired. It is fairly 
good in side lacing and has about the right proportion of 
black except that black runs more like a straight feather 
through the white instead of being proportioned; broader 
at center than at ends. Coverts showing feathers like 5 
should be discounted 1 point. 

In Fig. 80 we wish to call special attention to the 
wording of the Standard in regard to the lacing of tail 
proper where it says, “Black except two highest main tail 
feathers, which may be edged with white.” Do not con- 
fuse the word “edged” with lacing, as the Standard-makers 
intended that only the sides of the feather should be 
edged with white and not laced entirely around like the 
coverts. We believe the illustration will convey the right 
impression and give the inexperienced breeder the de- 
sired information. 

In our illustration of defective neck and tail color I 
have placed a valuation on the male that would fall equally 
as heavily on the females, as the color description is the 
same for both sexes in the sections named with the ex- 
ception of deck feathers in female, which will be de- 
scribed later. 

In the color of wings there is a considerable difference, 
the female being given decidedly the best of the argu- 
ment by our Standard-makers. The Standard describes 
the color of wing flights in males as “Black, or nearly black, 
with white edging on lower web.” In females it reads: 
“Black and white (the black to predominate) with white 
edging on lower web.” 

With this description of color one can see that a wing 
might be cut one point for color in cockerel and pass 
without a discount in a pullet. Personally, I favor the 
darker wing, and I have never yet found a competent 
judge, or, I might say, a real down-to-date breeder, who 
didn’t agree with me. The color as described was submit- 
ted by the New England Light Brahma breeders and rec- 
ommended by them and so adopted by the Standard-mak- 
ers, but the wing to meet the requirements of our West- 
ern Brahma breeders and our Western oClumbian breed- 
ers must be black on upper web and white on lower web, 
but in view of the fact that it is only a matter of time until 
the Columbian Wyandotte breeders will make their Stand- 
ard to suit their fancy, regardless of the opinion of breed- 
ers of other varieties, we believe that when the time comes 
they will demand a flight black and white as before re- 
ferred to. 

In Fig. 80 is shown a tail that fits our Standard de- 
seription as to color on female, which reads: “Black except 
the main-tail feathers, which may be edged with white.” 
The word “may,” in our opinion, should read “should,” as 
we believe the two highest feathers, usually trmed “deck 
feathers,” should be laced with white, and solid black deck 
feathers be discounted. 

With our description of color, together with illustra- 
tions, we believe the readers will arrive at a fair under- 
standing of proper color and be able to select their best 
specimens, both for breeding and exhibition. I would again 

‘caution the new breeders in reference to color most to be 

considered at this time, give preference to black rather 
than white until you get the black points permanently es- 
tablished in your birds. Don’t be scared at a little ticking 
in body and back color, for a time at least, if by getting 
this you have good lacing in neck and tail. 




This book, which contains 116 pages, bound in the most beautiful THREE- § 
COLOR COVER we have ever seen, printed on the best paper money can buy, § 
is not to be classed with the general run of books on this subject. We feel that §' 
it is by far the most beautiful work of this nature as yet gotten out anywhere. 

It contains EIGHT THREE-COLOR PLATES, reproductions from oil paintings J 
by our special artist, which cost over $2,000. These color pictures represent the | 
White Leghorns, Buff Rocks, Light Brahmas, Black Orpingtons, Silver Spangled { 
Hamburgs, Barred Rocks, Buff Wyandottes, White Wyandottes, Partridge | 

| Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds and White Rocks. Any one of the above pictures | 
have been sold many times for 10 cents each, and they are well worth that price. | 
In addition there are over NINETY OF OUR STANDARD BREEDS ILLUS- Gf 
TRATED IN BLACK AND WHITE, and a history of their origin given; also | 
comments on qualities possessed by each. It treats on the following subjects in 
the most concise manner. ‘‘The Breeding Stock,” ‘‘Market Poultry Raising,” | 
“Winter Eggs and How to Get Them,” ‘Profitable Egg Farming,” ‘How to | 
Grow Chicks,” ‘‘Eggs, Broilers and Roasters,” ‘‘Waterfowl Culture,” ‘‘Turkey § 
Raising,” ‘‘Poultry Houses,” ‘“‘Experience of Successful Poultrymen,” Caponizing 
and its Profits,” ‘Diseases of Poultry and their Remedies.” if 

The one article on ““HOW TO GROW CHICKS,” with receipts for feeding, is | 
worth many times the price we ask for this book, for you will find there is more 
trouble in raising your chicks than in hatching them. Here is where nine out of 
every ten fail. Raise them and your profits are sure. 

We want every reader of this book to have this work in his library. The 
retail price is $1.00, but _we will send-both the Inland Poultry Journal one year 
and for~$1.00; and, if you are not satisfied with your bargain, send us § | 
back the book and we we will refund your money. | 

We are here to give you something you need, and something we are proud of 
when we send it to you, as it has cost us much time, patience and money; and we § § 
shall feel fully rewarded by your appreciation. Send to-day. Check, Post-office 
Order, Express Order or Stamps accepted. Address, 


This Applies to Renewals Also INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 



Partridge Wyandottes | 3°°************eerrrererrs 
Let others magnify their winnings as they may, the fact remains 7 
that no breeder of Partridge Wyandottes in America can show a 0 HT) HM ryan if] ES 

list of winnings that will any way near compete with mine— 
Boston, New York, World’sFair, St. Louis, Kansas City, Missouri 
State, Chicago, Cedar Rapids andhundreds of local shows. Our 
strain of Columbians is considered by experts as good as there 
is in this country. Write for prices on stock or eggs. Mating 
list free. 

Exhibition and record laying stock, 

W. A. DOOLITTLE, Sabetha, Kansas storing doz~points by: netga aes 

Trap-nest, pedigreed birds for sale. 
My first prize breeding pen at Co- 


If you want quality we can furnish it. If you want a foundation that is 
safe to build on we can furnish it. If you want eggs from birds too valuable S T. Campbell 

to price we can furnish them. Remember. our one business is breeding 

White Ween to the very biphest standard Of pericetion ave peuley 

business with us is no side line. ur winnings at Cleveland, ashyille, In- ™ 
dianapolis and the great St. Louis World’s Fair tell the story. Our catalogue, Mansfield Ohio 
describing the largest White « Wyandotte farm in America, mailed for one 

dime. Bend for it 9OO09000999400400000900000 


Have never failed to win in the largest shows, winning at Cincinnati A. P. A. 

Show (1906), Hagerstown, Nashville, Tenn., Frankfort, Ky., Vevay, Ind., War- 99 9OO9 949 F94944699OFHOGOGOS 
saw, Ky. Four firsts and silver cup at Portsmouth, Ohio, December, 1907. At 
Kentucky State Show, January, 1908, in a class of 50, I won first, second and 
third pullet (21 competing); first, second and fourth cockerel; first hen; second 

cock; first pen, and nine specials, including the club’s State cup. Choice stock 
for sale. Eggs $3 per 15. Catalogue free. | ve ydll 0 es 
Ira B. Sleet State Sec. N. W. W, Club Box 40, Warsaw, Hy. 

INNELL’S ("TANDARD-BRED 4) YANDOTTES I have been breeding Silver Wy- 
INE ILVER-LACED IN AND LAY willl diay with aie gaeae eee 

long as I live. If you want some 


See the picture! Grand shape, beautiful heads, closely fitting Hee fowls that fill your egg bas 
rocker combs and flashing bay eyes; perfect wing bars, large, ket write 

clear, open centers, gracefully curved necks and tails; and hack- 
les, backs and saddles of silvery white, with Standard markings, 

are always to be found in our breeding pens and surplus runs. MATT. DOMMER. 

Stock and eggs in season at moderate prices. 

RUFUS A. FINNELL, El Paso, Illinois 


Columbian Wyandottes That are Right) “~~ 

Chicago Winners. Send for Catalogue 
FRED STYERS Box !|2 GREENSBURG, IND. | 29446090900000¢00000000000 

Homestead Farm, Ashton, [I]. |)? =————E 
9 9 2 

Silver Laced Wyandottes, nothing else. We solicit your business in both 
stock and eggs and will treat you fairly. You expect to pay for what you 

get. We will see that you get what you pay for. Catalogue free. WHITE WYANDOTTES 

Write To-day FRED W. ROLPH, Prop’r. 

A Have won at New York and Bos- 

W T W ton for ten years. Also in hands 
H I E Y A N D O | i E S of customers at such shows as 

Chicago, Indianapolis, Philadel- 

The grandest collection of strictly high-class specimens in the West. We phia. If you want birds to win, 
I 2 more than one hundred acres devoted to this one variety, with thou- it 

is of choice birds to select from. Note our winnings at the great Kansas SEALE 

Show, January, 1908, in the strongest class of White Wyandottes ever x 
shown in the West. We want your White Wyandotte trade and guarantee J W ANDREWS, Dighton, Mass. 

to please both in price and quality. 

‘P-B’’ Wyandotte Farm, Office 8Ol Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. $OOO6O460060660666606000006 


TION THAT THEY REPRESENT THE BEST THERE ISIN Wyanpottes.—/“/and ‘Poultry Journal. 


81 Regular and Speeial Premiums this Fall 

On Columbians, first cockerel ac Madison Square, display at Jamestown, ete. 
Whites—best in New Jersey—cups to prove it. Finest flock of Columbians 
in the East. Visitors always welcome. 

SUNNYBROOK FARM, West Orange, New Jersey 


That have been winning since 1905 under Orr, Tucker, Ellison, Johnson, Hewes 
and Pierce. On three entries at Jamestown Exposition one second and two 
thirds, and the only one of six exhibitors at Indianapolis, February 3-7, 1908, 
drawing two first prizes. My stock and eggs are produced on my own farm, and 
not on a dozen or more. I am not a huckster. Neither do I claim the winnings 
of customers. Circular free. Other information cheerfully given. 



Bred to lay, bred to pay. More birds of quality are bred from my strain every 
year than any breeder of this popular variety in America. Let me tell you 
of my winnings at Jamestown Exposition, Chicago and Indianapolis the past 
season. My catalogue is free. I guarantee to please. 



Size, beauty and laying qualities combined in one of the greatest show strains 
in the West. All birds farm-bred, with farm range. My birds win for me and 
win for my customers in the largest shows and strongest competition. If 

you want quality at living prices, write me. 


Have won more first prizes in strong competition on male birds than any 
breeder in the Midwest. No show too large, no competition too strong to keep 
my birds out of the money. Pure white, with grand shape and low, spread 

tails, is my trade-mark. If you want winners, write me, 


GEORGE AUSTIN, Manager |} 

Have made the greatest records in the strongest competition of any strain 
in this country, not alone in my own hands, but in the hands of my custom- 
ers. I can show a list of prize winners, either bred by me or from eggs from 
my yards, that cannot be duplicated by any breeder Hast or West. My grand 
victory at Indianapolis (1908) stands alone and unequaled. One thousand 
youngsters bred from these winners now growing. Write for prices. 



Pure in color, correct in shape, bred to lay and bred to win in strongest 
competition. My record at McKeesport and Pittsburg the past two years has 
never been surpassed by any Wyandotte breeder. Stock of highest quality 

for sale at all times. Eggs in season. 




Fees, a 00 for 15. St.Louis, Ma 



Silver-Laced Wyandottes 

Stock for Sale at All Tities 


$OGO9OOO900 099999999999 9OO 

PTT ET TTT TT Trt TT ray | 

Partridge Wyaniattes 3 

Hadaway’s Choicest Specimens 

New York, Boston and Chicago 
first prize and championship win- 

ners. Stock and eggs in season. 


Menominee Michigan 

2 mM sane an 0 Mii 


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